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Everything posted by JPTCount

  1. this is like watching ur parents fight
  2. absolutely immense so far, god given talent & not afraid of a 50/50. will be a club legend.
  3. granted he made mistakes but not picking up rvp from a rebound is more luck than anything, the mistake from that goal came from giving Rio a free header. jos was just as bad, that challenge for the penalty was awful and imo he was lucky to stay on. our whole back three looked shakey, we just have to score 4 against arsenal.
  4. legend imo, good luck to him.
  5. I suspect u will be having ur own words for dinner
  6. slightly surprised at this, as Adkins made a point about how good it was for the youngsters having hard working, honest, professionals like Hammond butterfeild n chaplow in the squad. but if an offer comes in, we'd be stupid to turn it down.
  7. JPTCount


    calm down, i know ur not a salesman, i never said u we're, i just used it as an example/added endnote on the trust issue u mentioned, as i have direct experience with them. and i thought ur example of saints/pompey was a bad one as my learnt behaviour does not make me distrust pompey fans, stone island clad tw*ts would have been a better example. and i didn't say it was mind control, it's just understanding basic human instinct, the pavlovs dogs reference was to the subconscious salivating, rather than the actual reaction theory. as i said before its just common sense, with added placebo. u can call a book a shoe but it's still a book. I'm not saying it doesn't work it clearly does, but have people really only been doing it since the 70s...? and my fridge is too full of fresh food that needs to be kept in the fridge, i don't put ketchup or bread in it either! fruit goes in the fruit bowl until it starts to mould, then the bin.
  8. any chance of cliff's notes for the last 48 hours..?
  9. both have thier flaws imo, our three weakest positions now are gk and 2 x cb and please ladies, put the handbags down
  10. confused, wot do u play 5 a side in?
  11. why dont u buy replica kits..? and why us this year's shirt so terrible?
  12. I bet u used to tip ex band names on ur school bag to fill in the bland bits :-D plus there are plenty of red sash kits out there with sponsers on.
  13. JPTCount


    for starters, who keeps oranges in the fridge? but seriously, that's more descriptive language and playing the numbers than psycho babble, and even then it's just a bit Pavlovs dogs... everyone likes to refresh on a hot day, and 99% of people like oranges, u described an orange, thus bringing up the subconscious effect of making my mouth start to salivate because of my past experience with oranges and my brain remembers them as a tasty, refreshing treat. that's just probability & human wiring, it's the same principle Disney used for thier films, one tactic they use is the dead mother/father no1 likes loosing thier parents, so orphanize a child an immediately the audience feel sad, most will cry, and they will empathise with the character, bambi, dumbo, lion king, finding nemo... and the saints/pompey thing is just common ground, it's easier to chat to someone if u have something to talk about the u are both comfortable with, this is just social interaction, I'm never gonna have a good convo with my nan-in-law about knitting or computer games but we find a middle ground with football and racism :-P u only get one chance to make a first impression and we all make a quick assessment of the person, and it's based on experience. it's why u go to an interview clean and in a suit, rather than smelling of booze with kebab down ur top. and wud u really trust someone more based on thier colours, I've been dicked over by saints fans, arsenal fans, spurs fans, ppl who dont support anyone, but no pompey fans spring to mind. trust has to be earned, and shifty salesmen who employ obvious tactics badly have made me leave the shop, I HATE that touch on the shoulder to say we've made a connection. if I want something I'll buy it, if I dont want something ull struggle to make me look twice, but I make the salesman work for it n allow him to think he's 'winning' to get a better deal, reversed his sales chi ****erz!
  14. so it's all down to economies of scale, and ofc the sponser would pay less, but without real figures it's hard to judge the impact, didn't our sash kit well more than anything else recently? I know my brother (a Liverpool fan) bought an away top mainly because it didn't have a sponser. would the sponsor pay more if we just handed the shirts out? or would the club make more if every shirt was £100 a pop? I just think it's a shame we dont have a choice.
  15. Just watched the u18 highlights and noticed they don't have the sponsor on. why isn't this available to buy? i mean am already paying £50 for it so why should i be a walking billboard, plus it cheapens the shirt imo. i'd pay extra to not have it there tbh. maybe even make the sponsored shirt cheaper, so i don't feel like i'm buying an expensive but better fitting sandwich board and i understand the concepts of business, money & marketing, before the obvious brigade come rushing in...
  16. I would prefer a tax system where we all pay a flat income tax rate, say 10%, but luxury goods, like a rolls Royce would have a 50% vat, whereas a micra carries the standard 20%.
  17. JPTCount


    imo u cant teach common sense, it is observation with applied logic, and even knowing the theory doesn't help with practice. it's like leadership or management, there are certain techniques u can learn and apply, but no situation in life is ever like the case study, u have the quality or u don't
  18. JPTCount


    it's just common sense, with added placebo
  19. this
  20. calm down everyone, we are building a squad that will have a core of players that will be here for the next 8-10 years gazzaniga, clyne, j rod, mayuka, (& ramierez) are all 21, and have all been bought for the long term, as was jack cork last year, and i'm pretty sure players like jos, fox, & sharp we're bought in to get us to the premiership, and not necessarily to compete once we got there. let's not forget we are ahead of schedule in NCs plan, and lambert & guly can only really be expected to play at this level for 2 years.
  21. it's like getting the only Chinese kid who can't do math racist
  22. JPTCount


    anything except star fruit being picky is for girls
  23. wow threads like this make me wonder if there really is an iGod.
  24. dont the clubs pay for overtime? and maybe that's why it's in tv, as one of the games would be moved to Sunday anyway, 3pm ko like they do for fixture stacking.
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