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Everything posted by Orange

  1. Orange

    Net migration

    Sorry, misunderstood. I thought you were saying we have an island mentality and aren't good at accepting outsiders. What i was saying was, when you look at someone like France/Italy etc for comparison, i don't think we do a bad job at all.
  2. Orange

    Net migration

    If that's a dig at the British for not being 'accepting' enough, have you not had much experience in mainland Europe, France for starters?
  3. Orange

    Net migration

    Is it going to create a country where our standard of living, and those of future generations, will be improved though? Yes we could 'fit in' hundreds of thousands of extra people each year, but at what cost? More congestion, more demand for housing, more concreting over our countryside, harder to access services, more community division, and more soulless urban sprawl and Lego land towns. I just don't get why people see this as such a desirable future for the UK. We can still fill gaps in the NHS etc or whatever else, not drawing up the drawbridge but having a careful and controlled policy. How can a government plan infrastructure/services etc if they have no rough idea of numbers that will be added to the population each year?
  4. Orange

    Net migration

    Well you said we don't get 'help' from countries like Canada so it's unfair to compare immigration from them as like for like. Not sure what you were saying then.
  5. Orange

    Net migration

    You implied that we 'owe it to the EU' to have open doors, because they give us such a helping hand deciding where UK taxpayers money should be spent etc. What I was saying is the consequence of having open doors to the EU means we have to treat people from other parts of the world (often countries we arguably have a lot more of a cultural/historical bond with), like sh*t.
  6. Orange

    Net migration

    So we give huge amounts of taxpayers money away, a foreign bureaucrat then gives us a little back in regional aid, and we're meant to be very grateful for that? Why can't we just decide for ourselves on a national level? Fact is, by immigration figures you'd think we have a very lax system. But the govt are actually making non EU people who have very legitimate reasons to settle here like marriage (have several friends in this situation), a nightmare because they're desperately trying to compensate for the swathes of unskilled labour coming in from struggling European countries. How can anyone see that as a good system?
  7. Orange

    Net migration

    Very noble of you. You and Natille Bennett would get on like a house on fire.
  8. Orange

    Net migration

    IMO it's a huge mistake for the future of our country the levels of net migration the elites have inflicted on us for the last decade. I was watching the Daily Politics this week and the Labour shadow immigration minister whatever his name is, was trying to compare our immigration policy to Spain/France etc as if it were like for like. The fact he couldn't even recognise the glaringly obvious fact that France, Spain, Germany etc are hugely larger countries than the UK sums Labour up. While mass uncontrolled immigration has been great for Labour, importing votes in by the millions and enjoying their cheap little Thai restaurant in Islington whilst their Polish nanny looks after the kids, but for the normal Brits it's different. We're a small overcrowded country. House prices have been driven up, it's harder to find school places and hospital appointments etc, working class wages have been driven down, and communities have been changed beyond recognition. Yes there are still very undeveloped areas (thankfully), but look at the south east for starters and all the congestion, new housing developments etc. Having spent time in New Zealand it brought home to me the value of space and the positive impact it has on people's standard of living. Why do we want to create an urban sprawl of a country, concreting over every last bit of green space and packing us in like battery hens. We need to make a decision if that's the country we want to create and pass on to the next generation in 30 years, because at current rates that's where we're heading. The UKIP way is to have a points based system where we control quality and quantity, treating a Canadian for example, with equal worth to a Romanian. Sounds like common sense to me. Clegg in particular likes to deride people as wanting to 'draw up the drawbridge', when in fact people just rightly want to feel like we have it under control. What was really comical, dishonest, and contemptuous to the British public, was Cameron promising to get it down to tens of thousands, whilst he had absolutely no control over his 'pledge', for the obvious reason he has no control over EU migration. At best he was being thick and naiive, at worst he was being a dishonest snake.
  9. chutesaint@yahoo.com
  10. If anyone has a spare ticket, drop me a message. Be much appreciated.
  11. The 72 quid thing a week is utterly bizarre. Why on earth do people expect something for nothing from the state? It's an increasingly competitive world and the Greens have this odd idea that here in the UK we can sit around drinking lentil soup all day, taxing the rich into the ground and opening are borders to the whole world. What could possibly go wrong? The Greens are attracting a lot of support from young people, which i see in my friends, people think they're a 'nice' vote, but they need to actually read their authoritarian, verging communist manifesto and ask themselves if they genuinely want to live in that kind of country. The vilifying of successful business people we see from The Greens and people like Brand is worrying.
  12. I feel sorry for France, they have it even worse than us. Every year I go to Provenece and the segregation is huge there. When lefties say its a myth that ghettos and no go zones exist, they clearly haven't looked around the suburbs of places like Marseille. Muslims are having kids at a much higher average so France is slowly becoming more and more Islamic, and rightly so IMO the white French feel threatened. The more I think of the thousands of European muslims fighting abroad the more terrifying it feels. Europe is now in an absurd position where we have a network of our own citezens across the continent who want to destroy us from within. For decades we've been told multiculturalism is the promised land and that we don't need strong cohesion and it doesn't matter if communities live completely separately and hold no notion of nationhood. One man tried to warn us but the elites didn't listen.
  13. There was me thinking the press treat him like some sort of messiah figure, giving him copious amounts of free publicity for his book.
  14. Orange

