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Everything posted by Danbert

  1. Yes, that struck me as a load of ****** too
  2. I disagree. He's always looked absolutely dreadful when I've seen him play and I've never been able to understand why people big him up on here.
  3. Er... we're 27-4 against the mighty New Zealand.
  4. According to the Beeb, Storrie is about to resign :-) http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/teams/p/portsmouth/8274461.stm
  5. They're the new Barcelona
  6. Apparently Pompey are the new Barcelona... http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2009/sep/23/portsmouth-sulaiman-al-fahim-transfer-window
  7. That cracked me up
  8. He's got a book to sell
  9. Get over yourself - this is an Internet forum what do you expect?
  10. The academy kids just beat Man U 3-1 today. I think there's a good achance as there ever was of a player or two making the grade.
  11. I think you mean "for god's sake man".
  12. Many thanks, much appreciated.
  13. Explain to me how you think we've got a hope in hell of picking up Sammi Hypia
  14. Poulsen's pants give me Wotton any day.
  15. Playing with yourself in public.
  16. If you ask me, what this means is that their playing poker and leaving things till the last possible moment to get the best possible deal and the lowest possible price they can.
  17. This one made me laugh. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/teams/p/portsmouth/8097496.stm In their dreams...
  18. You are a sad man
  19. Who cares...
  20. I think he means Alistair Darling
  21. So you're saying that the problems at Merlion Group Limited have to do with Wilde's lack of business acumen and not the general collapse in the housing market? Or what? Bit of a crap argument if you ask me.
  22. Hate to **** on your bonfire, but you're assuming that some white knight will actually take us on. There may not be any next season.
  23. What a load of rubbish - and very strange to hear someone from the Torygraph saying its the council's job to run SFC.
  24. 2 million :smt101. If hegoes for 2m I'll eat my grandmother.
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