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Everything posted by Orange
Would appear Farage is slowly being vindicated once again on his warnings, this time of an EU centralised military. Watching Merkel's speech to the raucous applause of the EU apparatchiks was quite some spectacle.
Or can I meet you up there?
Can I meet you up there, or are you not going?
I'll take a ticket if still available?
After a ticket if anyone has a spare.
Are you kidding- it's a wild assumption to presume thousands knew about it? Have you not seen the list of towns/cities where this went on? If you think the only people who committed these acts, or who knew what was going on, are the ones up in the dock, then you are one incredibly naiive person. Again, I feel you haven't really read into the cases much if you find this such a 'wild assumption'. The fact you're honestly comparing this to Ched Evans shows how far gone you are And there are no groups of white men carrying out this style of social, ethnically targeted, abuse on the scale we've seen. If I'm wrong please show me evidence? Are there white men in positions of power carrying out sexual abuse? Of course, we had endless news coverage and debate about Saville etc. Rightly. Of course there's white peodos luring over kids online, abusing their kids behind closed doors etc. But you'll never be able to identify the reasons this was allowed to happen because you won't even identify the issue.
But by the 'Yaxley-Lennons' of the world you mean a very large chunk of European citizens. I mean if all the attitudinal polling isn't enough for you, just look at election results over the last 3 years. Western Europe is seeing an unprecedented demographical shift, and you might take the view to 'suck it up', but try and understand not everyone takes the same laissez faire attitude as you. And you just do not get it do you. You will literally refuse to accept the cultural and ethnic elements of this style of grooming. A tiny number of them have been banged up. If hundreds have been prosecuted, you can be damn sure there's thousands who knew about it, or were directly involved, who are walking around free men. It really IS the difference that these men felt no shame. Because that's one of the blatantly obvious things that makes these cases different to other sex offenders. This was family, friends and work colleagues openly sharing in the abuse of children. Please do some research. They were able to do this so openly, because they all held a mutual lack of respect for white British 'trash' girls, and the homes they came from. You argument is essentially- it's purely a coincidence that the vast majority of perpetrators were Muslim men, carrying their abuse out souly against white girls, there is no need to discuss or scrutinise why this is the case, it just happens to be that way, let's just move on. One thing can be sure- if the roles were reversed and groups of white men had been carrying this out against young muslim girls en-mass. We'd rightly have a national crisis about what were the underlining racist attitudes that allowed it to go on.
The top account is a fake, and the other I don't agree with if that was genuine. Still doesn't change my opinion he's not a neo-nazi. Have the balls to say what? There are many different caucasion races across Europe? When did I ever say there was one European race? I'm not a f*cking idiot. What on earth are you on about? Strange.
Read into the cases if you're really that unsure that there was little shame among many of their MALE peers. These were work colleagues, friends and relatives sharing around young girls for sex- often in the same night. I'm not 'grouping people together' I'm just stating the facts, they were predominantly carried out by one ethnicity, against another. This is a product of multiculturalism where you have parallel communities. I'm not sure what you're trying to tell me, that it was all just a coincidence, just because those girls happened to be available? Otherwise they'd have done it within their own community? Bizarre. So the polling is all wrong then, and the rise of anti-migration parties across Europe is just another strange coincidence. In your books a large proportion of Europeans are 'far right'.
Would you ask the same about an Asian, African, Latino. It's really not that hard.
But you're doing the classic, failing to recognise 'bigots like Robinson' are just a symptom of massive failures, they weren't created out of nothing. And ah yes, silly Europeans they're all just been brainwashed there's nothing to worry about. Europe is experiencing a historic demographic and cultural shift, that's reality not 'scare mongering'. Things will look very different in a couple of generations time. That's great that you're so comfortable with it, but plenty of people aren't, and that's not a 'far right' position to take.
