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Everything posted by crouchi

  1. Sounds poor on the radio (although the guy keeps saying West Ham instead of Burnley). Not much control from midfield so tactical changes coming
  2. Brilliant twisting and turning for Harding's goal, but 2 powder puff shots close in though which he could have converted
  3. Promoted and our whole play has gone up a level too. Just amazing.
  4. Disappointing sending off for Chaplow, only bad bit of his game, and it could have cost us. Still, top of the league.
  5. Classic Gary questions: "Is he going then?" NA:"I don't want to talk about it (because if I say no and he does then I'll look a total prat)""; "but is he going or not?" and then the summary comes on and says "oh well he's obviously off then". Just the usual crap speculation.
  6. That was a very fine start, where we got everything just about right. The momentum continues.
  7. and please refrain from chanting as it keeps us awake
  8. Matt Mills, Blackstock and Best - all successful championship players, would have been nice to keep, particularly Mills
  9. Things already seemed to be drifting under Nicholl. Started with a great legacy but frittered it slowly away. Having said that, it would have been better to keep him than unleash the mayhem that followed. Good old hindsight.
  10. No pace and powder puff shooting, but good ability on the ball and creates space - will be interesting to see if he can compete in the faster pace and physicality of the top flight
  11. Watched the Peterborough highlights and Joe Lewis had a nightmare - worse than comedy Kelvin on a bad day.Our game was all about our ridiculous starting formation that delivered no clear cut goalscoring opportunities and our inability to pass to our own players. Chaplow probably the worst, but others not far behind. Hope NA will change the set up for Tuesday when a win will set us up nicely for the run in.
  12. If Huddersfield get 3 points or less from their games against Peterborough, Brighton and MK Dons, 6 wins out of our final 9 will be enough
  13. Beat Bournemouth 2=0 like we have done before and we should achieve second place
  14. 90 points if we beat Bournemouth and keep winning away
  15. Keep in the top 4 until end of Feb, then see how we go in March, when we will have a chance and the stronger squads will win out
  16. Just as generous for their's - looked like it hit under his armpit, ref got caught up in the excitement
  17. Neither look good enough for the top flight, but that applies to most of our players, although some should get a chance if we ever progress back up the divisions. Kelvin was a disaster in his first 2 seasons. All the Sunderland fans laughed when we bought 'comedy Kelvin' and we certainly witnessed unforced howlers, followed by a total loss of confidence. However, he has been consistently good over the last few seasons, and Bart has never put enough pressure on to replace him.
  18. sounds exactly like a description of Lallana
  19. Plenty of people round me expressed how well Lambert was linking up play, but as this was my first game of the season he looked slow and lumbering compared to last year with absolutely zero goal threat
  20. would have been nice to go in 0-1 but they need to change it in the 2nd half
  21. 2002 in Shanghai, came back to Wu Song Lu at midnight, stuck the TV on to see Saints kicking off the second half against Newcastle in the pouring rain
  22. Cortese is not our Saviour, surely it has to be all about making money for him, not philanthropy
  23. It's all propaganda - Cortese is a football club chairman who seems to want to intervene directly in the same way as RL
  24. Clearly we are getting desperate if Holmes is the answer - but give him a go off the subs bench for 20mins again
  25. crouchi

    Adam Le Fondre

    are there really any funds? enough to pay some compensation to Scunny, but do we have enough to fund expensive loans
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