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Everything posted by Gruffalo

  1. £4m in August, with the last £4m to follow at a later date. Robust business plans really can make your money go so much further.. Because PFC brings £300m to the local economy each and every season..
  2. The original proposal had the council borrowing the money themselves and handing it on to the PDT. So whilst not direct from PCC coffers, the council would nonetheless be liable if the repayments were defaulted. That same proposal required the loan to be repaid directly from the next tranche of parachute payments, due in August this year. But since the Premier League refused to accept that condition, and accepting that those PPs have been spent about 5 times over anyway, either the loan deal is off the table or PCC & the PDT have re-negotiated the terms.
  3. 2013 - bloody Netbook mini-keys..
  4. According to the FL's own rules & regulations, 'season' is defined as follows: ..and that would be 27 April 2012.
  5. Link: http://tinyurl.com/aueqzy8
  6. A 56 year old Pompey fan was given a kicking (and broken jaw) by some Walsall supporters. The police arrested a couple of blokes on suspicion of causing GBH a week or so after the incident - STL STL..
  7. From FF:
  8. Seen the '£30m' figure quoted a few times on the board of late, but didn't the council claim the football club brought in revenue of £300m to the local economy ?
  9. Spreading wider..
  10. 'Apathy' had been changed to 'reality' on the image of the Telegraph article they showed on SSN this morning..
  11. Football creditors, CVA, Chinny, Fratton, PKF, and now a council loan - I wonder how many more times the parachute payments can be allocated..
  12. Legend - red and white to the core.. I was glad to be there for that goal..
  13. 1) No 2) No
  14. 1. You might get something through the post, you might not - who knows ? 2. On the 'speeding' , relax - a proper copper would almost certainly have pulled you at the time if he'd wanted 'a word'. And plod vehicles are unlikely to be equipped with video recording facilities for their handheld speed measurement devices (probably laser, not radar) - not that they'd need any photos or video to secure a conviction (if they really wanted to).. Either way, the police would have to serve a Notice of Intended Prosecution on the registered keeper of the vehicle within 14 days if they wished to proceed matters. So, absent anything unwelcome dropping through the RK's letterbox in the next 2 weeks, you'll probably hear nothing about it..
  15. 10 games this season, 0 goals. And some 14 weeks out in the past year (in 3 spells) with knee problems, and this after a ruptured cruciate knee ligament in 2008. Don't know much about Alvarez, but I think I'm starting to see why Inter want to offload him in favour of Gaston..
  16. Reads like it was written by a 5 year old..
  17. Halo - that's brilliant !! Top work, fella..
  18. All golf clubs are very personal, so try and try and try before you buy.. But, if I had to single out one club to demo, it would have to be the RBZ range - very good kit..
  19. ‏@NabilHassan79: Sat inside court 17 at the High Court, Trevor Birch here from administrator's PKF. Deepak Chainrai here on behalf of brother Balram.
  20. Would be interested to know the English translation of 'great'.. http://tinyurl.com/bo8rbnl
  21. More early reaction from down the road.. As another cold snap heads eastwards, the few show they are still capable of providing heartwarming comments.
  22. That's the nub.. The PDT will be relying on the fact that the council's 'covenant' precludes any other use for the land as long as the football club exists and they have not been re-housed. If the court accepts that, and refuses to see beyond that, then the value of the land will be relatively low (probably But if there was no football club, then the council's restrictions on use would not apply and the value of the land for mixed use re-development would be significantly higher.. No doubt Team Chinny will be pressing Point 2 and bringing to the court's attention the little matter of the circling Property Developers and an alternative reasoning for their 'Fratton Park or bust' ultimatum..
  23. I was just thinking the same. Adding 5 or so Nutjobs to the apathetic ranks of the few would probably double their numbers and, by skate maffs, would qualify as a massed gathering - and that would have Neil 'I believe my own press' Allen (et al) frantically filling their collective socks..
  24. Santa could be delivering gifts early this year..
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