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Everything posted by JPTCount

  1. Charlie Brooker's views on the matter... http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2006/jun/02/comment.charliebrooker?mobile-redirect=false
  2. there's a thing alot of forumz use called moderators. one did say they were gonna start waving the perma ban stick but the trolling continues
  3. there's a thing alot of forumz use called moderators. one did say they were gonna start waving the perma ban stick but the trolling continues
  4. lolz I can watch it on my phone, and plug it straight into my tv.
  5. lolz I can watch it on my phone, and plug it straight into my tv.
  6. should be able to so long as all the hardware is roughly the same. if not buy a cheap HDD reader for about £10/20, and copy everything u want off it before it breaks lol
  7. Watched the highlights last night, impressive display. Rob Moore is a local boy too, another sporting great from Colden Common.
  8. go the the black boy, get bladdered, talk to the stuffed donkey and spin out when u see the xmas tree /thread
  9. Nathaniel Clyne, Clyne, Clyne Michael Jackson & Paul McCartney
  10. would u be happy if we'd spent close to £60m on downing, Henderson & Carroll? for the money we've spent we've done very well and have outbid teams like Everton and Fulham in the process, we are buying mid table quality imo
  11. doesnt it currently go Hammond>>>Fonte>>>Lambert anyway?
  12. it was scary enough, it made me jump a few times, Im not into actually pooing in my pants.
  13. would have gone down but otherwise occupied, nine bar is bit steep isn't it though?
  14. **** the woman in black watch dead snow (dod sno), a Scandinavian horror about zombie Nazis, they is even more eviler than skeletor. but trust, best horror ive seen in years, ****ing scary, and funny too, and if u cant do subtitles then ur a div
  15. try down hockley, right off the m3, great views of the downs, and le tiss used to be a member there, dunno if he still is. maybe u could have a round with him n Geoff :-D
  16. like i said I don't condone it, but as u say u don't understand. its a bit more than whether u are blue or green hoops, but that sort of abuse and chanting shouldn't be accepted, whichever side is doing it. and u should be the first to realise that nit all fans of a club think the same way, just imagine how good sms would look if we all thought like u. my family are from Ireland, I consider my self English, but its part of my heritage, I do not support the IRA, I have an affection for Celtic but I dont support the extremists, and frankly I find some if the comments on here support an intention to incite if religious hatred.
  17. saying that every catholic is pro IRA is like saying every Muslim is a fundamentalist. both sets of fans use it as an excuse for confrontation, which I dont condone, but what about all those who aren't booing English remembrance, can they not be insulted by it, and have to put up with it because it's part of the game? just out of curiosity do u have any connection with the situation? are u Presbyterian or catholic?
  18. bourbon, neat or with coke
  19. surely then this is the same as telling black people the post war work shortage is over and they can kindly **** off back to the commonwealth?
  20. its easy to write a law that is down to whether the referee finds the language offensive, as is the case with porn and policemen. and swearing in frustration, or as an adjective is very different to telling someone to **** off, or calling then a ****. the fact that Rooney gets away with saying '**** off Phil' to Mr Dowd and gets away with it us disgusting imo. and it doesnt matter what language u find acceptable or have grown up with, its about the situation, and the audience. I swear alot myself, but I dont swear around kids, or should I tell said kids parents that if I find it acceptable then it's acceptable for the kid to hear?
  21. and yet another supposed 'intelligent' poster on here fails to reply to a thread without resorting to trolling.
  22. or maybe I dont care about it enough to really look into it, and it doesnt define me as a person, or a fan, or even our status as a club. if u think it does, and that it compares to other clubs rivalries, u are deluded. we have a longer history of working together, the history and purpose of the Solent is based around the two cities supporting each other. we do not have a Franco situation, or half a millennia of religious war. our rivalry is merely sporting, nothing more. oh and u never actually said what the rivalry is based on, u just told me what I've heard us a lie, and u are assuming.
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