Well said! He brought us fans incredible joy for so many years, showed unbelieveable loyalty to our club and is simply untouchable - a true Southampton legend. How dare anyone suggest he pays for a ticket after everything he did for us!
Loving the Football League one! They seem quite generous with player prices on that one - I imagine most people will be very confident with their team selections!
I don't know about the 'bleeding-heart liberal press' - I'm just going by what SSN have reported! Sorry, just letting people know who may not! Despite the rape claims against him, he doesn't seem particularly nice anyway, so I don't mind judging!
Not so sure about this guy - I know it's bad to judge but has just been in court over an alleged rape (although there wasn't enough evidence to charge him) and doesn't seem to have a particularly good attitude. Looks a bit of a pretty boy with another shockingly bad arm tattoo which everyone seems to be getting these days!
I just don't understand why people vote for these decisions - subs bench reduced and no multi-ball = more players become unhappy as they're not even involved in a matchday squad, less options for managers to bring suitable players on and less entertaining for fans as every time the ball goes out of play it takes a flipping age to get back to the throw-in taker again.
I saw this earlier today and was also a bit surprised that he had signed for a L2 side - can't blame anyone wanting to get away from the stadium:mk though!