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Everything posted by rickylambert

  1. OWTS: BRAND SPANKING NEW FANZINE Ltd Edition San Siro copies available outside the Saints End tomorrow, I've put a few up online now: http://www.owts.bigcartel.com They'll be minimum €2 but if you can afford to pay more it's all for a great cause! Come say hello if you see me around. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. OWTS: BRAND SPANKING NEW FANZINE Ltd Edition San Siro copies available outside the Saints End tomorrow, I've put a few up online now: http://www.owts.bigcartel.com They'll be minimum €2 but if you can afford to pay more it's all for a great cause! Come say hi if you see
  3. Ltd Edition San Siro copies available outside the Saints End tomorrow, I've put a few up online now: http://www.owts.bigcartel.com They'll be minimum €2 but if you can afford to pay more it's all for a great cause! Come say Hi if you see me around! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. More copies available now at: http://www.owts.bigcartel.com
  5. I'll also be at the Burnley game tommorow, with 4 friends dotted around the place, selling Issue One. Come say hi if you see us!
  6. Anyone on the 1.30 Stansted flight to Bergamo? If so, are you up for sharing a shuttle into town. it's €90 for a car, so €45 for two people, €30 for 3 people...etc. Bus times don't really match up, so thinking this is best way to get to San Siro.
  7. No I put 30 aside for online sales, still lots for the game! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Thanks for all the orders, 10 left for online sale! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. 30 SAN SIRO LTD EDITIONS OF ISSUE ONE FOR OUR DATE WITH THE MILANESE, ONLINE NOW. Also available outside the ground on the day...Go, Go, Go: http://www.owts.bigcartel.com Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Yes, had a friend who was worried because he had a name on his ticket that had been crossed out above his name...he rang them and apparently if you provide and I.D. your away... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Apparently this isn't the case... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. I've just got my name written on my ticket...They not putting passport details on? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Saturday should have been the latest any copies were recieved...If you don't recieve tommorow, email me at tbrooke233@stowe.co.uk
  14. Sorry about that.
  15. Hiya Mate, I completely understand where your coming from, but like the poster above said, there are a number of factors preventing me from taking on the same idea as the Ugly Inside. Firstly its for a charitable cause, but its not the orthodox way of raising money...Subsequentley when you approach someone like an NHS Hospital, saying your making a fanzine in there name, they do have some hesititaion because of the sterotype it represents (A sweary magazine that takes the **** out of people) Secondly, like I say in the ed notes, its for a qualification I'm trying to get and it must have a level of, well formed opinion...This won't be the case for Issue 2 (The qualification thing) and I'll try and get closer to the famous old Ugly Inside. On ads, there will be significantly less in the next issue, as we needed some form of cash flow to buy software, images from people like Getty and to print the magazine. Hope this clears some things up for people who may have been thinking the same thing, as it was a concern for me also.
  16. Should arrive today at latest. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Glad you liked it! Yes, I'll have sellers at Burnley, Chelsea and Inter away. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. There's lots about our trip to Israel and **** hair XI in there too. Hope you enjoy it! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Sorry, some went out Tuesday, some on Wednesday. You'll get it tomorrow. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Will do, expecting copies on Friday, I'll be at the nxt few home games though. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Yes, we've sold out of printed copies for now, but another 100 have been ordered. We'll be at a few games as well.
  22. All orders as of 12, have been sent!
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