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Brizzie Saints

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Everything posted by Brizzie Saints

  1. I'm so glad I brought my iPad into work tonight, it's so much better to follow proceedings than on my iPhone like I normally do, I'll be pretty upset tho if they do go pop at the end of this week tho......................I had Monday
  2. [h=4]pompeyfanfor60years[/h] 11:19 AM on 14/08/2012 Time for all us ST holders to demand our money back. This is fraud of the highest order. Call in the Fraud Squad. Spose they'll be to blame next
  3. Thats not my old plate is it (I SFC I ). I used to live in Pukekohe, south of Auckland but moved to brizzie in 06. Good to see people are still attracted to the Land of the Long White Cloud tho. Haere Ra
  4. He he.....not found me yet
  5. Meh....dont like it, thought the last one was bad enough, this reminds me of the carp football league one, suppose i'll get used to it tho.
  6. He He. Start as u mean to carry on, Dumbuyer could well be the perfect replacement for King Kanu. Simon Eastwood (shoulder) and Mustapha Dumbuya (back) are injury concerns for Appleton heading into the match.
  7. So they wanna borrow a swag of cash off the council to buy the sh1t hole, wot about the surrounding land that the Gayman owns?
  8. Oh Dear http://www.portsmouth.co.uk/sport/pompey/pompey-past/coyle-gets-pompey-strength-assurances-1-4124312 The Trotters visit Fratton Park for what is the Blues’ only home friendly of the pre-season programme. Tickets for the match have struggled past the 1,000 mark, although fans can buy them on the day. Meanwhile, Bolton have raised concerns over the strength of their opposition considering Pompey’s continued problems. Appleton will again be reliant on triallists and home-grown youngsters. However, he may once more name Tal Ben Haim and Liam Lawrence in his side, while Dave Kitson is looking to recover from an ankle knock.
  9. OK. A Community Pompey club will be underpinned by seven core values:  The club will aspire to play at the highest level of competition possible  The club will represent the City of Portsmouth with pride  Our supporters are the club. They will feel valued  The club will operate in an open and transparent way  The club will operate on sound financial principles  The club will be an active and integral member of the community  All the club’s representative sides will embody the finest of sporting values This is our chance. It must not pass us by. We can be different. We can be distinctive. We can win. But only if we stand together. This document outlines the proposed bid for Portsmouth Football Club by the Portsmouth Supporters’ Trust (PST). Detailed within this document are the financial forecasts of the trust, for the next three seasons, based on a list of assumptions also set out below. [h=2]2 Proposal[/h] PST is looking to acquire the business and assets of the club including, but not limited to: · The property know as Fratton Park, unencumbered · Premises improvements · Plant and Machinery, computers and electronic equipment · Fixtures and Fittings · Stock on hand · The right to receive all parachute payments from the premier league · Players · Cash relating to season tickets sales for the 2012/13 season, plus any deposit received for future events · Future income relating to historic player sales The purchase consideration for the business and assets will be payable as follows: · On completion, £2.75m for the unencumbered freehold property know as Fratton Park · £1 for goodwill · £1 for all other assets · £850,000 as a contribution to the CVA, payable £500,000 within 60 days of completion and £350,000 payable on the first anniversary of completion · Payments of Football creditors as follows: (i) Full payment of monies owed to other clubs, assuming this amount does not exceed £1.75m (ii) Full payment of monies owed to non-playing staff, assuming this amount does not exceed £330,000 (iii) A maximum of £2m to the football players owed monies · An additional one off contribution of £3,000,000 to the football creditors in the event that Portsmouth FC is promoted to the FA Premier League any time before June 2022 [h=2]3 Key Assumptions[/h] The figures are based on the following assumptions, which are vital to the success of the PST bid. · The current high earning players will have left the club · The maximum cost for player salaries, including taxes and performance related pay is £2.65m per annum · The wage bill for non-playing staff can be reduced to £1.1m, including all taxes and bonuses · Portsmouth football club remain in Division One (third tier of English football) for the next three years. Although relegation to