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Everything posted by st.sj

  1. Only way would be to ban the person in question, which in one go would improve the site no end. Will not happen though which is a shame.
  2. st.sj

    25 Man Sqaud

    Who do you think Adkins will name in the 25 man squad.
  3. Really enjoyed watching that. Very interesting. I was 14 in 1969. Where have those years gone? Thanks for posting.
  4. Man utd Arsenal Man city Wigan Reading Norwich Saints 8th
  5. So Puncheon says. I would be surprised if Cortese and Adkins would be differing there approach from a player whos attitude has never seemed quite spot on. Mind, if he wants to get by by deluding himself that the chairman wants him but the nasty manager is against him then good luck to him.
  6. As I am the original poster, I am trying to understand your comment. Sorry if I have got interpretation wrong but if you are saying I was "trolling" that is not correct. Just raising a feeling I have had based on body language and what is not being said by both Adkins and Cortese. [accepting that Cortese does not say a lot any way]. The last thing I would like to see is Adkins go as I said in my original post. After a few " thick" responses am pleased to see the thread is at least being taken seriously. Still hope there is nothing in it all. Guess the next 2 to 3 weeks will show us if there is a problem.
  7. Your reply reminds me why I havent started a thread in over 2 years. As I said clearly in the post I am not in the know, so just based on body language, things not said, nothing tangible, which is why I started the thread in the hope that some one on here may know different. I sincerely hope I am wrong but am just saying I have a feeling he wont be here at the end of the season.
  8. Knowing the site, can I firstly say that I personally hope Adkins is still with us in 10 years time. Although of course he has to prove himself in the Premier league, I think that he is a top Manager and could not be more pleased he is at our club. I am not in the know at all but I just have a sneaking feeling that all is not well with him and the chairman, can anyone hopefully in the know tell me I am wrong. Does any one else think he may not be managing our club at the end of the season?
  9. You of course are 99.9999999% likely to be correct. What I said was knowing Adkins and how positive he is he will probably be planning for and dreaming of winning the league. He is a special manager and I do not think he will be planning on just surviving. It is not how he thinks. Doesnt mean I wouldnt be more than happy to stay in the division, was just paying tribute to our manager.
  10. I would be very happy just to stay in the Premier league next season but I have this little feeling that our Nigel and probably some of the players will be dreaming and planning on winning it!!! I am going to say it, I think Adkins will surprise us again next season. I think he is something special.
  11. Alpine is my motivation life coach. He taught me that the glass is always half empty because to believe it is half full is the first step to being disapointed.
  12. What insight, intellect and judgement. Very amusing.
  13. your post epitomises the problem with this site. Would it possible for you to try and comment on an opinion with out being personal about a poster or posters. I have posted an opinion that I was perturbed slightly about what Adkins did not say in his interview. I am not personally wetting my bed about this, purely posting an opinion, [which could very well be incorrect] on the forum, which I guess is the point of the forum. Come on we are in the premier league now, lets try and raise the standard of the forum by not making comments that you after all probably would not say face to face with people.
  14. Listened carefully to interview and it is certainly very clear that Adkins wants to stay and that is great news. Probably me misreading so no need to jump on me as only expressing an opinion but there were things he didnt say that still leave me slightly uneasy. He said about great relationships with many people and the players but did not say the chairman. He mentioned sometimes you have to stand your ground as there are different views sometimes, but he was sure every one wanted the same thing, ie the success of saints football club. Who was he referring to, is he in disagreement with the chairman on some important issues? Why would he say if there was a parting of the ways he hopes it would be done in the right way [he wasnt referring to him leaving in the right way as he can control that and has already shown his good principles and loyalty in the way he left S****horpe]. I just cant help thinking all is not perfect between him and Cortese. I really hope I am wrong I really do................... but.............
  15. You had me going there, I was thinking, a troll paying £5, double sad! Good on you, a lot of respect for your team and have always had a soft spot for Norwich. Heres to a good season for both of our teams next season. As a matter of interest, how do you think we will do next season?
  16. st.sj

    Adkins off?