    Our Support

    To be fair, there are plenty of 'hardcore' who will travel to somewhere like Hartlepool on a Tuesday night and happily sit in silence. You'd be surprised, it's not necessarily just day trippers who stand/sit like cardboard cut outs. It is clear though that we've got progressively worse over the last two years.
  15. What an annoying prat he is.
  16. Orange

    Our Support

    Anyone who says the majority of our support wasn't awful vocally must have been one of the many standing in silence, I imagine . I'm not saying everyone is going to be bouncing up and down singing all game but come on a bit of effort ffs? It was sh*te from the start which shows it wasn't just the players to blame. If it wasn't for the level of frustration you would have thought it was an end of season meaningless league game, not a 1/4 final tie. Clearly one of our problems is we don't have enough songs.
  17. Agreed that our support was f*cking **** vocally right from the start. Too many seem happy to travel to Sheffield on a December Tuesday night for a quarter final, but to stand theire in silence. 4,000 up there, we should have been able to make a racket.
  18. The real question is whether you'll be able to fully appreciate Stockholm's women at this time of year.
  19. The Tories seem to have completely lost their identity as a party. They took their core vote for granted for years and it's now come back to bite them in the arse. The modernisers and europhiles (Ken Clarke etc), have driven swathes of the their traditional vote away, people finally saying they've had enough. Most of my family are traditionally Tories but are abandoning the ship over the last 4 years, bar a few who have blue blood in their veins forever. So considering they didn't even win a majority in 2010, no way can i see them getting one now. Then Labour with Milliband and Ed Balls at the helm, I just can't see it either. A depressing thought is despite the Lib Dem vote inevitably collapsing they could still be in a position to hold the balance of power. Can't even begin to predict how many MP's UKIP could get. Just depends whether they can create a sense of momentum in carefully picked seats and really get people thinking UKIP are the second runner. What's interesting is in a lot of the north UKIP are the only threat to Labour really.
  20. I f*cking hate them. Once I was bullied by one of their jobsworth instructors into paying more when in fact my ticket was right, so i complained, and it turned out I was right. But instead of giving me my money back, they gave vouchers. It's just the principle of it, complete sh*te. The other week I missed the last train back and had a day return. Got on the first train back in the morning at 6 something, pretty empty train. Hoped the instructor would let me off, he didn't, which I guess is fair enough although annoying. But instead of just making me pay the difference he made me pay a whole new ticket, and on top of that refused to let me use my railcard just to spite me further. Then there's the fact they're an utter rip off. My dad pays an absolute extortionate amount for a season ticket to commute into London. Small journeys are a joke too, it cost my mate something like 25 quid the other day to get from Andover to Winchester.
  21. That's the impression i got watching it on TV. Very quiet .
  22. Didn't make that very clear did they. Or maybe they're backtracking.
  23. Agreed..
  24. 'Stevie Davis our ulster boy, Stevie Davis our ulster boy'. To the tune of Tom hark/Harry and Jim etc. Nice and simple for our fans who can't manage more than two lines. And we haven't got one for Davis really?
  25. That's what I originally had presumed, but small allocation and cheap tickets make me worried it won't..
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