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Everything posted by dinger

  1. I was just coming here to suggest that.
  2. This sort of thing really gets to me. Like when there's a controversial decision in the box, which the assistant behind the goal 'should have seen' and the commentators lament that they "don't understand what they're there for." Well find out FFS! It's literally your job to elucidate this stuff for us.
  3. And one that's been creeping in from cricket is to describe something as 'ordinary', when you really mean sh!t.
  4. This one! What could it possibly even mean? Also, any variant on "you can't write scripts like this!", after something happens that's exactly how you would script it. Jamie Vardy breaks that consecutive games scoring record - "The Hollywood film-makers could never have scripted this!"... Surely it's the very first thing they would've thought of?
  5. Quite. Their summation completely ignores the major factor of Koeman's massive pay packet. It's a shame, I generally rate F365.
  6. I think I look forward to Consortium11's pre-season essay more than I look forward to the season itself.
  7. Well, what a weird thing to get into an argument about.
  8. Enough of these fancy Dans. We need more honest players who look like knotted pig-gristle mannequins.
  9. Much appreciated! The taxpayer doesn't pay me to look up that sort of thing. Or post on here, for that matter!
  10. I've been all over the social medias trying to find out if he's the first to achieve this. Any stats nerds on here able to answer that?
  11. From that video he looks all horn and no ship. How many times does he beat his man and then either try and beat him again, or just run into trouble?
  12. dinger

    Clement Freud

    That's quite telling, isn't it? No "we'll fight these accusations". Just "we're sorry to the victims".
  13. dinger

    Euro 2016

    https://www.theguardian.com/football/2016/jun/13/far-right-activist-euro-2016-russian-fa-alexander-shprygin-nazi-salute '...Igor Lebedev, deputy chairman of Russia’s parliament, who also attracted controversy for a series of tweets on Sunday in which he offered support to the Russian fans. “I don’t see anything wrong with the fans fighting,” he wrote. “Quite the opposite, well done lads, keep it up!”'
  14. Nice one, Jimmy_D.
  15. Me too, so also my vote.
  16. This. I want an England manager to pick a squad based on who has performed well for England, who fits his system, who does well in training for him, things like that. Give a chance in friendlies to players in good form to see if they fit those criteria. Drinkwater looked completely out of his depth against Australia. Maybe he'll come good for England in the future, but a major tournament is not the place for practice. Rashford, on the other hand, seemed to slot right in. I can't for the life of me work out why Roy persists with Henderson, who's never played well for England. Maybe he contributes something around the squad? But that would be my only quibble and I think he's way down the list for a starting place. There are other players who I don't think are good enough for the England squad (Barkley, Stones, Lallana) but I can't think of the better English players to replace them with, particularly in defence.
  17. 'Quite freely' is a bit of a stretch though, surely? He'll have a blaze at every opportunity, but mostly they go in the stands. An impact sub at best, but even then someone who could do more than cut inside and smash would be better. IMO at least. Of course, I'll be his biggest fan when he wins England the Euros.
  18. Why do people want Townsend? To say he's even one-dimensional is a stretch. Redmond has promise. And that Darlow chap has done well in the last new games for Newcastle, might make a decent back-up for Forster. Otherwise, no thanks.
  19. I'll second that.
  20. Proper rock star behaviour. He also refused to release his Black album for years as he thought it was evil and would corrupt his listeners. That really is the kind of thing you want from your rock icons. RIP - listening to nothing but Prince today. And I've painted myself purple.
  21. dinger

    Ched Evans

    He's not been 'cleared' by the appeal court. The conviction is quashed as new evidence may affect the verdict, so he's back to 'innocent until proven guilty' again.
  22. I've got a strange affection for Garth. It's something about the way he maniacally stares down the other guys in the studio, as if defying them to disagree with him, whilst saying the tritest, most unremarkable thing that your brain would probably fall asleep even trying to think up. There's definitely something of the drug trip about that mixture of the frighteningly confusing and the utterly banal. And he reminds me of Kevin the Gerbil.
  23. Well that's good news, at least. Apologies for the scare-mongering.
  24. Someone told me that SD had broken his ankle. Anyone heard about this? Not claiming to be ITK, this is through a friend of his wife, so not first-hand. Hopefully a crock of shyte but someone on here might know more...
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