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Everything posted by CylonKing

  1. Battlestar Galactica (both versions, though I will concede that the new one is better T.V), Big Bang Theory, Castle though if I had to pick out of the 2 you've listed - Dexter, without a shadow of a doubt. Didn't finish Prison Break, it got a bit dull. Though the 1st series is very good. If you've not got it, LoveFilm Instant is great for T.V series. They've got most of Dexter available currently.
  2. norwaysaint, like colinjb said, the back catalogue for the PS3 is excellent and affordable now. You can pick up most pre-owned games for around £5 and can get hours and hours of gamplay in. I've only had my PS3 for 2 years and it is by far the best console I've ever had. It is also good for free music videos (Vidzone) and streaming wirelessly things like LoveFilm and iPlayer, if you do not have a Smart TV. Games like Fallout3, Red Dead Revolver, Bioshock and Dead Space will see the time gaming fly by. For shorter game periods you can try Fifa and Burnout, both of which are great pick up and play options. I've yet to try Skyrym and GTA V, I'll wait until the price drops on both, but in the meantime I've got Dead Space 2, Far Cry 2 and Bioshock 2 waiting to play. The PS3 is a great piece of kit and I personally would recommend it completely.
  3. I have to disagree completely. I live in Nottingham (itself a wonderful city) but always look forward to spending time in Southampton. I guess it is what you are looking for ultimately. We always enjoy Southampton as it has Firehouse, The Hobbit and The Dungeon and though I've not been for a few years, it has one of the best alternative nightlife's in the country. Obviously there is then watching the Saints and the town hall art gallery which last time we were there, was very very good. I love visiting Southampton, it has everything I could ever need for a long weekend. In fact, February is scheduled for our next long overdue trip and I'm already looking forward to it - Arrive Friday late afternoon, head out for a curry, onto Firehouse for a night of Metal, Saturday sees a trip to Goblets for a burger and then after a few pints, head to the stadium for the match. Then Saturday evening sees a trip to the Hobbit and the Dungeon (maybe with Chinese chips between) and then a late night special kebab on the walk back to the hotel. Pretty much a perfect Fri\Sat for me.
  4. I just like rainbows, nothing more, nothing less! ;-)
  5. Manly beach is worth popping over to on the ferry. Gives you good views of both the Harbour Bridge and the Opera House. The botanical gardens are worth wandering round and being at near dusk to see the fruit bats flying around - they are huge! Apart from that, there wasn't that much to actually do in Sydney, was just nice to wander round the various areas, soaking up the atmosphere.
  6. Star Trek Into Darkness or Rickie's Full England debut? Star Trek Into Darkness or Rickie's Full England debut? Star Trek Into Darkness or Rickie's Full England debut? Star Trek Into Darkness or Rickie's Full England debut? Hmmmmm, think it might have to be Rickie's full debut!
  7. Just wanted to echo the sentiments of everyone that this is a well deserved call-up. Thoroughly chuffed for Rickie and it has come as a complete shock, though as many have already said, it shouldn't have been and should've been much earlier. I really hope he has the game of his life and does himself and the club proud. Would watch this if at home but shall be away in Austria in a little tent on Wednesday so doubt we'll get to see the match, but you never know.
  8. Always play as Saints, and have done through the years on most generations of computers and consoles. Currently only have FIFA 12 (which I dusted off yesterday and lost 2 games online playing as Saints) on PS3. Getting a bit sick of having to play with our under strength Championship side though. Might have to upgrade with FIFA 14. We shall see.
  9. Wow! I don't think there has ever been a game that ambitious. If it works, this could well be the best game ever made. I've not even played GTA IV yet either.
  10. Oh, and our camera of course. If we did another trip, we would also take a tablet of some sort (for blogging offline and posting when connected plus reading online books) and a dedicated Kindle. We found that books took up the most space in our back-packs so would invest in some technology next time.
  11. Apologies for the late delay in coming back to you on this. Forgot about the thread. We had one just for our valuables. It was just lucky that it fitted in my travel bag perfectly. We used it for the MP3 player, speaker, passports, money and credit cards. Anything else could be easily replaced while on the trip. Our trip took in SE Asia, Aus, NZ, Fiji, Central America and finally a few of the Southern States of America.
  12. Went to the cinema last night to see Man of Steel - Orange Wednesday offer - £9 for 2 adult tickets for over 2hrs entertainment. To see Saints play - over £30 each for 2 hrs worth of entertainment.....if you are lucky. I would love to travel down to Southampton to see Saints play a lot more but put against other forms of entertainment the value just does not stack up. Am hoping to get down for the Swansea game and possibly to a couple of Midlands away games (hoping for Notts County and Forest in the cups) but that is it. Anyone else think that football is moving towards a breaking point on ticket prices where more people are going to stay away than go?
