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Everything posted by Orange
Never seen anything like it. Surrounded by full grown men in stitches about it, filming it on their phones i can only assume to send in to Lad Bible or to show all their mates tomorrow. The hilarious clowns who started it just copied it from that plant pot one which was circulating on social media the other day. Had to leave early i couldn't put up with it any longer.
Is it right for the media to use images of refugee tragedy?
Orange replied to Saint-Armstrong's topic in The Lounge
Exactly, it's almost insanely naive, a lot of it must be down to their guilt complex. If there was one ethnic group with a fixed and manageable number of people, fleeing persecution, then it's different and quotos etc can work. But it's not the case. Watching BBC news earlier today their tone as certainly changed from the hysteria they were spouting 2-3 weeks ago, they were even admitting that a lot of the people in Serbia, Croatia, Hungary etc are from all parts of Africa and even beyond : Nigeria, Ghana, even Bangladesh. It's not a politically correct comment to make, but most of these hundreds of thousands of people, if Germany are to let those sorts of numbers in, will have kids at a much higher birth rate than Europeans, transforming even more the ethnic make up of the country in the long run. -
I'm just stating a fact though, and you've chosen to interpret it in that way. We have seen a rise in skinny jean/snap cap type blokes, middle aged people with more money and women at away games. It's not sexist but just honest to say that a lot of women are a lot more quiet, don't enjoy such 'lively' away support etc, I've gone to enough away games over the years to know that.
You really saying everything is fine in Spain and Italy, and they've done well in the long run out the Euro? With their current levels of unemployment? I work with a lot of Spanish who laugh me out the room when i ask them about work, opportunities in Spain etc.
Something that lefties always seem to forget. I despise the BBC and what it stands for ,but if i want to own a TV i risk criminal prosecution if i don't sign up and fund it. No freedom of choice.
Is it right for the media to use images of refugee tragedy?
Orange replied to Saint-Armstrong's topic in The Lounge
I cannot believe the way Merkal and others on the continent have acted. Summed up for me on the news last night- the reporter asked a man making his way to Germany whether he thought he'd be welcomed, and he responded with a big smile saying 'yes of course, my brother has shown me the videos/photos etc on the internet. Unfortunately for this man Germany has now shut its borders. But that's what they've done, through their reckless moral grandstanding, lured millions of people into believing a false dream, and then for some bizarre reason been shocked that the stream of people hasn't stopped. -
What frustrates me is thinking how our support was capable of being class during some of our Champ/League One days. We've never had the best song repertoire, but we could really get behind the team and just create a generally cracking atmosphere. Thinking back to say, Leeds away where we clung on to that 1-0 victory, i remember the Saints end non stop for the whole of that second half, absolutely going for it. Or the likes of Leyton Orient in the sun when we'd make a racket. That's not to say we didn't have our quiet/flat days, but we also had our good days which just don't seem to happen anymore. Now there seems to be more blokes in our away ends wearing skinny jeans and snap caps, and there's more women, middle aged people etc- although there's a core which has remained the same, there's clearly a new demographic at away games since our promotion. As it's been said a lot already- we desperately need some new songs, would be a start anyway.
Is it right for the media to use images of refugee tragedy?
Orange replied to Saint-Armstrong's topic in The Lounge
Of course wealthy people wanting lots of cheap labour will, but how will the majority of normal Brits benefit from unlimited immigration? Adding about a million to the population every 3 years, is this sustainable, and how is it going to improve anyone's standard of living? Also it might make people feel morally superior to indulge in the whole 'refugees welcome' thing, but i hope people wake up from their delusion and realise once these pictures circulate around every impoverished part of Africa, traffickers aren't even going to need to make a sales pitch anymore to persuade these people to part with everything they have. People are encouraging more and more people from every corner of North Africa to abandon their home lands and make a dangerous, illegal journey to Europe in search of a false dream. Another point that seems to be forgotten is that ISIS control large parts of Syria, where a third of them are coming from, and yet the obvious security risk of this is not so much as mentioned on the likes of the BBC. Utter madness. Germany might be intent of sleep walking into disaster, but we shouldn't have to suffer too just because of their guilt complex. -
The bloke is an utter attention whore, it's getting cringeworthy to watch. He said in his video it had 'nothing to do with religion'. How can people think the spread of radical Islamic jihadism is 'nothing do with religion'?
Might not be for you, but how and where i'm governed from is of fundamental importance to me. The economic argument is simple for me. Wealth/Trade is created by markets and not EU commissioners. Will the Germans stop selling us cars to which their industry is highly reliant on? The Spanish stop selling us fruit? French stop selling us wine? Italy clothes etc? We have a trade deficit with the EU- it's in their interests hugely to trade freely with us. The U.S is our biggest trading partner- why do you not argue that we need to be in political union with them?
But if we'd listened to Blair/Branson/Ken Clarke/Hesiltine/Clegg etc we would have.
It comes down to whether you believe we are best governed on a national and local level by accountable and democratically elected representatives, or if you'd prefer to be governed by unelected commissioners and lobbyists in Brussels. I would rather the former. The main reasons for leaving in my opinion are: -As stated above, the incredibly undemocratic nature of the EU. That's not something Cameron can 'renegotiate'. That is the EU. It's structure, along with it's history, is fundamentally undemocratic . -The basic principle that the bigger government is and the more detached and far away from the impact of its decision making, the more wasteful/ unaccountable/self serving etc it will become. -The huge financial burden, and savings we can make which could be invested in other areas. -The fact we cannot control our borders. We're the most densely populated country in Europe and due to the disastrous Euro zone influx from within the EU is only going to keep going up. We need to have control. -We need to look outwards to the world, not be trapped within a declining Europe. The loyalty some people seem to have to the EU absolutely baffles me. An institution which has plunged much of Europe into unprecedented levels of unemployment, had absolute contempt for democratic referendums. An institution where so much money goes missing it would make the MP's 'expenses scandal' seem laughable. These people are utterly fanatical and deluded, people like Van Rompoy and Barroso genuinely think their project has brought stability and prosperity to Europe.They want ever closer union and its time we said no thank you and had the confidence to believe that we're good enough to run our own affairs.