Pretty much yes. No other ethnicity in the UK is engaging in grooming in this style. Are there peodos of all creeds, of course. But the two main differences that stand out for me, firstly that there is no shame among their peers, friends and male family. These men were/are openly sharing young girls with there uncles, brothers, cousins, friends. Secondly, they're praying souly on another ethnicity. Putting the Koran to one side- if white men had been doing this to Muslim girls en mass, we'd have endless debate about why these men had such racist attitudes that made them think these girls so worthless. It's obvious that SOME Muslim men, whether it be through rhetoric in Mosques, or that of their older Conservative peers, take the view that these white kufir girls are 'trash'. If that's not the case then I'd love to hear another explanation. I mean that people like you who paint certain views as extreme, but all the evidence shows these views are certainly pretty normal around Europe, if not the majority opinion, and like I said particularly on the continent. If anything, your view is becoming more fringe. And what have I given away? Why am I not allowed to say native Europeans.
You'd be in for a shock then if you met an actual neo-nazi You know, C18, National Action, NF- actual white supremacist groups that base their belief system on ethnicity, which Robinson has never done. Unless you can point to me where he has, or what he's said that makes him a neo-nazi? Your argument seems to be that he is because he makes generalisations and is critical of the Koran/Islam. If you're baffled why Orthodox Jews aren't facing similar levels of press, firstly show me where these 'Jewish grooming gangs' are operating, or the 20,000 Jews on a terror watch list? It's a ridiculous comparison. But also Jews make up a tiny proportion of Europe. Muslims on the other hand are demographically transforming Europe, Western Europe is going to look a vastly different place in two generations time. It's therefore perfectly understandable why there's more debate surrounding the impact this is having/going to have on our customs and society, than there is of Orthodox Jews. And again like I said to sadoldgit, the awkward thing for people like you is, all the polling shows a majority of native European citizens share the same fear/reservation about the impact Islam is having on Europe, as the 'neo-nazi' Robinson. Particularly on the continent. But by all means continue to comfort yourself that what he says is fringe and neo-nazi.
I honestly really couldn't give a toss if he scrapped at football when he was a youngster, just like I don't give a toss if he lended his brother in law money for a deposit. And the borrowing a passport thing..well he did 22 weeks in solitary confinement for that, he did his time. And I'm not trying to 'pretend' anything, I'm just not totally tunnel visioned like you. I can see it's not black and white. Yes he's no angel, I didn't 'like' what he did with the EDL, or plenty of things he's said, but he isn't some neo-nazi white supremisist either. And you can't see that the 'creation' of Robinson was merely a symptom of the horrific failures of the political elites. I respect the balls he's had to speak out, again you couldn't care less how many attempts he's had on his life (you probably think he 'has it coming'), and of course you'd never so much as question why someone who is critical of a religious doctrine, faces that level of threat in 21st century Britain. And I hate to burst your bubble old boy, but his criticism of Islam and the affect it's having on Europe is not 'fringe' or 'far right'. All the polling shows they're widely held opinions now by native Europeans across the continent. Just look at the big one Chatham House did recently https://www.chathamhouse.org/expert/comment/what-do-europeans-think-about-muslim-immigration.
Two of his 'violent convictions'; one was punching a neo-nazi, one was for attacking Muslims who were burning poppies. He's not an angel but he's not some thug going around smashing up old grannies as you'd have us believe. Why is he not an ordinary working class lad, cos you don't like him? And again- you don't have to like Robinson, or what he says, to accept he's been persecuted by the state for his beliefs. Anyone who does the slightest bit of research into what he's been through the last decade would understand that. It's pretty laughable people like you are unable distinguish between genuine neo-nazi groups like C18 and then someone like Robinson. Robinson echoes the thoughts of a majority of ordinary European citizens, as much as you'll carry on painting him as some fringe racist figure. And he's not a messiah, and I don't agree with a lot of what he's done, but I respect the immense danger he's put himself in for criticising Islam.
He never intended to stay. He wanted to speak at an event and was a naughty boy. Bizarre to try and make some comparison between that and what's happened over the last 3 years in Europe.
