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  1. I beleive that Saints will take a look at him tonight with Totton away at Hungerford
  2. Surprised to start with then thought about it for a while and really it is no suprise. I do think it is completely wrong to start the name calling etc of NC, but we knew this was going to happen at some point. Lets just wait and see what happens and as some one else said it could be one of the best things that has happened to the club since ML saved the club?
  3. All the best to the Leibherr family at this terrible time! Rest In Peace and thank you for saving the club!
  4. Both the playoffs and beat poopey!
  5. Come on Saints keep it going! Turning into a very good Friday night!
  6. Sounds like a very good signing! Lets hope it clicks quickly with Rickie?
  7. FFS 2 goals from open play! Why can't we score from penaltys?
  8. There were 5 goals in the second half, so if each goal celebration was allowed for at 55seconds than you are talking nearly 5 minutes extra on top of the 4 minutes stated, so the points that the BBC were trying to justify do not make sense! Also I have never heard of a referee ever adding extra time for a goal celebration! It just does not add up?
  9. He was 57 not 67 and it is a real shame!
  10. Understandable that it could, should, would does give a lift! But when I used to sit in the Chapel I always used to think we played better in the 2nd half when we kicked towards the Chapel (it may well be the fact that I enjoyed giving lots of greif to the visiting goalie?) Would be good to see the stats though?
  11. Surely if the support lasts the full 90+ minutes then it should not matter which way the team are kicking?!?
  12. Its funny how peoples views are so different (Which I would not change for any reason as life would be quite dull!) Although frustrating that we have not won yet I am also quite happy that we have only lost two games out of six. Whether that is under acheiving or not I don't know, but it is something to build on and with out being one of the over optimistic brigade, I also think that results will start to come and we will be okay!
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