Something to remember when they all come out the woodwork again. They would have had us join the Euro.
Whilst the guy's comments of course have no place, there has also been relentless attacks across the country on UKIP through this whole general election campaign which has gone unreported by the mainstream media and the British Brainwashing Corporation. UKIP shops have been consistently attacked, having their windows smashed through etc . Candidates have been threatened and intimidated even to the point of death threats (i know of one personally) yes like the idiot you've linked. Even in universities there's been attempts to silence UKIP. If there was a similar right wing element doing these things to Labour or the Green Party it would not be tolerated, but because it's the other way round it's no problem. The media have pushed a narrative about UKIP by for years by picking up on any bad egg the party has had and blowing it up into a huge national news story whilst ignoring those from other parties. And there are plenty of wronguns from all the main parties.
Brand is full of contradictions. He urges people to vote Labour because he says 'they'll listen to people', yet this is the same party which wants to drive the UK into ever closer political union with the EU, but without ever giving the surfs a say on our future and whether we want this. He always goes on about 'power to the people'/localised powers and being against 'the corporates'/powerful elite, yet he continues to give his undivided support to the EU and the centralisation of powers, and derides the one party who has stood up against it at every chance he gets. One of the things that really grates me about him is he thinks anyone who's working class and doesn't view the world through his marxist lenses, is therefore 'brainwashed'. He doesn't believe people are capable of thinking for themselves and coming to a different conclusion to him. He thinks they're 'poor uneducated folk' who need to be patted on the back and brought round to his view point.
Yeah i don't really get it either. They seem to have a few areas where they have a very loyal base, like Eastleigh. When i lived near Winchester i remember lots of upper middle class type homes would be decked out in Lib Dem boards.
Anyone else find the new mastermind campaign coming out of Lib Dem HQ quite amusing? That the Tories and UKIP will 'plunge' us into horrible cuts, and that Labour and the SNP will borrow us into a mountain of further debt. But the Lib Dems are there to rescue the situation and hold that 'centre ground'. It's about the only straw they seem to be clutching to. I so hope they get obliterated. It would be a treat to see the likes of Danny Alexander and Tim Farron packing up their bags.
Cheered me up watching that this morning. Look at his face squirm. Thing is it's not like Andrew Neil was even asking unreasonable questions/laboring a point for too long, or anything- just pretty fundamental ones about a policy Labour have chosen to bang on and on about. As he said, how the f*ck can they give us such an exact figure on how much it will raise if they can't even answer such basic questions? It's embarrassing. It's a tax on London and the South East. Why should an elderly couple who have lived in a two million pound house for years be forced to pay this tax because of a ridiculous house price boom they had no part in creating. But Labour don't care because the vast majority of people it will affect won't be Labour voters i'd imagine. And that's all they care about, getting into power.
I don't understand why racism in football is singled out and blown up as such a big issue. Why not 'kick racism out of pubs' etc? Might have been a big issue back in the day and still in a lot of continental Europe, but i find the whole hysteria (peddled by lots of self interest in the kick it out campaign) about it tedious and grossly exaggerated in regards to the UK.
So in the last decade adding over 4 million to the population (and mainly adult population) has not had an affect on the housing market? And you say that UKIP make no logical sense. Why do you want to pack as many people into this small island as possible, what good will that do to the standard of living of Brits? Where i live there's constant new housing developments. More congestion, more soulless lego land urban sprawl and less countryside- how desirable. By asking what countries aren't crowded, you seem to fail to grasp the basic fact that England is an incredibly small land mass compared to France, Spain, Germany etc. The reason why, as you put it, there is 'sensational rhetoric' by us 'reactionaries' is because once you concrete over more and more of this country and pack us in like battery hens, there is no turning the clock back.
Went on tuesday and it was absolutely devastating seeing Annie fall at the final fence, surreal moment. Cost us all big time, there were a lot of broken looking men. Money aside it would have been such a moment as well. Moon Racer did well for me today, and tomorrow most of my money is on Vautor
A world where we are increasingly governed by a detached, centralised, nannying and wasteful superstate in Brussels who's elected parliament has no control over policy making, by the sounds of it.
That's your opinion fair enough, but belief it or not a significant amount of people don't want to feel a minority in their own country, and have felt the impacts of uncontrolled immigration on their standard of living. Interesting that people like you still trot out the 'exaggerated' line. They said that when the doors were opened to Poland etc saying UKIP and others were exaggerating the numbers, they said that in January when the doors were opened to Bulgaria/Romania- both times the nasty 'scaremongering right wing' have been proven right. You say UKIP policies don't make logical sense, but can you tell me what policies contradict each other? Like for example, the Greens (judging by their name), wanting to preserve our environment and countryside, whilst wanting to open the doors to the whole of the world, and having to inevitably then concrete over swathes of our countryside to do so. Contradictions like that? At least we would be able to elect through the democratic process what representatives spunk taxpayers money on, and it wouldn't be left to a detached commission of unelected bureaucrats heavily influenced by lobbying and self- interest. I still find it funny how people got so upset over an MP buying a duck house with tax payers money, yet today for the same as the last 19 years the accounts of the EU were failed to be given a clean bill of health because so much money was unaccounted for. Waste within the EU is on another level.
I thought you'd be mixing with the locals, posing with them for pictures in your knights outfit.