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Everything posted by Truckasaurus

  1. portsmuff fc are going to be liquidated. I've seen it in the stars...really i have Their fans are idiots,plan B should have implemented months ago. Now they all seem to be talking about this. (The penny has dropped) People on here have been banging on about these subjects for ages. (The whole city is living in a bloody time warp.) Certain stuff i have been reading is so crass it beggars belief. Now i may not be a very clever person but i cannot see anyway out for the phew,chinny is not going to step in,too much money to fork out EVERY month. So to conclude:- "what a marveloooose f***ing summer we is all gonna have" F***ing cheating,stoll the FA cup (not bought it),toothless pikey,thieving jypsy inbred skate,morons who still believe they are a big club. Well my webbed fingered,pathetic,massive chip on their shoulders, hillbilly, caravan loving soap dodgers only weeks to go :scared: PS (please no one talk about jockenese football it has no place here) God bless HMRC.
  2. C'mon Trev, Every day that goes by means more money leaving the cesspit that is portsmuff fc. Why are you not thinking along these lines,any club that wishes to buy any of the players are keeping their cards close to their chest.I doubt any club will come running to you with £2.5 million for player X. No buyers in the pipeline The trust thing is dead in the water It is time Trevor. What could possibly be the delay. God bless HMRC.
  3. F***ing hell Rut,you know your beans.
  4. Oh my god!!!! too late to register a team for next season................................. plan "C" ???? God bless HMRC.
  5. The poopey trust thingy is a total waste of time.The people involved have to move so fast they will need a time machine,then all those £1000 promises will need to be kept Alot of people are willing to save the club but i would guess 25%--40% of fans will bottle it.It is alot of money to loose for many people.That money would be much better spent on a "plan B" I believe Trevor Birch is not doing his job properly,as a "football man" there is too much sentiment involved. Plucky fans,great club,history,part of the city,etc,etc,etc,etc,etc. All this is totally irrelavent. Trevor Birch is letting this club limp along when he should be putting a bolt to the side of the head. If chinny is to save the club then he will only do it when Trev cocks the trigger and not before. Nobody else is going to buy the club so from last Saturday the creditors are loosing money EVERY DAY. Most other clubs are also going to wait before trying to sign players. Could get a bargain if they play their cards right. I wonder how much more money Trevor Birch earns by not liquidating the club after the last game ? (he is paid alot of money and it is not in HIS interest to "rap it up early") If i was a creditor i would not be a happy bunny. God bless HMRC.
  6. The more i read and learn about portsmuff football club the more i f***ing hate them and wish they were liquidated. Their fans are so f***ing thick it beggars belief sometimes. IF, IF, IF, they had off loaded players January,last summer,January 2011 and didn't buy any players since the last admin they would have been religated to "Div3" but maybe would have had a better chance of survival as a club,ur um ur eh. So where you now you thick c**ts? They are still bleating about promotion NEXT SEASON. AAAAAAAAARRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! rant over (i just had to get that off my chest) God bless HMRC.
  7. 37% now............ a clear front runner I wonder how many of the votes are from us lot ? I wonder if the grown ups at WBA will be swayed by the "fans" vote ? This is all so exciting. I still believe they will be wound up,the trust thingy is a waste of time. God bless HMRC.
  8. "there isn't alot of quality in league 1" They got a bit of a shock coming IF they survive the summer (and that is a big if) I thought there was some good teams in League 1,good passing football,passionate players, not many players "dragging their heels". There are alot of players on relatively small wages and they try bloody hard. The trouble with poopey fans is they are so deluded they believe their own bulls**t. It might be quite funny IF they survive.To see them struggle against religation in the "3rd division" with a makeshift team and an unheard of manager. God bless HMRC.
  9. Sell all the players............ ....................................then liquidation ? Yeh that is what Trev is up too. Tick tock tick tock. (i voted for appy ) God bless HMRC.
  10. From this moment on, every hour Cheats FC are loosing thousands of pounds. Is this correct ? I believe so. Then with no income why are we not hearing lots of news coming out of that s***hole at the poor end of the M27 ? There should be something,season has finished Trev,no bids on the table (you've said on dozens of occasions) The money that is keeping the corpse alive should go to the creditors NOW. Or is this too simplistic. "just wind the cheating f***ers up" Can anyone shed any light on why this hasn't happened. God bless HMRC.
