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Everything posted by Truckasaurus
:bun:Death by a thousand cuts. Funny really,probably works out at about one cut a day. When they go pop it would be nice to see what happened one thousand days previous........."weird stuff man". How many cuts to go we all wonder,well Kingsbridge Saint not long to go for you my little beauty. God bless sharp knives.
Is it just me or is a jolly to Spain free these days,free food,free hotels,no wages to pay.(sponsered my arse) What the f**k is going on Trev. Honestly this costs money and i am at a loss as to why a club with so much debt, in administration is going abroad. It has been said many times before but i'm going to say it again. THIS IS BEYOND A F**KING JOKE NOW. Wind 'em up Trev,please, it is pathetic how they are managing to stay afloat. AAAARRRGGGHHH!!!!!!!! God bless "Sean the bear" (and his wardrobe making talents)
OOHH! Tiss of the Gingele...........alright then,you come along with me and we will "clean up" God bless big breasted beauties
And the're off,the 2nd of August got a flyer and is the first to show..................and as they settle down it's the 2nd of August out in front,being pressed by the 10th, the 30th and 31st of July four lengths back,mainly the middle of July making up the midfield with the 16th of july bringing up the rear. God bless Derek and Clive
My calander is getting quite full with this sweepstake thingy. Now i have everybodys attention i'm thinking is their a way i could make some money out of it ?(only kidding) Nobody has gone for any dates after the 18th August......mmmmmmmm i wonder why. This is really coming to an end. Is there going to be a "nutjobs" get together when all is done and dusted and if so where is it going to be. I think we are going to need some suggestions please. Any curry house for me. God bless Tarka dull
July 16..........Kingsbridge Saint July 17.........Depressed of Shirley July 18..................St lightjaw July 20......................pedg and spudgun July 23...........Yours truly July 24...........................................Winchester red July 26..........camdijk July 27........................Cryoman1965 ( a big puff ) July 28......................................................................................................Trousers and bionani July 29..............Saint linford July 30......Under west stand and shroppie July 31..........................andysstuff and badger x16 August 1.....Doctoroncall August 3................................Ampersound August 4.........Sevvy August 6..........................................................holepuncture August 9.................Shrek August 10..............................Fowllyd and Saintforever August 17........................................................................................Petersfield Saint God bless not having alot to do today
Roll up roll up "get ya dates in now they are going fast" not many left 'til the start of the season. "Sorry only one day each madame" Roll up roll up. God bless market day.
it is liquidation my little darlings and i for one have a grin like a Cheshire cat,infact my grin is so big you can see both my gold teeth (and they are at the back) I think it is time we had a sweepstake on the actual day. I baggsie the 23rd of July. (The number 23 is also a very dark place ) So a bit of kharma that day would go down well. God bless Old Thumper
That is a brilliant idea. I will give money for that. Just one thing they have to be females to play in the ladies team,not sure about that photo. Is it Kanu ? God bless red and white stripes.
Newspapers.Editors.Management.Circulation figures. God bless Trousers
30 points ? No way, i feel liquidation is the only punishment,£200,000,000 debt "gone" if any football club gets away with this type of p*ss taking they should be dragged across hot coals. Look at the people they owe money too. It is a scandle they are still here. Sell the ground to Tescos and pay the charities owed money is the minimum that should happen. Then let the fans start again lower down the leagues with a new club. Outside of football people would be going to jail for these amounts of money owed. Granted minus 30 points would be funny,watching their pointless season unfold until relagation. God bless liquidation........................again.
club 24 have just employed a "recruitment officer" :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: I've just done a wee in my pants. God bless the Siemens Extraklasse WT 1300 washing machine.
