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Everything posted by Truckasaurus

  1. I really cannot believe they managed to squirm their way into admin. I just don't get how? Dirty cheating skates. Why aren't the likes of Coventry/Forest etc kicking up like mad. -10 points is a joke poopey have taken the p**s out of all the other football league clubs. poopey have taken the p**s out of the FL. I really hope they get liquidated at the seasons end because it's not going to happen during the season because the FL don't want it to happen. poopey need a massive kick up the backside (that will be in April)
  2. This thead will stop on Monday. How can poopey continue. Admin..........ha ha ha,no cash Liquidation. Yeh i like the sound of that. There is no way out unless rules are broken. UNLESS RULES ARE BROKEN
  3. they will not exsist monday night,they can't,who is going to pay the bills, that funny man with the bell
  4. Hello all you lovers of all things that are true. I'm trying hard to leave but each day fills me with such joy,the up's and down's,will they ? won't they ? are they f***ing dead yet.I wonder if this "thingy" is more addictive than crack cocaine (it's cheaper) therefore no nicking from Asda anymore. So here it is..........I AM GOING TO BUILD A SHED. (this is important too me) poopey ARE history Monday or i will go mad,i need a shed,i need to put stuff in it, i'm not eating correctly and haven't masterbated for weeks,iv'e got wood,nails all the stuff to build a shed,just this effffing moover fookeeenne anoynggg poopey ........JUST DIE P.S. There ain't na money bwuana,poopey no more
  5. Forest only one "r" HMRC are gunning for poopey. Toast next week,trust what i say. They won't go into admin, I have a feeling the lovey's that hold the PP's are fowarding it to some other football lovey's(players etc) and B******ks to everybody else that's owed money......ergo Toast
  6. If i look behind me all i can see are trees,to my right trees,to my left trees. If i look foward all i can see are trees if i take twenty paces forward i pass several trees but all i can see in front of me is trees. What football club am i ?
  7. i like dogs more than F****in children,get a tetenus(?) though, a jack russell ....what a tart
  8. I don't eat cornflakes, but if i did eat cornflakes i would stop eating cornflakes and eat hot bread instead,the stuff with a slightly charred surface.Then i may put some butter on it.
  9. All this speculation is ..........................well speculation. I see it like this. Poopey will be wound up on the 20th of Febuary 2012. There is nowhere for them to go now. Cannot wait,it's like being 9 years old a week away from christmas. 20th Febuary 2012.
  10. The English football league is like a jug of gold top (any puppies that don't know what that is,ask your mum or dad) with all the cream at the top, getting more "watery" the deeper down you go. Some time in the past a huge giant gave it a big stir with a wooden spoon,he stirred and stirred until his big giant arm ached so much he had to go and lay down.The jug of gold top swirled around for a long time and then began to slow down until eventualy it came to rest. The rich cream and the watery milk were all mixed together.Some of the watery milk was near the top,some of the rich cream was near the bottom.Then as the sun set the jug of gold top was put in the scullary(again ask your parents) As time passed the giant slept and the rich cream rose back to the top and the watery milk fell back down.(div 4) how i like to call it. The next morning the rich cream was rubbed into the 1960's breast's of Sophie lauren (parents again) while the watery milk was put out for the stray cat(with fleas). I don't why i thought of this i just did
  11. what happened there?
  12. [my sentiments entirelyQUOTE=Saint dyer;1269021]What time is the meeting with hmrc and what is it for? Wish Pompey would just **** off and cease to exist
  13. ...............and i've had a shave
  14. Harry won't get the England job even if he's found not guilty (Brian clough!!) I couldn't care less anyway,international football is massively corrupt. I stopped supporting England years ago (man utd players don't talk to Liverpool players) big babies.Pick the England team from the Championship and we would do much better er um...Greece,Denmark,Turkey have all done better than England in recent years.Long live cryoman 1965
  15. there isn't going to be "a next season":scared:
  16. I've just had a thought,why don't all the pikey's in poopey get together and chop down the spinnerker? tower...sell it for scrap,scrap value??? could pay the tax bill and seeing as all them pikey's have never paid any tax they would be doing a great thingy.Everyone's a winner
  17. TOAST........me thinks
  18. cryoman 1965 i work long hours.............what are you implying?
  19. Fromdayone. i'm gonna do that,love giving them abuse,deluded fools all of them
  20. This thread is beginning to p**s me off,i'm not getting anything done,haven't shaved for days,laundry heap that is now flowing into the hall,pile of washing up that will take me all day,dogs haven't seen the leads for days,run out of milk,plus the cricket's on. JUST F**K OFF AND DIE SKATES so i can get on with my life. UP THE SAINTS
  21. morning all,only 17 days to go:)
  22. has their dump of a ground got under soil heating,gonna be cold.I can't get me turnips out the dirt
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