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Bartosz Bialkowski

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Everything posted by Bartosz Bialkowski

  1. I've heard there will/could/should be a signing announced today from a stadium source....... Make of that what you will
  2. Another thread ruined..... Like most people I popped by with genuine interest thinking its the type that would entice any ITK out there to spill the beans. But no, the forum-***t-bridage are just having a **** flicking contest
  3. MP - "Nobody is guaranteed a first team spot" If Forren wasn't happy about that and had a sulk, then good riddance
  4. Marco Almeida.... !!Thats him. Couldnt work that one out.Not Hugo Monk
  5. Oh dear Norm! "What is wring with you?"
  6. We are not bigger than Norwich. Do you remember average attendances from League 1?
  7. I'll take meaningless, as long as we get the player
  8. His own fans seem confident he will be leaving... http://www.cagliaricalcio.net/news/14001/buon-compleanno-davide-.html "send greetings to our almost ex-player, because it is certain, however, that goes away in a meaningless team in the English league"
  9. Cortese signs off every invoice, for baloons.... even Coca Cola. Its crazy to think he isnt involved in almost every part of the transfer process.
  10. I dont think he dived. He was caught on both occasions and went down. Clyne didnt go down and we got nothing, he did but we also got nothing.... He's trying to do his best for our team. I dont believe AL to be in the same category as Suarez.
  11. Are you lot ****ing kidding?! Adam Lallana is by 1 million miles our best player, he got contact in the box and went down, no different to any other player. He works his arse off every game. Tracks back, intercepts and keeps going for 95+ mins. If we had 8 AL's and 2 decent centre backs we would be pushing for europe. Wash you f'ing mouths out
  12. Ive worked it out....... You're jealous! Thats it!
  13. The quote used to be "Defence Wins Championships" on the wall.... That explains it then
  14. Ive really enjoyed the last 3 years. The prospect of promotion to the Premier League was amazing! But now we're here, its pretty ****. Plastic fans, Sunday at 3pm kickoffs..... No hope of winning anything. I'd rather be a Middlesborough fan right now. Far more fun and excitement
  15. Good write up on AL http://thinkfootball.co.uk/a-tactical-look-at-adam-lallana-not-your-typical-english-winger/?
  16. The away teams havent managed to sell their allocation either, we must all be so embarrassed of ourselves
  17. What a ****ing ridiculous poll
  18. In my opinion you're the one in the wrong century. Interesting story for you. My 8 year old son described my black mate (when he couldnt remember his name) as the one with the gold tooth (yeah i know!), he didnt even consider the fact that he is black as the key descriptor! Thats how ive raised him. Thats the world I live in. We're all different. End of story. Why does ever type of slander need a label? Adele is a fat ginger cow. Am I fattist and gingerist too? Numpties, the lot of you
  19. It appears to me that any man who would use the phrase "kiss my teeth" is probably more suited to black gang culture than Southampton FC.He obviously has personality issues and I wouldn't be surprised if he calls guns "gats".
  20. Channel 3 I think
  21. http://www.venturetv.me/channel5.htm Working for me
  22. TBH if you're stupid enough to click download links on streaming websites you deserve a knackered PC.
  23. [h=6]Claus Lundekvam [/h][h=6]Has anyone seen Marcus Reegie Asid lately? He owe's me £54.000 so need to speak to him. Thanks for any help[/h]
  24. Crazy!! Makes you wonder how he ever thought some bedford place bad-boi leaflet handerouter would ever have £54k
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