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Everything posted by CylonKing

  1. At the moment, I would highly recommed The Last of Us. It is a truly engaging and accomplished game. Lots of different elements in it and a great story with characters you bond with. I've found the aiming and shooting elements a bit clunky but that is probably more down to my own lack of skills as you will find yourself panicking at many points in the game as you get overwhelmed. I don't normally like stealth games that much and have found myself getting into more gunfights than taking out enemies by stealth, but when you do get it right, it is very rewarding. I've loving it.
  2. I had just finished Mass Effect 2 before moving onto The Last of Us. Thoroughly enjoyed both ME1 and 2 very, very much. The 1st one has more role playing elements in it than the 2nd, which is more of a straight shooter, but both of them are excellent games with a deep and engaging story and lots of threads that inter-weave throughout. Geniune decision making that influences the game make the ME series a real cut above and a true highlight of the PS3 platform. I'm already looking forward to moving onto ME3 when I've finished The Last of Us...or maybe Dead Space 3? Decisions, decisions. :-)
  3. Have had this since Christmas but only started playing it last week. Excellent story which is moved along nicely in-game and with the cut scenes. I can understand why some people have said it is a little repetative, like most games are really, however the link you have with the characters and the emotion in the game really pulls you in. Some of the set-up's are outstanding and I have to agree with the majority of people that this is a milestone on gaming achievement. Not as big as some games, i.e. Skyrym, but the atmosphere, story and emotion set this game apart. Really looking forward to completing it.
  4. Good point out there. Forgot that the first time we went to Barcelona I ended up stopping some thieves stealing a ladies handbag while in a park during the day. Still, had a great time there last year and want to go back again soon.
  5. Easy peasy, Berlin for me without a doubt. German beer, German food (Big Pork Knuckles) and the best night life of any city I've been to (lots of Heavy Metal). A shed load of your typical museums and then smaller museums for more niche tastes, i.e. the Ramones museum. We go at least twice a year for long weekends. Absolutely love the place. Good shouts for Barcelona and Paris as well. If you're ever in Paris, check out Black Dog. It's a Heavy Metal bar with the greatest steak restaurant in the back.
  6. Actually MoPo equalled our best ever finish if standings in the table are the only criteria. WGS also got us to 8th in the table in the 2002/03 season with a final day 0-1 win at Maine Road against Man City. Killer scoring the only goal which lifted us up about 3 places in what was the final competitive game at Maine Road.
  7. Didn't we loan Cork from Chelsea for a while before finally buying him? Would say that that worked out in our favour long term! I'm just pleased that we've got a Premier League player into a gap in the squad. Only need 3 or 4 more and we'll be stronger than ever.
  8. Excellent goal keeper that Dexter Blackstock fella!
  9. Disappointed in this latest twist. The one position where we had a bit of strength in depth and just like that it is gone. £16m is a very, very good price to get but we now need t oget in a stupid amount of replacements just to get us to the position we started with during this transfer window. I am hoping that the players we do eventually sign (I want to see 3-4 players this week) gel quickly and are improvements, but even my normal very positive outlook has been knocked by this latest transfer. The one thing I'm hanging onto is thefact that we still have Morgan. I hope he is the one player who we can hold onto in this window, but he must surely be looking round now wondering where everyone has gone and who all these young strangers are?
  10. Disappointed with the whole saga to be honest. Sad to see Lambert, Shaw and now Adam go, regardless of the circumstances. Trying not to dwell on the past now but look to the future and am hoping we start announcing a pile of decent replacements for our outgoing players. Just hope that Super Ron can persuade Lovren and Schneiderlin to stay with us as I think they will be a bigger loss to the club than any of the players that have already left, except Guly of course!
  11. Personally, I would love to see the Champions League being just that, a league that is played by the champion of each Europena countries top team and not the 1st, 2nd or 3rd placed losers of that league. You could also then have a 2nd competition for the national cup winners to take part in, thus making that competition much more competitive and popular, just like the old days. I would call them the European Champions League and the European Cup Winners Cup. ;-) However, any decisions around football now will always be dictated by money, and that is quite sad really.
  12. Very, very, very happy. What a statement of intent from the club. Roll on the fixture list so we can get planning for our next jaunt down to sunny Southampton.
  13. A strange, saggy, hang-dog face perchance? ;-)
  14. How dare some forum members forget to use an exclamation mark when making a sarcastic comment. It's disgraceful and is surely the fault of the current board at the club. We must make a stand against just this sort of thing or we'll find ourselves back in League 1 before we know what has happened. Oh....'!' ;-)
  15. Interestingly, I've been thinking about past managers that I would like to see back at Saints. The only 2 that I could come up with were 'Wee' Gordon Strachan and Nigel Pearson. Personally I would love to see Nigel back at the helm as I think he is exactly the right sort of manager we need right now. I'm disappointed about MoPo leaving, I really am. I personally think it is a huge mistake for him, but as a club, we shall prosper I'm sure. I'm forever the optimist and believe that the board will choose the right manager for us and we'll progress further again. I think that the manager leaving will have less of an impact than one of our stars leaving us to be honest. I think a more tactical manager than MoPo will do us the world of good. The latest suggestions that we're looking at Yakin and Koeman do fill my with hope that we are looking for the right sort of calibre manager for our club. A manager with an international pedigree and reputation. Fingers crossed we hear something sooner rather than later.
