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Everything posted by Truckasaurus

  1. On the subject of automatic relagation for going the "adminministration" way, the football rulers said, for example from September 2014 you get your b*****ks chewed off and sent down then all the clubs know whats coming and have time to get their house in order. Give 'em all a couple of years then F*****g hammer them otherwise it is not a fair playing field. As it is now,Coventry should be spitting feathers. This is how bad it has become........If Saints are promoted before the last game of the season and Coventry need to win to stay up therefore relagating portsmuff,i want Saints to lose because portsmuff have "cheated". That is wrong but in that case i will be cheering the sky blues. Dirty cheating skate inbread mother f***ers should be punished and if they avoid relagation this season then it's no punishment. Why don't every club spend millions and say f**k 'em all we never have to pay our debts and the FL/FA cannot do anything about it, -10 points means nothing if you stay in the Division,-10 points every f*****g season,so what. Or have i missed something What about the scenario(and it could happen) a team wins the Championship after being deducted ten points for entering admin.Doesn't matter, loads of gold bars in the posh league,pay off your debts job done
  2. C'mon sprout concentrate on the Championship and our glorious passage back to the "promised" land,then you'll back back to the "causeway". Glory hunter;)
  3. I got banned, but if i was a poopey fan in charge i would have banned me,i just can't help myself abusing them idiots over on the dark side. I got more and more abusive until.....pop (uuummmm i like the word pop)
  4. I just had a fantastic idea, our beautiful club with all it's beauty and splender buy the debt of the "other" club in Hampshire.........but insist as part of the deal the letters SFC must appear within the club crest. Forever more portsmuff fans will have to have SFC on their bagdes "nuvver hundred years mush" and we will walk tall and they will be beneath us unlike any other football rivarly in England. funny as f*** (or just let 'em die)
  5. That's it then, no chinny,no other millionaires,no hope. I've heard "days","weeks" now it's six weeks (middle of April) You know what that means my little cherubs ? It always seem's to happen in footie,the timeing is ......well if it was a movie it would be too unbelievable. Portsmuff will play their last ever game at the best stadium on the south coast and their last memory of their pathetic,cheating joke of a club will be a tonking at the hands of their most bitter rivals. God this is fantastic. (I could suck Trevor Birch's male chicken) Bless HMRC.
  6. After watching chinny on sky sports news i got the impression from his body language that he was not 100% interested in being involved with this awful club,far from it, he gave me lots of negatives which suggests this is a last ditched attempt to get some money back ( somehow ?) He looked like he was sat on a cactus.
  7. Two Thousand pages it is then
  8. The funny "arab" bloke wants to buy portsmuff again to get some some of his money back. How is that a possability ? I am far from a financial genius (or any type of genius) but if what i read is correct he needs too spend an enormous amount of money...... for what ? I Don't see the funny "arab" bloke buying portsmuff.........unless he is mad. I reckon he is trying to call someones bluff. God bless HMRC
  9. I feel quite ill after looking at that. What's it gonna do every saturday when poopey go pop?
  10. Oh deer,how sad,never mind (in a welsh acksent) if i make spelling mestakes on porpose then the real ones won't be picked up by all the f*****g teachors on heer. Teachors..........another name for police. I don't tell teachors how to do spaniels (spanners) Ok so leeve it,(i can't type and this takes me ages,usally the subject has moved on so much my posts meen nouthing) Anyway portsmuff go bye bye. New portsmuff start kicking a ball around in a field over on the dark side,many years pass and all the little six fingered gypsies don't wanna sea Ringwood come to town much rauther go to the beautiful plaice and watch liverscouse loo's to the gloriuoce SAINTS,tyme goos bye and moor and moor little gypsies opt for wearing stripes whist driving their horse and trap to market.As time passes more and moor of the beautiful city rubs off on them, tattoo's are spelt correctlee,caravans become a thing of the past,"watts lucky heather dad" ? asks Tyson without swearing,things stay where they are instead of dissapeering in the night,lead remains on church roofs and as a result Hampsheer improves enormouslyness (i like that word). Everyone's a winner, portsmuff in the baloo square thingy 1500 loyal pikeeys, no debt, copper cable remains where it should,the holly in the forest isn't rapped every November and our gloriuooose stadium has two increese to 56000 to accomadete the massive catchment area that Southampton Football Club has inherited God Bless HMRC
  11. Good morning all Saints fans, good mourning all portsmuff things. Can anybody shed some light on the fact that "Trev" thinks they won't make the end of the season. Or is this thread set to go on and on and on and on. I can't listen to radio Solent,don't know how my DAB radio works.
  12. Dear corperate ho, please continue to talk b*****ks and post in the future i have a bet with a friend that we will reach 2000 pages. The clock is ticking and only weeks to go before cheats FC are no more. Every time you put "pen to paper" lots and lots of pages turn over. Yours truly, Truckasaurus X
  13. listening to "death in vegas" with tears running down my face,laughing so much. please keep it up, (oh er)
  14. one thing i don't understand is ..........well.........all of it really. How can a debt of over £100 million "vanish". I'm gonna try it with santander,i'm going into admin tomorrrrow (after i've got my Millwall tickets) Wish me luck evryone i'm gonna reduce my £100,000 morgage to............ ??? 20p in the pound.
  15. "Next up on sky sports news,we will be interviewing two turkeys who will be telling us why christmas is wrong." "we will be back after the break"............cue dramatic music
  16. sky sports suck p****y c**ks
  17. all p****y are f*****g w*****s pack the park my arse
  18. "£1/£2 million".......how come TB doesn't know EXACTLY how much is needed. Yes a few quid here and there but between 1 and 2 million,(someone buy him a new calculator) 17,000 ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha (the letters "lol" are too gay)
  19. OK....all you poopey fans read this. 32,000 shiney new ground. (and a car park) £8million being spent on OUR training ground. (our traing ground) The tax man isn't "coming "for us. (he is after you) No transfer embargo. you are in a relagation battle. We are 2nd in the league. .26000 give or take/14000.......................and finally, we play in red and white, you play in a ground you don't own Now please stop bleating rubbish. You know your club is dogs**t and ours is the biggest on the south coast.(then B&HA) Bye Bye skates
  20. I was sure cheats FC were going to be liquidated,i was thinking from my limited nolligde they were history, then they went into admin aaahhh!!! B*****ks they got away with it (for a bit). Then the tacks man gets his way with the admin chappy,things are looking up again.Now all the stuff coming out of the hole over on the dark side makes me think cheats FC are doomed (again) There is too much money owed (£46million) I think the fat lady has just picked up the mike Hoorah for the fat lady. What da ya reckon she will sing ?
  21. "the fratton park club could run out of money within two months" It took me ten minuits to stopp laughing.
  22. What the f**k are "christian morals" surley they are human morals (i don't beleive in god so they cannot be christian morals)
  23. F**K RELIGION................ Why? where would you like me to start? The middle east? The fact that it has held back the human race for thousands of years The crusades The catholic church is probably the most evil organisation on the planet. Do you now what,i could write for hours on this subject but i'm trying to watch the cricket,that's the thing with religion it engulfs EVERYTHING it touches so all i am going to say is EXPLAIN THE F***ING dinosaurs. C'mon god where the f**k are you then F**k jesus,F**K the pope,F**K allah,F**K 'em all GOD DOESN'T EXSIST Get over it and let's explore the universe for the good of all mankind
  24. F**k relgion
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