The golden share is withdrawn if a football club doesn't pay it's players. This is a fact. (Unless agreed by a player,wage deferals etc) Club 24 cannot pay it's players so unless most of 'em leave they will either be liquidated or thrown out of the league. The question on my tiny mind is, When ? Why is nothing happening,no player sales. How long Trev ? 1 year,5 years,10 years,why not today ? Honestly this has to come to a head and soon. No CVA has been agreed despite all the spin and bullsh*t. The club can't even afford a football kit. I am at a loss to understand why they still operate as a club. If i had behaved in this manner my house,car and home cinema would have been reposesed ages ago as well as both my knackers cut off. AAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH !! God bless Jello Biafra
I said that two years ago. I think if we new the truths behind this saga (and we never will) then there would be massive uproar. Why were club 24 not liquidated ages ago ? £200,000,000 of debt????????????????????????????? "gone" God bless the weather
Gordon Taylor is a tw*t. How dare he put pressure on people who signed contracts in good faith. (he really is a w**ker) Trevor Birch is a tw*t. How dare he put pressure on people who signed contracts in good faith. The people running club 24 are idiots.Why did they sign contracts they could not afford ? Please,it has gone beyond a joke. Put the fans out of their misery so they can start again. God bless our new home kit
He doesn't look very good. Should fit in well at poopey. If they do suvive,IF. Then they are going to be a very poor team in "Div 3" We were a very good team and i was impressed with teams we played more often than not. Teams with players who have played together as a team, poopey won't have that. What the f**k am i saying ? Liquidation,it's Liquidation. God bless Lorraine Kelly.
Club 24 should have been liquidated a long time ago. Club 24 are not offloading their high earners (why sign them in the first place) Trevor Birch does not want liquidation on his CV that is why all the spin and bullsh*t keeps pouring from the caravan park down that way. Well it is 21 days now to go and unless a massive fire sale happens they are toast. Smegging fantastic. I beleive if any players were going it would have happened by now therefore Trev is spending money he shouldn't be spending and i also think it is correct to punish this club. -10 points was not a punishment for £130,000,000 of debt wiped away (or £200,000,000 or whatever it is) It is a scandless,the amounts we talk about. THE PLAYERS ARE GOING FU**ING NOWHERE TREV..........FOR F**K SAKE. It has become a joke,really it has and now you are taking the p*ss out of all the other clubs that are run prudently. On a different theme, M.Appleton is a complete tw*t. He is getting on my nerves now with the sh*te that comes out of his mouth. Rant over for now. God bless Thai ladyboys
The sh*t has hit the fan,it just hasn't stopped spinning yet. God bless Sunnyfields organic shop
It's liquidation isn't it. No movers eh Trev? How much money has been spent on wages in the last six months ? HOW MUCH ? Well i don't know, but i bet it is alot..........maybe Millions of pounds stirling. This is what one of those millions looks like £1,000,000 (look f***ing smart in your bank statement) Well i think too much time and money has been wasted trying to keep afloat a sinking ship,really it has become beyond a joke and i believe and i've been saying it for ages that poopey WILL be liquidated. God bless a pint of 49er
how about... WHO THE F**K IS LAUGHING NOW. Printed in large letters on the front of a red and white stripey T-shirt (but with the naughty word) God bless the "nutjobs"
eh! birchy,sold any players today ? God bless chairman who keep their checkbooks in their pockets
A poopey fans statue ? Is it possible to do a neck tattoo on a bronze casting ? God bless the Lymington Times
Some questions for ya Trev:- Since you have been in charge of club 24 have you shown more of an interest in caravans ? Have you missed any dentist appointments recently ? Do you long to own a transit van (with a towbar) ? Have you wondered how much lead is on the roof at krappy not arf ? Have you thought to yourself " i only really need to bath occasionaly" ? Have you just bought/ stole two lurchers ? Are you finding it more difficult to read and wright ? If the answer to any of these questions is yes then you may have gypo syndrone. You will then be forced out. At the posh end of the M27 we can see the signs and i believe you need help. Liquidate the cheating f***ers quick Trev before it is too late. God bless swedish chainsaws:bun:
Ok everybody "calm your beans" what football player coming to the end of his career is going to swap £15,000 for say £5,000 ? They will get their money 100% of it. Chinny will pull out,the trust thingy is as dead as speckled jim. Everything rests with the players and when their careers are over what are they to do,they cannot all be footie pundits(thats reserved for good footballers) so they need to grab what they can now. Ergo.........Liquidation God bless bovine TB