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  1. Orange


    True, they have now all embraced the 'new normal' it seems. But if you look at London in particular, the people who are going to suffer most are your TFL workers, office security guards/maintenance people, launderettes, cafe/bar workers, cab/uber drivers, hotel staff, airport workers etc. When you try and make this point to Karen the covid-secure do gooder from Richmond working in her Pjs, they will probably sneer something like 'haha what so the system collapses if we don't buy our Pret and pay our rip off tube fares'.
  2. Orange


    It really is banana republic style political policing. Nevertheless, I am sure there will be plenty of boot lickers on this thread who delight in seeing peaceful protesters being cuffed and thrown in the back of police vans.
  3. Orange


    Does your logic include under 50s? Under 1,000 under 50s have died of/with it. A large % of those will have really died of something else but had covid put on their certificate. Now factor in huge decrease in cancer diagnoses, a small increase in suicides etc. I'd be interested to hear anyone dispute that more under 50s will die indirectly from our reaction than from covid itself.
  4. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/brexit-remainers-more-bothered-by-differing-views-in-family-poll-shows-h6kh2vrp7 YouGov did it for the Times, was discussed on LBC the other day. Anecdotally, it very much resonates with personal experience and those of family/friends.
  5. By not uniting around accepting the *possibility* of a no deal, it's pretty obvious parliament scuppered any chance of a favourable agreement. And May's 'deal' wouldn't have settled anything, it merely gave away 30 billion to tie our hands on future negotiations Been likened to a Nazi (by a practising Uni professor, which tells you something), been spat on, am regularly in-directly called thick/stupid etc in the office. I say in-directly because (as a lot of Brexiteers I know experience) they all presume no one around them would have voted Brexit. I'm not denying the combative language used by some on the leave side, but polling shows consistently, and in my own experience - that on a personal level, those on the remain side have much higher levels of hatred and intolerance towards Brexiteers than visa versa. I have many mild-mannered family member brexiteers who have lost friends, through the sheer nastiness they have had directed at them over it. I'm not saying leave is completely innocent in all this polarisation, it's just galling to have remainers playing the poor victims.
  6. Ah yes, calling those with different political views 'non thinking' is not insulting at all? Mere simpletons who are manipulated to lap up slogans, as you put it. And again, in this post you repeat the thing that has added hugely to the 'hate' you simultaneously complain about. Namely that Brexiteers are stupid, thick, racist, manipulated by 'lies', uninformed. I've heard it in my office, among friends, the media - for three years now. We are sick of the hypocrisy. We have had insults thrown at us for 3 years, whilst politicians have refused to unite around the mandate- and now you all take the moral-high ground because leavers use words like surrender. If vocal remainers actually care about healing the political climate, then it would be a start to get your own house in order before you start pointing the finger at us.
  7. You talk about encouraging hate of opponents, and then in the same post call the average Brexiteer 'non-thinking' It's like a friend I have on FB. He has spent the last 3 years relentlessly filling my timeline with toxic and hateful rhetoric about Brexit voters, and then yesterday puts up a post crying about Boris's language. The double-standards people like you and him have.
  8. Could I take this one? Presuming Blagdon has sold to original poster.
  9. Not watched the footage have you? Oh dear
  10. Sorted one, thanks though.
  11. Has anyone got a spare knocking about?
  12. No one seems to be advocating that though. We just get buzz words like education and youth centres. How about start throwing the book at any one caught carrying.
  13. After a spare if anyone an help me out.
  14. So you've added conspiratorial financial self-interest to your explanations of people having different views to you. I assume you got that one from being spoon-fed the JRM 'story' from the MSM. The metro elite is characterised by yourself. Basically demonising those with alternative outlooks in the way you do (racist/brainwashed/greedy self-interest etc). The metro elite (I work with a lot), tend to live in a bubble, so it's easy for them to cook up these theories. The people they do know with different views will rarely make that known, because they can't be bothered with the condescension and viciousness it would likely endure.
  15. It makes you up your own arse because you think your opinion is so 'correct', that any one with an alternative one must have been duped/fooled into having that. The only other explanation you'll sometimes entertain is that it all comes down to inherit racial prejudice. I know lots of people like yourself.
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