Who's "we"? I remember watching Saints play West Ham in a pre-season friendly and thinking we were in the brown stuff then. (Although it took a while to realise how deep the brown staff was).
Personally, I agree with Stanley - I'm really looking forward to next season. I've saved up for a season ticket and look forward to going to as many away games as possible (just for the kudos of saying "I was there at Yeovil/Swindon/wherever" in a few years time.
(All assuming we do get bought of course).
In the words of George Bush...
"There´s an old saying in Tennessee, I know it´s in Texas, probably in Tennessee, that says: fool me once, shame on.....shame on you, fool me, you can´t get fooled again!"
I didn't go on the march yesterday, as I was concerned that it would either be a "one man and his dog" type farce, or that there would be some sort of trouble.
With hindsight, I'm sorry I didn't go, and will definitely be there next time (if there is a next time).
Take your point, but if you have money, isn't it better to buy while the market is flat, rather than wait for a recovery and buy in what could quickly become a sellers market? I guess that way more money could be made.
(I have not the first idea if any of the stuff on this thread is true BTW, just wanted to add to the debate).