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Everything posted by Truckasaurus
New Brighton Tower 1901 Leeds City 1920 Aldershot 1992 Maidstone UTD 1992 poopey 2012 ???? Smug mode....again God bless Marcus Liebhurr
It's liquidation isn't it ? Must be,no other way. I've been banging this drum for a while now,come back from holiday and chinny can't afford the wages. No surprise to me at all. Smug mode God bless Marcus Liebhurr
£400,000. If that is one payment up front (bet it ain't though) that should cover their "bills" for about twelve days (conservative guess) He wasn't one of the big earners either:scared: I still think they are going to struggle to make next season. How is the fire sale going Trev? We here on this thing are desperate for info and Rallyboy needs some more material to keep us all entertained.(haven't got a MK1 escort for sale have ya?) The Fire Sale..................could it be extingushers he was talking about? i don't think it can be players! All them big earners are going nowhere and chinny is not a happy bunny. God bless Marcus.
Supplied the money to build Lymington Hospital. God bless HMRC.
It's funny really,i don't believe in god and i could be described as a bit of an "Anarchist". The thing is i hate poopey and the HMRC are gunning for them so your enemies, enemy is your friend and what is right is right.Then i started putting that at the end of my posts and now i cannot stop,sorry. God bless HMRC.
The football creditors rule is wrong.It is that simple. Try and convince me,anyone why a childrens cancer charity should get 20% from CVA1 while a millionaire footballer gets 100% from the same CVA. C'mon...anyone. There is nothing to be argued here! God bless HMRC
I think you may have hit the nail on the head;) God bless HMRC.
I think my point has been proved beyond all resonable doubt. God bless HMRC
Some people talk alot of sense on this thread. Some people make me laugh out loud,are very witty and worth a good read. Some people i may not agree with but everybody has an opinion. Some people talk absolute B***cks. I am looking at the bigger picture so next time you are rushed to hospital with a large metal object sticking out of your stomach,think to yourself........................... God bless HMRC.
A late night chat regarding this matter concluded in £500,000/£1,000,000 to complete the "job" (none of us were gay) A squaddie mate of mine then walked in and declared £10,000 and i,ll do the lot of you. It is just a state of mind,won't kill you,and i get a new car. God bless my mate Scottie,
Just a thought,if the creditors are gonna end up with tuppence hapenny (after agreeing 20% in the first CVA),why would any of them vote for CVA 2 Get no money back,or vote for the new CVA............and get no money back. I would have thought as a creditor you would want to give them a bloody nose. I still think they will be wound up this summer,despite the chinny bid. God bless HMRC.
I can only assume chinny has decided to but the club,invest in a new Forty Thousand seater stadium,new exspensive squad and go for the Prem league. God bless HMRC.
A few horses heads on a few pillows,everyones a winner. (Horses are w***ers anyway) No more big wages,chinny can take them to the conferance south and get his money back. We get to two thousand pages. God bless BC.
Has chinny bought 'em yet? Thought it was today? I still think he would be a fool to buy them with that wage bill every week Mahoooosive wage bill, Div 3,smaller attendances. God bless HMRC.
"MAY cause offence" MAY. God bless HMRC.
I know a tiny bit about football pitches. Proper ones not "over the reck" pitches. Give or take up to £500,000 per pitch,just to build it,doesn't include groundsman,tractors,feed,maintenance, mowing, keeping it level,etc (can be up to 1 metre deep) That is why training facilities are talked about in proffesional circles so often,they are very important,no stones,dandylions or dog poo at Staplewood. poopey have major problems and this sort of thing does not attract players to your club hence why they will struggle for years even if they survive this summer. Our training ground is very important and a massive positive. Most people do not realise this and the poopey trust b****cks probably don't have a clue or they would go to plan B.For the future Staplewood is as important as St Marys,believe me.(how much did Alex O C sell for ?) God bless HMRC.
how is the firesale going? me thinks it has been too long since Trev anounced "firesale" The point of the firesale is to get rid of players QUICKLY. With the lack of movement it must be a non starter. Liquidation my beauties. God bless HMRC.
If chinny takes the club on, then he will be unable to move any of the big earners because they will know their wages are safe. He will have no choice but to pay up EVERY week. He is buggered,that's why Trev is trying to move them out now so he can get a buyer,any buyer. I believe they are well and truly heading for the cliff. Chinny isn't going to cough up £10,000,000 next year for some PP's. And it doesn't stop there. Include, trying to agree a CVA when the creditors will think "this chap has got some dough,we can get more of our money back now" I think chinny said what he said to flush out a buyer. He does not want liquidation,but he will probably have to accept that. Will he end up with the ground ? I have no idea but the ground will not dissapear and someone will end up with it/or the land beneath it. The carpark "land" will also be worth loads and we all know who owns that. This pair could walk away with a tidy sum at the end of the day. Only time will tell. God bless HMRC.
I thought the tinternet was in Hampshire only, having never left Hampshire i don't know:rolleyes: God bless HMRC.
It's liquidation,all this talk is irrelavent. The trust or a rich fool on a big white horse is not going to happen. It will happen when i am on holiday,first two weeks in June;) (Although it should have happened months ago,if not years) Tick Tock, Tick Tock...................... God bless HMRC.
One question, why are the national press not all over this like a rash ? God bless HMRC.
Why are the FA/FL doing f**k all. The FA/FL are a f**king disgrace aswell. Family club of the year,someone is on a massive p*sstake. If this was my club i think i would be concentrating on another sport. C'mon Trev wind the f**kers up. God bless HMRC.
Voldermort is a tit. Who does he think he is trying to bring in players ? The kiddies camping in the dump that is fratton park. Footie players have agents,these people earn good money and will be clued up with regards to portsmuff. I will be surprised if they manage to get any players in.(Apart from the obvious thugs and rapists whome no one else will touch with a barge poll) Shed evans will be a free agent in a couple of years..................scumbag,really suits your club. On a different theme,should people as ugly as Voldermort and big fat Sam be allowed so much air time on TV. I thought people on TV were meant to be beautiful,more pleasing on the eye. Sky TV have it about right (even the men ) The sexy lady with..................well mmmmm. The sooner WHU fail and poopey disappear the better for all of us. Then no more vomit over the coffee table. God bless HMRC.
To be far,if i was a poopey fan i wouldn't touch the club with a barge poll. I would keep my £1000 and spunk it on a big tele or something. I would put my all efforts into Plan B. All the trust is going to do is prolong their death. It is time to put "Tibbles" to sleep granma and get another cat. I'm supprised there are another 180 fans that are thinking they can save the club. Deluded fools! God bless HMRC.