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Everything posted by JPTCount

  1. Chrome books are the future, if your not paying games or running Photoshop you don't need anything more. I have a Windows desktop and laptop but for most day to day stuff I pick up the chromebook. And for £200 it's the best value fir money pc I've ever had. only real draw back for her is no itunes, as Apple still don't have a web/html5 service for it. What's she currently syncing her phone from?
  2. complete nonsense i was given an ipad 3 from work this summer, and was able to sync my gmail, drive, calendar, chrome, currents, maps, and hangouts. Only thing i cant do is use play music and listen to the 18,000 songs i have uploaded to the cloud (for free, apple charge £20/year for this). All done through chrome on your Mac. You stated before that u already use netflix, which would work across the devices, i however choose to use plex and keep my data in house, and that lets me switch devices instantly, and pick up from that second i left the other device. even has an app on my samsung tv the google tv box is probably the worst product the have ever done, and your basing your whole argument on it. chromecast is much better. where by u can do the airplay thing, but from an iOS device or android. I set an old phone up and plugged it into the tv but i don't watch this TV this way and it didnt work for me. Having used android next to iOS6&7, in my opinion android is far superior now, it wasn;t 4 years ago, iOS7 mostly added things that android already had, and still left put things like swype text. i dont pick up the ipad because ut takes so much longer to do anything on. The only thing iOS gives me that android doesnt is the traktor app, and even then it works better on windows. Fundamentally, you miss the point with google. They are trying to create an environment that allows the user to choose their own hardware, apple are creating an environment where by you have to choose apple hardware. Even the apple environment doesn't seem to sync that well, amazed you cant buy apps in itunes and have them magically apppear on devices. Airplay isn't as good as just having a bluetooth audio adapter. The environment is there but they are more pushed on making people buy new products than actually creating a seamless syncing environment. Why isn't the ipod nano also the iphone watch? The war is over, google proved that with maps, and untill apple come on board with competitive inter-cooperation like the rest of the tech community they will only slide further.
  3. Ess - try google, it's free. you have no reason not to.... and works throughout ur locked down enviroment just set up my google play music and got 18,000 songs on the cloud for free, i think apple charge £20 quid for this..... i dropped my phone in the loo last week in the loo, but it was ok, how does apple get around this problem? using google services don't lock you down to google hardware, they have bridged the gap between apple and windows with things like Drive/docs, and created a competitive, open source phone environment that is far less fragmented than it used to be. it is amazing that they all charge using the same socket! and i can switch from htc to samsung with no loss. basically the war is over because google are creating amazing free services across all platforms. it is now down to the consumer to choose and the hardware companies to impact that choice. apple slipping... Samsung still rising.... anyone with money realise sony are the true high end tech brand...
  4. lol, it was top of the reddit soccer page, so thought I'd share. 'low the hate.
  5. i used to buy the mail at uni because it was of differing opinion to me, and it has the easiest crossword. journalism on the whole is dead, new mediums and a continuation of interns who can afford the placement rather than deserving/earning the placement have seen to this.
  6. Thought police on patrol
  7. makes me laugh so much, you lot trying to work out wot cable goes in which hole. having an extra universal input hanging out the side of an input device is a no brainer.
  8. the classic 'go left' tactic, look at that space blazaretti has
  9. satying logged in? or leave the ip routed through the proxy? really not worth it if i can't switch between machines, may as well stick with flash & sopcast, I watched all our games last year across 6 or 7 different devices
  10. JPTCount

    Man crush

    there is no pause big enough for this thread
  11. going to sign up to this when i get round to it will i need to change my geolocation every time I log in, or just on sign up? anyone know of a limit on number of simultaneous log ins?
  12. We we're brilliant, apart from a few wayward passes from fonte, and a proper goal scorer who will stand in the 6 yard box, we are solid. Wanyama and lovren beasted it. Strong squad looking at that bench and the subs made. Top 6 easy.
  13. lol why wouldnt the t shirt just be red and white stripes?
  14. Or save urself the hassle and make Google do it.
  15. My missus is a yid, and been going to games since she was young. probably been to more games at whl with her than st Mary's, but we get more free tickets there. Last time I went to st Mary's was actually a double date.
  16. It's a football reference..... 'we run the green street's Some nice designs in there tho, wonder if he came up with them himself. Gators gonna gate
  17. tbh i'm not a hater, i rate him, but he's not an exceptional talent i can't tell, i can only surmise like i've always wondered what brought herr & frau heinze to argentina....
  18. so how did Guly's permit work out then? he doesn't look like he's got a european granny either or exceptional talent
  19. anyone using google calender can add it by going to 'other calenders'>>>'browse interesting calenders' didnt realise outlook was still a thing
  20. lol i didn't realise he was speaking english to the press yet, because of things like this... and the poorly translated quote is probably an answer to a question, all twisted to continue the promotion of hate, whipping us all up into a frenzy, shaking fists etc. honestly, why does anyone take the traditional media seriously.....?
  21. i don't see any ads
  22. JPTCount

    Matt targett

  23. not doing much better....
  24. cork wearing 15? 18 saved for Damiao!
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