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Everything posted by Orange
If only the masses were were as moral and upstanding as you, eh
The bloke voted in favor of the referendum, so that would therefore imply he would vote to implement the outcome. It's hilarious to see the likes of Clegg and Farron trying to make their position look principled, who both voted for the referendum presuming they'd win and put the issue to bed, but are now throwing the toys out 'cos they didn't. The only MPs who are logically entitled to try and block brexit are those who opposed the actual referendum in parliament, that's a fair enough position.
I liked the Fitzgeralds last season, good ales and cheap grub from memory.
Best Excuse from a Part Timer for a Cup Final Ticket off ya
Orange replied to JackanorySFC's topic in The Saints
So reciprocally speaking, if away support seized to exist, it would not have an impact on the product/brand that is going to watch live football? You're seeing it narrowly in mere terms of direct financial income, not the bigger picture. -
Best Excuse from a Part Timer for a Cup Final Ticket off ya
Orange replied to JackanorySFC's topic in The Saints
Still absolutely fuming about this. I have only been to 5 home games, but have done 7 aways- I don't live near Southampton at the moment. Feels like a total slap in the face by the club. I have traveled to the likes of Israel and the unattractive northern aways, but someone who lives in Southampton and has strolled to a few home games is in a better position than me. I'm not saying it should give me some sort of super fan entitlement, just all games being treated on par would be nice. F*ck 'em. Can't work out if they did it out of sloppiness/just didn't think it through, or whether it was a genuinely calculated decision. -
Exactly. It was the EU nationalists who created Brexit, not us. We didn't change, the EU did.
Stonger In deliberately misquoted such statements and took them out of context, like you are, as Andrew Neil beautifully exposed a while back : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sT8fkefynzM
What is the study/you trying to say? That adding over a million (net) to the population each 3 years will not have much of an affect on housing, the job market, public services etc? Bizarre conclusion if so.
Dress it up in a big LSE study if you want, but the fact is current levels of net migration are completely unprecedented, we've never seen anything on this scale, so it's odd that you make out that people's concern with it is somehow 'rabidly' irrational. At current levels we're adding a million odd to the population every 3 years, and believe it or not, many people are seeing a housing shortage, stretched services, increased conjestion etc- and are increasingly questioning the benefits to their standard of living and that of their children by carrying on at this rate. Also I think you're underestimated the scale of what's happening on the continent. I've often been in a minority of British workers at my work place, instead of reading academic studies if you'd talk to many southern Europeans there, you'd maybe appreciate more the situation. They have had the opportunity sucked out of their countries thanks to the Euro zone (and their own politicians greed, granted). And whilst I feel bad for them, many who I've become good friends with, numbers will keep rising, even France's youth unemployment rate is 25% odd. And it will be impossible to create a high wage economy like Australia whilst having an endless supply of cheap available labor coming from the continent. Although i'm sure big business and the elites wouldn't mind that.
What great 'historical nous' do we 'kippers' need to understand then, since this only became an issue post 2004? Post 2004, with the new entries of Poland etc, and then since then the disastrous project of the Euro which has left swathes of southern European young people searching for jobs, and thus flocking to the UK for work. Most realists can't see the situation getting much better anytime soon, so thus people were faced at the referendum with a choice of higher and higher levels of EU migration for the foreseeable future or regaining border control, and a majority chose the later. But keep trying to big it up into something too complicated for 'kippers' to grasp..
No need to feel sorry for young people like myself old chum - looking forward to a more outward looking, liberalised and democratic Britain. We need to carry on pursuing talks with the U.S, Australia etc as our hand will be strengthened if the EU knows we're lining up free trade deals with such players. Our walk away position has to be WTO trade tariffs (2-3%?) . Then we use the revenue from tariffs on European goods to help stimulate the economy, or lower VAT or whatever for consumers. And whilst there may be short term negative affects of tariff barriers, we will slowly be able to make our own trade deals and break down tariff barriers, from Australia to Africa, which will soon help to lower the price of consumer goods. No more protectionist tariffs on Australian tomato farmers or what have you. As for Ivan Rogers, the bloke should have left on June the 24th - end of the day he was in part responsible for a terrible 'renegotiation', and clearly has no balanced viewpoint to EU membership in which he'd want to make a success out of Brexit. Remember it was the dogma of him and EU officials/Merkel which led to us leaving. All they had to do was provide meaningful concessions on free movement, recognising we were a unique case (small Island, magnet for southern/Eastern Europe etc), and it would have swung to us staying. Luckily for Eurosceptics like myself, they couldn't think beyond their nose.