  13. When we went travelling for a year we ended up buying quite an expensive MP3 (music was very important to us qwhile away) and just made sure it was protected by always having it, when not in use, in a Pacsafe. Would absolutely recommend the Cowon range of MP3 players; we ended up buying an iAudio 7 16GB which is running perfectly to this day. The only thing we didn't do was upload music as we went along as we filled it with pretty much our entire CD collection before setting off. The i7 is no longer available but as a range, I would recommend Cowon. The i9 is on Clearance at Advanced MP3: http://www.advancedmp3players.co.uk/shop/MP3_Players.1/Cowon_iAudio.15/IAUDIOI9-16GB/Cowon_i9_16GB_MP3_Player.13311.html#pClearance3567. Would also recommend the Altec Lansing range of single speakers. Small, light and portable, ideal for travelling as they take up very little space. For travelling in general, I would also recommend a Pacsafe. It allows you to store valuable\important items in any hostel\hotel room safely. It is a slash proof bag with a padlockable metal chain sealing the top. I had my bag slashed in Guatemala but they got nothing as I had the Pacsafe inside so could not get anything out of my travel bag. I hope you have a great time away! It was the best thing we ever did!
  14. Not played any of the Far Cry series yet but they are on my list of games for the PS3 to try. Played the Blood Dragon demo yesterday and have t osay it took some getting used to, but once I got used to the controls, found it found it very good indeed. Will be adding that to my list of games to buy in the future.
  15. Guly
  16. Notts County, Derby County or Nottigham Forest would be ideal for me!
  17. Oh yes, just checked my facts and you are quite correct. Apologies, I got mixed up with all this promotion and relegation shenanigans over the last few years. Hard to keep up with who joined when and in which league.
  18. Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas are 2 of my favorite games ever! Spent 90+ hours on each one. Great fun!
  19. When he first came to Saints (in the Prem) on loan from WBA he was a premier league player and one of our star performers that season, so all this talk that he is not premier league is a bit premature. Personally, I think he could do a pretty decent job in some of our rivals midfields, however for us with JWP, Morgan and Cork all before him, he is unlikely to get a game now. As people have said, he's been brilliant for us over the years as we rose through the league structure, socring some good goals and putting in the type of no nonsense performances we needed at that time. A player that I've been pleased to see play for our club and if he does go, will be remembered fondly.
  20. Loved all of the old LucasArts old adventure games on the Amiga. Indiana Jones, Zak McKrakken, Monkey Island etc. Class games and many an evening (and early hours of the morning) was spent completing those games. The last Monkey Island I played on the PS3 was pretty poor though. Shame, but I have fond memories of LucasArts and the games they produced.
  21. Both for me. The original Cylons are still the best Sci-Fi baddies ever. The original ships (Vipers and Raiders) are immense however the new Galactica is so much better story wise and really dragged you in. I would not like to choose so will have to say both.
  22. I only know as I watched the incident again last week. Must make sure that only true information gets put onto this forum! ;-)
  23. Ostlund is one of my favourite players in all my times supporting Saints (Since 1983\84). Swedish international for many years. 100% committed to the club and gave everything when he played. Remember him dribbling the ball out of defense and went on a run right through the Wolves midfield when we beat them 0-6. Was outstanding in that match. A real character you could get behind (the chants from opposition fans were just hilarious at times - Derby away - "Gypo, Gypo") and much more skillful than he got credit for. Not the best player we've ever had but I appreciated what he did bring to the team. The Hartson incident is on YouTube, Hartson did get a Yellow for the challenge, but was excellent to see a player just get up and carry on with the job at hand.
  24. What CB Fry said. When we look back on this decision, regardless of how the new guy does (even if we win every single trophy out there) it is the way in which we have treated Adkins. He didn't deserve this. He had turned our fortunes round and was building a nice run and getting us up the table. What more could he have done? It feels like the club have stabbed him in the back and that is just not acceptable!
  25. I fuly understand the feelings on the board. I myself am shocked and angry about it. All directed at our chairman and not the new guy. Currently, I cannot see what MP has over our Nigel. All the stuff being said in Spain over MP can also be directed at our Nige as well. This decision is just completely out of the blue and so badly timed. It is only going to hurt us. I hope everyone who goes on Monday shows the chairman just how displeased as a fanbase we are, but still support our team!
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