How am I going to extreme lengths? I never claimed he was an angel, nor has he ever done. Just saying borrowing a mates passport to visit the US to speak at an event, or scrapping at football, is hardly on par with what Robinson campaigns against. Namely Islamist radicalisation and industrial sex grooming. I don't see the 'hypocrisy'.
You don't have to be 'simple' to feel uncomfortable with someone being given 13 months for reporting on a trial that was already in the public domain. The BBC had released all the names. And you make out that everyone, 'left or right', is united and there's 'nothing to fret about'. Sarah Champion was fired by Corbyn and the Labour Party for so much as naming the problem.
You don't need to be an undercover journalist, he was just an ordinary working class lad speaking out about what he saw happening in his own community. With people like you it's always 'either or' with Robinson, it is possible to not like the guy but still recognise that it's blatantly obvious he's been persecuted and pursued by the state for his political activity. And to give him a degree of credit for having been one of the first to vocally speak out, at massive risk to himself. But the left seem not to bat an eyelid as to why in 21st century Europe people have their life endangered for criticising a religion. The 'passport fraud' was borrowing a mates passport to get into the US. And scrapping at football as a youngster..well in my books that hardly makes you a criminal villain, but maybe you're very puritanical.
But you're so so blinded by your hatred of him you'll refuse to ever accept he was in fact well ahead of his time on several issues. I remember him being mocked as some nut-case for suggesting there were 'muslim grooming gangs'. I mean just watch the Paxman interview if you need proof of that. And you'll never accept that him and the EDL, ugly as it was, was just a symptom of the systematic failures of a complacent middle class establishment. I'm not suggesting he didn't get a fair trial, I'm saying it's blindingly obvious he was pursued because of his political activity, they dug up the offence years later. And you can see how it works too, the state working hand in glove with the media. Now every article gleefully discredits him as a 'convicted fraudster', as if he hacked the credit cards of elderly ladies, when he really just helped his brother in law with a deposit. Are you that much of a puritan to denounce someone for that? And whether it's Robinson, Geert Wilders, or other vocal critics of Islam on the continent , the left doesn't so much as bat an eyelid as to the fact these people have numerous attempts on their lives, have to go into hiding, live double lives- in fact many are so authoritarian and intolerant they say they 'deserve it'.
Last couple of days really has bought home the sheer front a lot of the modern left have. Like posters on here, the same people that mocked and hounded Robinson for speaking out about the grooming issue, years before any one would so much as recognise it, are now deriding him for reporting on said industrial sex abuse. I remember when he went on the Paxman show years back and the look of bafflement and mockery Paxman gave him for suggesting their was a problem in the Muslim community with it. Did he lead an ugly street movement, of course, but it was just a symptom of the absolute failures of the British state to tackle issues. And you don't have to agree with the bloke to recognise he has been persecuted for his beliefs. The whole 'convicted fraudster' thing that every journalist puts in every article relates to him lending his brother in law money for a mortgage deposit, no one was left out of pocket. Because of his politics he was pursued and convicted for it, and thrown in a high security prison where there were several attempts to kill him- fed to the dogs. And of course the left care zilch, or even so much as question why Robinson has had several attempts on his life and has been battered for his beliefs. Just like they don't give a toss about the man who put a bacon sandwich outside a mosque and was murdered in prison a week later. They can masquerade under legal jargon but truth is they're feeling a warm glee because someone on the other side of the political spectrum to them, 'a baddie', has been locked up. Authoritarians to the core.
How much did you pay though? I'm assuming you didn't go when it was 9 grand a year. I don't have an objection to having paid for my uni degree, but the fact is 9 grand a year was an utter **** take. A complete rip off, packed in to lecture halls, and never with weekly contact hours of reaching double figures. Don't expect a free lunch, but I at least expect the govt to help encourage good value for money, when it's done the opposite.
Keep your eyes peeled for it at the SCG Simo.