  11. Surley the only person who can sack Trev is his "boss". It's all getting a little complicated for me.Think i may bury my head in the Carribean sands for the summer and see what the conclusion is come the end of August. The thing is as loads of peeps have said,it's a thing that just keeps giving. Unappy back off to WBA then.Steve Claridge to take portsmuff on a pre season tour of Monaco(lets see how much more money we can thieve) ............. then liquidation. God bless HMRC.
  12. Maybe a few more points deduction. (Or liquidation to put the iceing on the cake) God bless HMRC.
  13. Normal sevice has been resumed All thats left now is liquidation to take it's course over on the dark side. (i'm still pinching myself) What a glorious day ! God bless HMRC.
  14. I cannot see why chinny would take over the rotting corpse again. If he does all the players on stupid wages will stay put.No player is gonna walk away from £20,000 a week for a more realistic wage (half at least). This means the wage bill will remain ENORMOUS and chinny will have to fund it to keep the golden share. Where does he make any money.Poor TV revenue,smaller gates and a "stadium" that will need plenty of maintenance just to keep it rubbish. I can only think he is trying to flush someone out. Too me it doesn't add up (i am not too bright though). Can he make any cash by buying this s**te football club ? I suppose some of his gangster buddies could do a Tony Soprano and visit all the players at home Maybe we are destined for two thousand pages. God bless HMRC.
  15. I think it maybe Ken Monkou
  16. As bad as the skates eh! HMRC don't make any rules. Politians make the rules. HMRC adhere to those rules. Got that bit ok? Tax collected is shared out by..........................policies polititians make. Got that bit ok? So basically HMRC IS TOLD WHAT TO DO. Got that bit ok? Money they collect does not belong to HMRC. Money collected by HMRC belongs to the treasury (The government of the day) and that money is spent on.............................. Hospitals Fire engines Policeman etc etc etc etc Go to a third world country (i have) and then come home and moan about HMRC. GOD BLESS HMRC.
  17. ........are you sure that's not sheep on the line at Wool
  18. A proper fan would go to the match..............Russel Could you not use some of your "vacation" to go to at least one game this season. God bless HMRC.
  19. All this talk is irrelavant. (but fun) portsmuff are to be wound up in the next few weeks.There is no way to avoid it,unless an idiot with loads of cash turns up. If an idiot is out there why has he not come foward already? Seriously no one has enough cash to bail out the toothless pikey c***ts. No money coming in (no season ticket sales ) loads of money going out. "c'mon Trev get it done before i go on holiday" I don't want to read it two days late sat on white sands with my martini and big breasted beauty by my side.I'm getting impatient now.I want to read it the moment it happens,then a big party....Yippee. He has a legal right to get the best deal for the creditors. No money coming in..........................tick tock tick tock I've been banging on about this for a while now........sorry if i'm annoying any Saints fans. God bless HMRC.
  20. All the players get 100% of their contracts..........lovely jubbly. Tel Ben Haim is on £36,000 a week If he rips up his contract what could he get elsewhere,£5,000 ? £8,000 tops ? He would be an idiot to do that hence why portsmuff are f***ed. There wage bill is many millions of pounds. Ha Ha Nobody is going to buy 'em with the football creditors rule as it is. The idiots from the dark side seem to think they can "offload" their high earners. Deluded fools. Liquidation is the ONLY option left for the dirty cheating skates. Marvelous. Can anyone think of a different scenario ? (really hard ain't it you fishy f****ers) God bless HMRC.
  21. poortsmuff fans moaning being treated unfairly. HA. -10 points is nothing my toothless little pikeys. You wait and see what's coming your way. God bless HMRC.
  22. £36,000 a week. A big fat man,smoking a large cigar,pin stripe suit, walks into fratton park with an enormous amount of money and says "don't worry 'bout a fing" ................or toast God bless HMRC
  23. JUSTICE ? Not yet my little cherubs. God bless HMRC.
  24. When the season is done so are portsmuff. Why would they continue to pay someone £36,000 per week with no money coming in? That is ONE player. There are loads of others earning millions of pounds every year. Unless someone with loads and loads of dosh buys them in the next few weeks.......TOAST I've been saying this for ages. God bless HMRC
  25. " bring along your old mobile phones " talk about rearanging the deck chairs on the Titanic "put those teak ones over there next to that tiny lifeboat" All these measures confirm to me they are f***ed. God bless HMRC.
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