  16. Playing the first Mass Effect game currently. A little buggy at times but over 30hrs of gameplay so far says it all really. An astounding game that I cannot recommend enough. Glad I picked up all 3 for a bargain price over PSN.
  17. I would be equally upset if we actually got rid of any of our 1st team talent in the summer. The club are making noises about keeping this squad together and for us to lose anyone of Adam, Luke, Morgan, Jack C, Victor, Steve D, Jay Rod etc, to me, would be just like the good old days of being a feeder club for the big 4. If we are serious about continuing to progress, we need to keep these players for ourselves and not to strengthen our rivals 1st teams. Obviously if someone came in with stupid money which meant we could strengthen then you have to accept that but I will only be really happy if we keep all of our actual 1st team players and build on this amazing season. I don't want us to stagnate in mid-table, I want to see us push on and the only way is to keep the most talented players. If not, the 'bigger' clubs will always be too far away to catch.
  18. I have always thought that our badge was one of the best looking and well designed of any that are out there. Very distinctive, linked to the city and colourful. I absolutely love it and would hate for it to be changed to much.
  19. Nice video, Thanks pap. For me, it just backs-up my decision to stick with the PS3 for a few more years! There currently isn't a good enough reason for me to upgrade at all. The improved textures and lighting are just not enough over my PS3 to justify paying the extra at this stage. And to be honest, I'm still in awe of the PS3 running on a HD TV after only upgrading the old tellybox last year!
  20. Chase HQ and Robocop with the Datel Speech synthesizer attached to your Amstrad CPC464. That's real gaming pleasure! Have to admit to really enjoying Fifa 2014 in career mode on the PS3. Ate up so many hours yesterday, though peeved that MoPo loaned me out to MK Dons straight away.
  21. How could I forget Dead Island (the first one) if you like Zombie games, Resident Evil 5 and Bioshock 1 & 2? All very good games that have eaten up the hours over the last couple of years. Not played Bioshock Inifinate yet, but hope it is just as good as the first 2.
  22. Can vouch for Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas, both excellent games, as are the 2 Batman games previously mentioned. Not played Origins yet. Dead Space 1 & 2 are also great fun, not played 3 yet. Red Dead Revolver is also worth picking up and the best driving games I've played are Burnout Paradise and Grid 2. If you like story based games then The Walking Dead (from Telltale games) is good, as is Heavy Rain, a different gaming experience. I've got Skyrim but not yet played it as I tried it to make sure it was working and ended up playing on it for about 4-5 hours by mistake. Have left that for now while I complete some of my other games before going back to it, though with GTAV also on stand-by I'm not sure when I'll get to go back to it.
  23. First time down in Southampton for a match and weekend away for a few years. Was great to be at St Marys again and thought we were going to go on and bull-doze Stoke after the first goal, though before the match, I did predict Crouch scoring against us, just thought it would be a consolation and not an equaliser. A real roller coaster of a 1st half but a disappointing 2nd half and overall result. Stoke did well at the back and deserved the point but we just weren't at the races. Thought most of the team were off the boil, only Davis and Yoshida could take any credit from the match really. Clyne and Shaw, as has been said, kept cutting inside though to be fair to them, usually they had no support with them on the wings so looked very isolated. A number of times people around us in the Kingsland were urging one of our midfielders to follow the pass out to the left or right to offer support, but they always hung back. Very one dimensional and slightly disappointing, but as ever, we had a great time at St Marys and in Southampton over the weekend. Won't be leaving it as long next time, we missed supporting Saints.
  24. Very disappointed with the incident as I want to see Osvaldo and our squad succeed. Can understand why fans want him gone from the club, however I feel that what is more likely to happen is that once the dust settles, as long as Dani appologises to both Fonte and the rest of his team mates he will be integrated back into the squad, after all, we keep hearing from the club that we are all part of the Southampton family and Dani is part of that. I feel that if we just dump him without at least trying to help him sort out his issues and for him to succeed then the whole togetherness and family aspect of our club is a complete farce. You stand by family members and help them through their issues and try to put them on the right track, you don't just dump them for a mistake, a moment of hot headedness in the heat of the moment. The key here though is how Dani reacts to the suspension and how he aproaches his team mates. If he is not bothered and has an attitude about it, he will be gone sooner rather than later. I suspect, well hope really, that he will learn from this episode, apologise to everyone and knuckle down. The one thing I know for sure is that if he pulls on the shirt again for Saints and is involved, he will get the same support from me as everyone else in the squad.
  25. It's amazing that this time last week, we were pondering the complete meltdown of our club and now, 7 days later we've had a match where we really should've got 3 points after playing so well (worth pointing out that 1 point at Sunderland is not to be sneezed at), our manager has stated his commitment to the club and now we've had an open letter from our acting CEO placing more emphasis on continuing to stabilize the club and improve our position further. For me, our owners have done everything correctly and have said all the right things at exactly the right time. Focused on assuring the manager and staff first, speaking to the players and finally communicating with the fans. I don't want big statements of spending lots and lots of money, that sets your stall up straight away and pushes everyone's prices up. Within 7 days we've gone from a club in turmoil to a club that now seems stable again, happy and more open than it has ever been. Quite a turnaround in a very short time! Long may this continue.
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