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About tartan_saint

  • Birthday 17/03/1984

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  1. ...or 3. I have a Season Ticket and I have a couple of friends visiting me from overseas, who would like to attend a game. Regardless, it's sorted now. Happy clapper c*nts.
  2. Is anyone not using their membership numbers for the Liverpool home game. I'm after an extra 1, maybe 2 tickets. Cheers.
  3. I assume it was this tool. https://twitter.com/MathewSeymour
  4. What a prize c**t you are Sent from my ONEPLUS A3003 using Tapatalk
  5. "Bompey" ffs. Sent from my ONEPLUS A3003 using Tapatalk
  6. Been out for months...
  7. A national team.... Paraguay
  8. Lots of traffic on the drive home. So, so, so worth it though! Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk
  9. I'm not usually one to have a meltdown but that was gash. Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk
  10. I don't think anyone would have any quarrel with you posting here. Especially for such a fantastic cause. Do you know whether the club will be selling SFC poppy pins this year?
  11. Which songs have this board come up with recently that are original and have stuck? The Wanyama one? At no point did I say his ideas were great. However sometimes it's better to say nothing at all, rather than rip him a new one at the first opportunity. I imagine these songs don't take off because they get an outing once or twice, and if they don't immediately get everyone else singing along, they are binned.
  12. No, these miserable old £@*!s will criticise anything people suggest but wouldn't actually come up with anything themselves. Don't take it personally!
  13. Sparta ticket bought at 9:05 #435
  14. Agree with that. It will be 'keep your heads down and mouths shut,' if you're brave enough to risk it.
  15. I imagine the twitter mongs are doing a fine job of emailing the clubs, asking about 'neutral zones' and thus ruining any chance of actually sitting in the home end.
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