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Everything posted by LiamSFC

  1. Absolutely cannot stand it. It's sanitised, Americanised b0llocks. What with that, all-seaters, boring atmospheres (not necessarily at Saints, just football in general) and those ridiculous, childish mascots, it's not long before we'll be getting cheerleaders and commercial breaks every five seconds.
  2. I see the Brighton fans are as blinkered and bitter as ever: http://www.northstandchat.com/showthread.php?220032-Southampton-v-Brighton-amp-Hove-Albion-****-Official-Match-Thread-****/page33
  3. Also, when are they going to do something about the ridiculous service at the bar? I rarely bother with beer at the ground because it usually takes at least 10-15 minutes to queue, all for an overpriced little plastic bottle of ****. Sort it out Cortese!
  4. Real ale would be nice but I can't see that happening. John Smith's or Pedigree is more realistic, and I'd be more than happy with that. Anything's better than bloody Carlsberg.
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