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Everything posted by TheVicar

  1. When I found myself leaving dumb comments on a forum full of people who knew better than actually read any of them.
  2. I enjoyed a slendid hour in a sex club in Thailand, this was followed by running home the fastest ever when finding out they were blokes with tits.
  3. I'm looking out for work from home, this should pay about £5000 per week after tax and involve no actual work. A company car would be nice but not essential. Contact vicar@tenpasenta.org Thank you.
  4. I hate the concept of people joining forums just to promote themselves, need a funeral? http://www.budgetfunerals.org/
  5. I burnt down half of Hilliers in Chandlers Ford, the land was sold for posh houses. I tell you Bamboo goes off like gunshots, after getting home over the back fence I told my Dad I knew nothing about it. Me and my mate would lay next to the railway track as the freight trains would come past, this was in Chandlers Ford too. We also made regular runs through a culvert with our little AA torches, then sneak through peoples gardens via the river. I burnt all of my brothers German Airfix planes after throwing them out of the window. Raided many building sites for odds and sods. I was only 40.
  6. I wish the Royals would let themselves be seen spending their own money for once, want a boat, buy one, want a plane, buy one. And cut the hangers on. That is all.
  7. I'd guess I'm from a whole bunch of nobodies, and if not I want to know why not.
  8. My kids only like the snow to look at and close the school, and to be honest I feel the same.
  9. I don't like any of the landing pages, when I go to the home page for example, I like text links to smaller pages not some video I don't want to watch. The sports page is quite tidy looking and navigates better than some.
  10. My site is a bit strange to say the least, and the fact I get good rankings in Google is great fun. I saw Saints Web fans giving me about 100 new hits, I saw the comments and was pleased about the good comments. I tried signing up weeks ago but couldn't join, after about four names I'm in. My site comments were pages away so I gave it a bump and a hello to saints fans. I hope the OP got some interesting info about Woolston, all my photos are real, and no elderly people were injured in their making.
  11. Thank you, it's nice to get feedback, good, bad or imagined.
  12. Thanks for looking at my silly site, as for "reminds me of all the ranting and raving Richard Dawkins does about religion" I'm not sure where that is, I must have missed it.
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