    I wondered the same thing, also something between Cortese and Adkins didnt look right. Didnt post because could imagine my thoughts being taken the wrong way. Interesting that a few other people noticed it. Sincerely hope there is not a problem as Adkins is a brilliant manager and would really hate to see him go. When he said if he went he hoped it would be done in the right way he wasnt talking about himself as he knows he would leave in the right way. It sounded a bit like a marker to Cortese..... strange
  17. Just well done to Adkins and the team. What a fantastic season. Adkins is an incredible guy, did you see how how much it meant to him. What a change from the likes of Allerdyce. One of the good days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Just saying they deserved to win because they took there chances and defended well against us. There plan seemed to be to let us have possession on most of the pitch but in the last third thought they packed the space and broke us down well. Certainly caught us well on the break. If Reading had been us we would have thought we had deserved to win I reckon. Just wanting to give credit where it was due. Come on they havent had the run they have had bynot being a very good team. This I must stress takes nothing away from our results this year which after all has kept us at the top all season.
  19. Last night was an important game in that it has shown clearly some defficiencies we have in the way we defend, to be fair it has beenapparent for some time. All credit to Reading they deserved to win, they were better than us on the night. That doesnt take anything away from us we have done incredibly well and I have no doubt we will be promoted this year, 2 years ahead of "the 5 year plan" Possibly even as champions, although Reading have got the momentum. Quite amusing seeing how the same posters can only see the negatives. They must lead miserable lives, but good luck to them.
  20. Do I think we will go up, well doesnt matter what I think because that sure as hell wont get us up. What I know though is, 1.We have been in the top two most of the season. 2. At 41 games and only 5 games left we are top. 3. We have a 4 point [equivelant to 5 points with goal difference] lead against West Ham in third. 4. West Ham have not been madly impressive at home and 3 of there 5 games remaining are at home. 5. If we think there is pressure with points in the bank, how must West Ham feel with 5 points they know they must make up. Also with the fans not totally backing there manager. [cant say I blame them he is a bit of a ****]. 6. In Adkins we have a clever totally focussed manager who will have the players prepared to there best for each game. 7. In Southampton we have a truely great team spirit with players fighting for each other and can you imagine how life changing it will be for them playing in the Premier league. 8.If we lose tomorrow we can still easily go up, if West Ham lose tomorrow they wont be far away from missing out. After a season of such consistency, why would we come third to Reading and West ham in a 5 game league, much more likely 2nd or first. So stop worrying about if we will or wont go up, just get behind the team with out fear and doubt for each game, and take it one game at a time. Now if we all do that I know we will go up.
  21. thought it was a stupid question then, think it is still a stupid question. Well done Sharp
  22. Pathetic that so many people are actually bothered about when people leave the ground. I always leave five minutes early because that is the difference between getting stuck in traffic for half an hour and being able to get straight away on my 90 mile plus journey home. Maybe you would all like a "I always stay to the end" badge You can all have a secret handshake and puff your chest out at each other, to prove you are members of the "I stay to the end club". Very strange.
  23. 3 more wins and we are up............................Fact.
  24. The world has gone mad giving air time to what Redknapp says, he is a moron. I do not think he is anywhere near as good a manager as Adkins. Not saying that Adkins should get the England job but Redknapp certainly shouldnt. Surely we have better calibre than him. As for him suggesting Allerdyce is a prospect. Dont think so, hes not exactly getting the best out of his squad is he. Was talking to someone that played under him some years ago and apparently he was an arrogant ***. and had favourites etc. Hodgson should probably be considered more highly than he is but as I say the world is mad even talking about Redknapp as a contender.
  25. born southampton, now living Warlingham in Surrey. Supported saints from about 5. Went to Merry oak secondary school and Itchen college in the early 70s. Left Southampton to join Army [medical corps] Came back in late 70s for a few years working as am manager with Sperrings [any one remember them] If I am not watching, home or away will be iether on saints player or if Abroad would have found a live screening. Last game I iether didnt watch or listen to was, [dont know how it happened] but one Saturday took family to Thorpe Park that day we beat Man u was it 6 3 and ferguson blamed it on his choice of shirt colour. Still gutted about misssing that!
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