No need to feel sorry for young people like myself old chum - looking forward to a more outwood looking, liberalised and democratic Britain. We need to carry on pursuing talks with the U.S, Australia etc as our hand will be strengthened if the EU knows we're lining up free trade deals with such players. Our walk away position has to be WTO trade tariffs (2-3%?) . Then we use the revenue from tariffs on European goods to help stimulate the economy, or lower VAT or whatever for consumers. And whilst there may be short term negative affects of tariff barriers, we will slowly be able to make our own trade deals and break down tariff barriers, from Australia to Africa, which will soon help to lower the price of consumer goods. No more protectionist tariffs on Australian tomato farmers or what have you. As for Ivan Rogers, the bloke should have left on June the 24th - end of the day he was in part responsible for a terrible 'renegotiation', and clearly has no balanced viewpoint to EU membership in which he'd want to make a success out of Brexit. Remember it was the dogma of him and EU officials/Merkel which led to us leaving. All they had to do was provide meaningful concessions on free movement, recognising we were a unique case (small Island, magnet for southern/Eastern Europe etc), and it would have swung to us staying. Luckily for Eurosceptics like myself, they couldn't think beyond their nose.
Orange replied to sadoldgit's topic in The Lounge
Oh you've never been harmed yourself? We have no need to worry then clearly. The fact that you think it's a like-for-like comparison people coming from Poland and people coming from Islamic countries with vastly different cultures and many from war zones where Jihadism is rampant is bizarre to say the least. -
Orange replied to sadoldgit's topic in The Lounge
People are 'taken in by right wing propaganda' for thinking we should be cautious about having an open door to Africa and the middle east whilst we have our own home grown problems already? By all means, you're entitled to think allowing over 1.3 million into Germany from a completely different culture within the space of 2 years won't have an affect on social tension or terrorist threats, but saying anyone who disagrees is taken in by propaganda sort of gives away how tunnel visioned and deluded you are. Maybe if you worked in counter-terrorism as well, you would change your complacency towards the level of threats we're facing and get foiled on a regular basis. The left have played a role because they've promoted the doctrine of multiculturalism whereby social integration and national cohesion doesn't matter. Now go to any country in western Europe and we're reaping the consequences in the form of ghettoisation, social tension and Islamist extremism. And they promoted this (Blair etc) whilst demonising anyone who had a different view and pointed out what problems we were storing up. The same people who mocked and shouted 'WACIST' at the likes of Farage for raising concerns about this threat 2 years ago during the start of the crisis, are now the same ones saying 'oh how dare you politicise this', he's merely repeating what he's said all along. As for Hope not hate, he shouldn't have risen to the bait that Brenden Cox put out, but Farage has been on the back of Hope not hate harassment and intimidation for years so you can forgive the guy's disdain for them. -
I'd advocate saints fans physically removing people if they try and do it INSIDE the ground through unfurling flags or banners like Celtic did. Go and protest at the Israeli embassy if you're that way inclined, don't do it at a football club which is there for normal Israeli people who just want to live their day to day lives like anyone else.
Surely you're joking..?
Be'er Sheva is an apolitical football club for ordinary people, most of which anyone who went to Israel will tell you just want to go about their normal lives. It's not some sort of political organisation or a representation of Israeli foreign policy or what have you. Go and protest at politicians if you don't like something, but bringing it into a football match is f*cking pathetic, and if anyone brings Palestine flags or the like to the home match i hope they're turfed out the ground by other Saints fans.
My take on it is a lot of the people who regularly used to follow us away in the league 1/champ days have stopped going so much. So groups who would get ****ed up, make noise etc have been replaced by people who are more interested in whether the coach will have Wifi, capri suns and on board entertainment. When you think back to some of those away games it's changed a lot IMO. That and our terrible song repertoire anyway i blame.
And this is the problem with the 'refugees welcome' brigade. It's not a few is it. The population of Syria alone was 20 million odd, that's before you get on to Iraq, Afgan etc. So you're logic is to send a message to every impoverished and war torn part of the world, that IF you reach the 'finish line' and successfully illegally make you're way through Europe, risking your life along the way and paying large sums to traffickers, you'll be granted a new life. Lineker is an arrogant c*nt, not because he doesn't seem to think we need any vetting process. But because he clearly thinks anyone who doesn't share his view is a heartless bigot.
Take the Prague game at home though. I usually go Itchen North but got my bundle in the Northam for it. Had more or less the whole stand, first European night under the lights, i thought it would actually be a really good atmosphere. As much as I tried, fact is most of the people around me were more interested at gorping into their smartphones then bothering to create any sort of atmosphere. The handful of times it did get going it sounded brilliant though. Likewise with our away support now, seem to find myself more and more surrounded by cardboard cutouts who'll pip up if you're lucky for the 11th rendition of OWTS but that's about it. Shame it's gone so downhill since the lower leagues.
Anyone else on the stanstead-verona flight, the thursday morning one (6.45am)? My outward bound flight was £15.
Europa League - Hapoel Be'er Sheva travel/accommodation thread
Orange replied to stevegrant's topic in Saints Away Supporters
When i booked this trip getting a ticket (non ST holder) in the away end wasn't even an after thought. Just presumed we wouldn't take many at all. But the way the club did the ticket announcement, plus hearing we've already sold a fair few is making me a tad worried. Can we really sell out 800 alone let alone to ST holders? Someone comfort me.. -
I'm after a ticket(s) too if anyone can help..
Yes please -could you email me 14044504@brookes.ac.uk
I'm after a ticket if anyone has one going spare?