Division Two isn’t thought would have a significant impact on the finances of the club, with both revenue streams and costs falling only slightly · The average attendance for the 2012/13 season will be 11,500, with season ticket sales making up 7,500 of this (nb 7000 already sold as at 27 July 2012). [h=2]4 Investments[/h] PST aims to have four types of investment, in order to raise the necessary funds for the bid. These four investments are detailed below. [h=2]4.1 Share Scheme[/h] Fans have been given the opportunity to purchase a share in the club for £1,000. In order to gauge the serious interest in this, an initial refundable pledge of £100 was required. PST is hopeful of raising over £2m through this scheme. With over £2m pledged by the end of June 2012, the forecasts have been prepared assuming a 75% take-up. The receipt of this cash by PST is likely to be the slowest source of funds out of all four types of investment. The forecast assumes this investment will be spread evenly over four months from September to December. [h=2]4.2 Associate Directors[/h] PST aim to recruit a number of fans prepared to pay a five figure sum to become an ‘Associate Director’. The forecast assumes £750,000 is raised through this form of investment. [h=2]4.3 High Net Worth Investors[/h] High Net Worth Investors (HNW) are a group of people who are each prepared to invest six figure sums into a community club. Whilst individually they are investing the largest amount, no one individual will have control of the club. The club will be a community club owned by all the fans that have invested. PST aim to raise £750,000 from HNW’s of which £630,000 has at 27 July 2012 already been subscribed in cash and is held in the Trust’s escrow account. This would become available to the trust within the first 30 days of completion. It should also be noted that some of the HNW’s have offered additional small loans, however as no firm arrangements yet to be made, this source of finance hasn’t been included in the forecasts, and is regarded as a safety net for source of short-term working capital for the club. [h=2]4.4 Loan[/h] To enable PST to purchase the ground, a medium term loan would be required. Unlike the other sources of investment, this is the only one that is geared towards generating a return for the investor in the short term. PST’s preferred supplier of this loan would be Portsmouth City Council, as this would enhance the ethos of a community club. As per the figures in this forecast, PST would require a facility of £1.5 million in order to purchase the ground, make the football creditor payments and fund necessary investments in the team and the ground, and to provide a measure of working capital headroom in 2012/13. It is likely that the council would be able to borrow this amount at a rate of between 0.5% and 2.0%. PST would be prepared to pay an interest rate of 4% on this loan, with repayment in one tranche from “parachute” payments due from the Premier League in 2013/14. The loan would be secured on the ground and by way of an assignment of the parachute payment due from the Premier League, thereby minimising ay risk to the Council.
  10. Ive got a copy on PDF, its f*ckin hysterical to read, cant upload it tho (too big) unless someone knows a way or where it could be hosted.
  11. And you'll notice most of these businesses are in the SO postcode. An undercover agent perhaps
  12. Oh Please Santa.....I've been very good http://www.portsmouth.co.uk/sport/pompey/pompey-past/chainrai-warns-player-wages-will-kill-off-pompey-1-4118577
  13. Strange but every league table i've looked at, skates, bbc, sky etc dont show the -10, would that be because its being appealed?
  14. I hate the words: Moist, Portion and referring to any food as tasty, not really sure why, just irritates the sh1t outta me
  15. God dammit and I was so Lookin forward to Aug 10.
  16. Cool story.......needs more dragons
  17. I'd pay £5 to see that happen, £5 * 140 = £700
  18. Bugger thats really dissapointing......who had Aug 1st
  19. God I wish people would keep up with events........ I mean there's only 1345 pages FFS. I mean.... How hard can it be
  20. Damn it going away on 21st.......Oh well enjoy the festivities and hopefully a skate demise.
  21. My B'day is on Aug 12th but its a sunday so i'll go for Monday Aug 13th Toaster on standby
  22. The End is Nigh.........Bout F*ckin Time
  23. comment from the snoooze regarding their new trialist Mustapha Dumbuya [h=4]Pompey Crimes[/h] 11:57 AM on 11/07/2012 Don't you just love this guys name. . Must ave a Dumb buyer. . You just couldn't make it up. Must be one of ours . Brings back memories of Ali Dia
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