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Everything posted by tartan_saint

  1. ...or 3. I have a Season Ticket and I have a couple of friends visiting me from overseas, who would like to attend a game. Regardless, it's sorted now. Happy clapper c*nts.
  2. Is anyone not using their membership numbers for the Liverpool home game. I'm after an extra 1, maybe 2 tickets. Cheers.
  3. I assume it was this tool. https://twitter.com/MathewSeymour
  4. What a prize c**t you are Sent from my ONEPLUS A3003 using Tapatalk
  5. "Bompey" ffs. Sent from my ONEPLUS A3003 using Tapatalk
  6. Been out for months...
  7. A national team.... Paraguay
  8. Lots of traffic on the drive home. So, so, so worth it though! Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk
  9. I'm not usually one to have a meltdown but that was gash. Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk
  10. I don't think anyone would have any quarrel with you posting here. Especially for such a fantastic cause. Do you know whether the club will be selling SFC poppy pins this year?
  11. Which songs have this board come up with recently that are original and have stuck? The Wanyama one? At no point did I say his ideas were great. However sometimes it's better to say nothing at all, rather than rip him a new one at the first opportunity. I imagine these songs don't take off because they get an outing once or twice, and if they don't immediately get everyone else singing along, they are binned.
  12. No, these miserable old £@*!s will criticise anything people suggest but wouldn't actually come up with anything themselves. Don't take it personally!
  13. Sparta ticket bought at 9:05 #435
  14. Agree with that. It will be 'keep your heads down and mouths shut,' if you're brave enough to risk it.
  15. I imagine the twitter mongs are doing a fine job of emailing the clubs, asking about 'neutral zones' and thus ruining any chance of actually sitting in the home end.
  16. I do think they will be pretty tight with checks, as if we get through the group, then tickets for the knock-out stages will be prioritised based on who went to the group games.
  17. The system wouldn't be 'intelligent' enough to ensure that the name on the season ticket, matched the name given in the passport details section. This will all need to be done manually by the club. If people have done that expecting to get away with it, I think they're going to be very disappointed. Pretty stupid considering it's gone down to general sale.
  18. 8 of us in this area too. In a few Airbnb's rather than hotels.
  19. 1 spare adult available. Face value + booking, so £31. Can either be picked up at So'ton Central on Sunday morning or outside of the ground. First to respond can have it.
  20. In the past I have had 2 UK passports, at the same time. It's allowable if you frequently travel to countries in conflict with each other, which may otherwise cause admission issues. The best of both worlds!
  21. Managed to get 4 of us on one booking with no trouble.
  22. I'm not... I qualify! Just wanted to share the reviews site, so people could make a decision on whether it's a scam or not. I've just asked around some of the guys at work and some have used this site before, for Premier League games. They've said it is legit, however they can be a bit slow in sending tickets.
  23. http://www.reviewcentre.com/reviews230283.html Not sure of the validity of the reviews but it does seem a bit hit and miss. Desperate times.... I suppose.
  24. Excellent idea... Didn't even think of that. Time to rake through my contacts to see if anyone can help me out! Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk
  25. I noticed this when translating... "On the ticket will be inscribed the name, surname and date of birth, reported data can not be retroactively changed , the data will be checked by identification papers at the entrance to the stadium." We don't normally do that, do we?
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