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Everything posted by NorthamAndAway

  1. http://www.facebook.com/events/377275772367705/377608462334436/?notif_t=plan_mall_activity
  2. Arsenal have been given 1000 tickets so it will be segregated this year, http://www.arsenal.com/match-menu/173409/first-team/-v-arsenal?tab=tickets
  3. Anyone know if Penfield's gear is any good?
  4. I'm 17 but I still don't know whether to buy the Weekend Offender Jacket or not, I'f I had more money I wouldn't think about buying it. But after season Ticket plus saving for away days etc with just a job after college I end up with little left to get a new decent outfit.
  5. Nice one Mate, £60 bargain, not sure which color http://www.onetruesaxon.com/jackets/brunwine-petrol.html
  6. Or this? http://www.sakis.co.uk/Weekend-Offender-Mayweather-Navy-Jacket.aspx
  7. Tight on budget what do you think of these? http://www.sakis.co.uk/Weekend-Offender-Naz-Navy-Jacket.aspx http://www.sakis.co.uk/Weekend-Offender-Naz-Green-Jacket.aspx
  8. I'm 17 and own a mankini, see you there
  9. Anyone who really wants to go will go... decided last night I couldn't miss it, got put on the reserve list for the coach brought a ticket and then got a place on the coach. Everyone I know is driving up so am spending the 6 and half odd round coach trip on my own at the age of 17 and then meeting people there. If I can be arsed to do it then the 'adults' saying they need people to travel with them would to if they could be arsed to.
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