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  1. Expatshield is handy. Reckon they're trustworthy enough too as surely it'd be shut down & not be as well known as it is if they were engaging in stealing people's info, like a lot of VPN/proxys. BritTV's been down so been using Expatshield myself, but missing their huge channel selection. Got an email from admin earlier saying it should be back up some time tomorrow, though.
  2. I laughed!
  3. So you honestly think 99.9999 of the London rioters were looting in protest????? Doubt 99.99999% of them could even spell polyticks (sic).
  4. Proxys only work with Internet Explorer for me, which is annoying as IE is awful. & there are huge security issues associated with proxys as if the individual running the proxy is untrustworthy you could be opening yourself up for identity theft, spyware & viruses. By using a proxy you are opening the contents of your communications to the owner of the proxy &, as proxys are in effect cheating your IP address to break laws, are you willing to take that risk? Much rather pay a tenner. I'll stick with these, thanks: http://televisionbbcnewstv.com/liveabroad
  5. All channels, except the VNC list work for the preview, I think. Should mention that it's the first & only service that offers iPad & iPhone streaming outside the UK also. You get it across all platforms for the tenner monthly fee also.
  6. Been looking for a decent streaming service to watch UK TV abroad for several months & all I found was software with largely non-English channel selections, most channels not working, poor quality or glitchy when they do & very slow buffer times. Finally found a site that was perfect in every way that I'm sure will interest all ex-pats. Free 15 minute preview from here so you can decide for yourselves: http://televisionbbcnewstv.com/liveabroad Will save you a great deal of messing about with proxys, VPN connections & the like. & that's if you're extremely lucky & happen to find a worthwhile streaming service, which are few & far between. Plays in near-perfect quality through my 42" plasma via HDMI also. Hope it's of benefit.
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