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Everything posted by alidiasagent

  1. This chap reminds me of Fabrice Fernandes without the technical ability. If he beats a player, he pops back for another attempt and loses the ball. Rarely releases the ball on time for a pass, if he does it's woefully underweight. It'd be easier to handle if he was rapid, but he's not.
  2. I (google) translated a comment from the Monaco forum on Carrillo.. it certainly made me chuckle (and then cry) "20M for a player who can not control a ball or pass ... It's unexpected."
  3. he's exactly the type'r player we should be signing
  4. Edgar davids as coach... just imagine the day him and Osvaldo get involved in an over zealous challenge in training
  5. Excellent - worked a treat, thank you!
  6. Yeah sorry poorly worded, if I want to buy a batch together for me + a few mates (using my ST + their numbers) how do I do this? as I can just buy my allocated 1, but not theirs...?
  7. I've not bought away tickets this season, (slapped wrist etc) how on earth do I buy a few tickets using me + friends season ticket numbers? Can't be done online as far as I can see, am I able to do this over the phone, or do I have to go to the stadium? Don't remember it being this difficult before!
  8. Just signed up and watching the stoke game at the moment, it was easy enough to get going. It's a bit juddery, is that the same for anyone else?
  9. Good heavens, what an interesting cross-section of mankind the forum provides. We are a team that has risen from the pit of league 1, signed an impressive set of players with champions league experience, bred a handful of potentially world class youngsters and 3 games into the season are calling for the head of our manager whose barely completed 9 months in the job. Yes that players are adapting to a step up, a new formation and some new partnerships. Yes the players that are outbound, don't meet the newly set standard of our team / ambition. That being said, we've got no pace, Pocheticherino has no idea what he's doing (why hasn't he learned english yet?), Lambert has lost it, Osvaldo disrupts the team, Wanyama is the new Ali Dia (I should know) - we need forte / puncheon up top and billy sharp ahead of our italian international striker.
  10. Any Advice on places to park in Swansea?
  11. Watched the game, we played well in the 2nd half. First half (post 5 mins in) wasn't great viewing we really struggled to keep hold off the ball. Sadly Fox cost us the game, he really lacked composure, Shaw was caught out a few times but Fox had a poor game. Lallana was excellent in the second half which was great to see, we struggled to get a foothold in the middle overall. Newcastle looked pretty decent, Sissoko is a class act. Also some nice comments about us on the NUFC forum http://www.nufc-forum.com/nufcforum/index.php?topic=48830.0
  12. Ah great to hear - thank you very much. I think I'd probably keep sky and just move the phone and broadband, if the reliability have been good (as a few of you have noted ) seems like its worth doing!
  13. Really useful thread, just wanted to quickly bump it as I've been looking to switch over, but I've been seriously put off having read some forums online. Anyone thats signed up recently got good / bad stories? I guess it would be the Eastleigh exchange as I'm in the hedge end / west end area.
  14. You made a fantastic result even better. Some context: As I headed to the game and wandered around St Marys to my ticket block, a rather rotund (sunglass adorned) city fan approached the saints fan (who was with his young son) in front of me, and asked where the away end was, to which the friendly saints fan pointed him on his way. Mr shades thanked him, to which friendly saints fan responded, 'no problem, I come here often enough' with a smile and lightly patted Mr Shades on the back. Now this next part made my blood boil, Mr shades launches into an abusive tirade saying 'Don't f**king touch me, I don't want to associate with you, f**k to your own end' he proceeds to physically threaten and scream abuse at this chap (who does get pretty annoyed himself and respond). Not only was it entirely unnecessary and unprovoked, the guy was with his kid! If ever there was karma it was swiftly despatched via Gareth Barry's right peg.
  15. Imagine if the gods of mankind wiped out the human race and deleted the internet with a view to starting again. Now imagine the horror on their faces when they realised they forgot the burn a printout of this thread, it was discovered tucked behind a bin in john lewis, west quay (which survived judgement day). The next generation of mankind would be influenced by the heated debate and nonsensical whitterings of the 0.7% of our fanbase that blindly believe everything they read. Before you post, take a breath and consider the consequences.
  16. Sarcasm was possibly lost on you there... maybe your HTC Desire had the Sarcasm filter off, I've had that trouble on Tapatalk as well
  17. Seasons over now, won't even make the play offs. Thanks a lot Guly Do Primark, it's all your fault, everything is, even my dinner is ruined thanks to you.
  18. Plenty of trolling going on all over the place, must be tough being a hammer at the moment. Nothing worse than watching your team set out and play negative football all the time, going 1 up and hauling off all your strikers is soul destroying stuff - probably explains some of the comments..
  19. Was it Cardiff that held a top 2 position for a large part of the season.. and fell apart at the end? (I'm too lazy to check this...)
  20. You've got to laugh at west ham, calling us lambert FC and lucky for the OG... and then scoring the goal they've just scored... dear oh dear..
  21. Promotion would certainly give us a better idea of the owners future intent, will they invest and make a solid play at staying in the division, or will they look to flip the club for profit and move on. I'm aware we have a plan that aims to take us to the CL (nothing wrong with wild, wild ambition) .. but hopefully making our way back up will give us a better indication on the clubs future. However it pans out the infrastructure investment is a really positive sign, personally I'd love to see us back in the Prem!
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