Promotion Party in Melbourne..
What's organised so far:-
It will be on Sunday 20/5/2012 12pm and finish when the last person has had enough to eat and drink.
Need final no.s by 10/5/12 (next Fri so I can book a place)
Kids and partners more than welcome.
Though it won't be at a kid friendly pub. It will be at the Imperial or a UK style pub (not the Charles - manky with crap beer - though Bruce said the roast was fantastic last year). So one of the partners may have to keep an eye on the kiddies if you bring them.
I have heard heaps of the dads say they want to bring their kids and others so they can see what all the fuss is about
We will do an introduction around the room as per usual and we do want heaps of singing and chanting. Plus many toasts to Markus.
Feel free to bring along non Saints fans so we can press gang them.
Would people feel offended if a I run a raffle to raise money to fund the official SAS web sight (any ideas for prizes)?
Can you also let me know (Vic members) if you can't make as well as make it.
Would love to hear what the other states are doing and photos would be great (from any function in the past as well - Thanks Bris for putting the photos from last years promotion party on the facebook page).
Look forward to hearing from you all and what the other states are doing.
Let's make it better than last year...
ps confirm your attendance on the facebook page