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Brizzie Saints

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Everything posted by Brizzie Saints

  1. Such a shame, A f*cking legend and a player i'll never forget, he right up there with MLT, channon, ballie and bobby stokes. Thanks for the memories Marion
  2. You'd have a hard job finding a decent picture of this sh1thole.
  3. Is 48 hours up Now?
  4. OK here we go for another fun packed day with the Skate Family, will it be Cala or is Peter Sutcliffe gonna make a guest appearance, only AA knows the answer.
  5. Joseph Cala : The Man From Atlantis http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/teams/portsmouth/9021385/Joseph-Cala-the-Man-from-Atlantis-confident-of-Portsmouth-deal.html Someone ought to capture all this **** and make a comedy tv doco like "the office" outta this, i reckon it'd be a smash hit
  6. The Simpsons Under The Sea Thats f*cking priceless, pmsl for ages, someone please tell em down the road to stop, i cant take much more of this. Gonna sound great on sky
  7. Hi Pete, only home game during that period is Roar v Newcstle Jets sat 28th 6:45
  8. Yep definately looks the same, tho think this might be after the train crash
  9. Cant wait for the next installment, this is almost as addictive as watching corrie COYR
  10. Ah the memories, takes me back to the mid 70's when i was doing my paper round, reading how they were going out of business and loving every word, they were in div 3 then. I hated the C*nts then just as much as now. Nothing has changed, there still broke. After i left school i spent 5 years working in p*mpey dockyard, the term "Skate" is one the locals use for the RN and i'm sure they defo dont like themselves being referred to as SKATES, so i say keep it up. We used to refer to them as scummers for as long as i can remember but it just seemed to lack originality, I also like fish heads, fish f*ckers / fornicators etc, but Skate is quick and to the point. Happy days
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