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  1. must have been prompted by NC to say something, which shows NC's desperation His totalitarian authority is being threatened and he's throwing his toys out of the pram. Time to go. Looking forward to seeing you sail away on your yacht (paid for by the club/Liebherrs).
  2. travel info below http://www.readingfc.co.uk/news/article/travel-update-190313-723341.aspx
  3. the new ticket office manager is also leaving so i hear
  4. Not wanting to start an argument or anything, but i got thinking last night about why the change 'now'. This is possibly just me feeling negative and trying to find a conspiracy, but could there be a connection with the large loan from some offshore lenders earlier in the year? We know SFC/Cortese borrowed an approx £25m (i say we know, i mean it was reported that was the sum), but we don't know why. Is it actually possible that the Club is now Cortese's, e.g. no more Liebherr funding - and what he has done is borrow against the proposed revenue streams for next year to beef up his funds for this? He's not actually a 'banker' btw - he worked in the banking sector as a 'salesman' - e.g. he found wealthy people for his bank and looked after them/did deals for them. On this basis. Surely, rather than paying interest, it would have been better to borrow the money from the Liebherr's - so this makes me think there is no longer a 'financial relationship' there. So, the reason for the change 'now' is that he's panicing that SFC would get relegated and is hoping for this new guy, who has a great CV, to turn the tide? Thoughts?
  5. assume you're right here - and that worries me intensely. It's always appeared to me that he's just playing at being 'boss' given he's using someone else's money - hence the ability to drag out a court case and not worry about additional fees incurred.
  6. but do you want a reputation, with the Liebherr family, of a person who costs them additional legal fees? This is the first fully reported case, but how many more have there been? Looking forward to seeing how the training ground pans out too.......
  7. SFC seem to have a knack of this currently: http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/news/10052525.Saints_ordered_to_pay___60k_debt_by_court/
  8. That would be the Non Disclosure Agreement then..........Used on every single occasion at SFC
  9. I'm led to believe that Leadbitters are preparing a statement right now.....
  10. "There may be a possibility that your tickets may have been sent to another customer number ....." - and they can't check that to see? wtf
  11. my mate who works for a local VW dealership had season tickets this year. Club called yesterday to advise that the seats have been sold twice and told him he has to move. Wasn't given any option, despite not wanting to move, and now has new seats. How can seats, especially season ticket seats, be sold twice?
  12. but how can a sell-out be acheived when the t/o are not selling all the tickets??!!
  13. hang on - surely when you buy the tickets they're allocated to you?
  14. 1000 short of capacity for Man Utd is shocking!
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