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Everything posted by SimonC

  1. Cheers guys - I suppose its the generalisations that tend to rile me a bit - the 'we' all think the same way, etc. Its just really putting the other point across, that we aren't all rabid 'scummer' haters - which I have tried to say on here all of last season. Then you read this thread amd just get a bit ****ed off! fair enough, yes I don't have to read it, but still.. Just so hard to get a bit of banter going on here, it just seems to be pithy put downs all the time...sarcasm etc..I'm sure the hate that Pompey get is easier to deal with LOL. Oh well..off to bed. Need to save my energy for the relegation 6 pointer with Orient on tuesday...
  2. SimonC

    Danny Ings

    £1 million! cheers Burnley! mugs...
  3. What a lovely bunch! I am still trying to be civil on here, but you don't seem to get it! Can some of you get into your thick heads that alot of us couldn't give a f**k about Saints. I never did, didn't last year, didn't the years before (apart from when you saved our club of course - how could I forget). YES there were some keyboard warriors that stirred it up last year - hey we are 30 miles apart - what do you expect? I have got family from Lordshill, saints fans and get on really well. Loads of banter last year, but i did tell him that you would go up in the end, as expected. Some of the comments on here really out of order - yes, I know its your forum, but compare this one to Huddersfields, you come out looking like a bunch of spiteful bastards! Sorry to the decent Saints fans on here who can actually reply to a Bmth fan without resorting to some stupid pithy remark. Mind you, beer talking I suppose..
  4. Be grateful for what you have I suppose - SMS is fine, has a good atmosphere. We (AFCB) have had arguments with Oxford over who has the best fence at the open end! Of the new ones, Reading's seemed the best one I have been to.. (said through gritted teeth..). MK Don's might be really good if they add extra seats - they have got the inner concourse 3/4 of the way round.
  5. Hey no need for that, especially on a friday. We are fragile at the moment. P.S. Got a fiver?
  6. Come on you Poppies (the official Bournemouth FC!) grew up 2 mins walk from the ground (sort of NW Bmth) Shame they weren't a league team...great derbies against the Boscombe scum LOL!
  7. Glad you get it too clever clogs. A minority of Saints fans (I presume like you) really got your knickers in a twist last year over a few keyboard warriors. Let yourself down i'm afraid there getting that animated about 'little old AFCB'
  8. Yep still keeping the chin up!.. ..trying to ignore the patronising smug posts like the one above. I think the downright abuse that Pompey get is easier to deal with, rather than the sarcasm God knows what will happen with Mitchell. He needs to get us just a couple more players...and a PR man!
  9. ha ha..yes I can take some grief. I think it was just the patronising stuff that was hard to take! God knows with Mitchell - Its just the football side (the most important bit) is being really neglected. Yes we have from 1-1.4 million in the bank, but we need some extra players quick! Perhaps expectations have been raised after last year, but to lose 7 players, a well respected youth team coach (Joe Roach) the chief scout and a great management team in 7 months seems like football suicide. Just so hard to get the business / football balance right I suppose. In the end, our PATHETIC home attendances need to get to 7/8k on average for us to improve... Doble - bit hot and cold at the moment, defo promise though
  10. Not even we thought it would be this bad. I didn't give it the big one at all last year, as I knew you would get promoted in the end. Few keyboard warriors as ever... Not been on here for a while as got some abuse last time which was a bit disappointing and a bit needless really. Considering you had beaten us 3 times and had got promoted...and didn't care about us anyway LOL!
  11. ...there's always a few poor misguided souls Being a Bmth fan - I just can't imagine cheering for a town / city you're not from, it would just be weird. But it's just gloryhunting really, for people with no moral fibre..we all have too many people in both Bmth amd Soton with Chelski/United shirts on. Mitchell - god knows what will happen. Yes, we have some money in the bank, but there has to be a balance, after all the football side of things is what its all about. With Steve Lovell retiring, we only have Cooper and Pugh left from the team last year. You and Brighton going well...a year is a very long time in football
  12. You are joking, right? That word up version is the worst cover ever...actually its better than the Mel B one!! Waterfalls - the Bluetones I can see clearly - Hothouse Flowers 'Ruby Trax' released by the Melody Maker in about 1992 is great - double album of great covers.
  13. Agreed - he was rubbish against us in the play offs, I think setting up their second up there was about the only thing he did. Hudds lot wouldn't want him back either. Very suprised if he makes the Prem. You'll want better than him!...(and definitely no untried young strikers from us LOL)
  14. I worked at the Holiday revival - defunct bar thing by the Pier in the summer of 91. That roadshow year young Danni ***** was appearing. Walked straight past us in the bar - one of the staff goes, 'christ you're small aint ya!...as you do!
  15. Chuckling away up here in Leighton Buzzard. The missus is from Bedford. MK41 & 42 homies?? Great entertainment.
  16. Unbiased outsiders view.. Southampton's probably more 'pleasant' to live in - but slightly dull? Pompey's rougher (especially the northern part of the city), but Southsea / Albert Road area is great and probably the best part of either city I would say
  17. Just to agree - yes we (Bmth) probably have the most pathetic home gates for the size of population. Considering we are the 'largest non industrial connurbation in Europe' with a local population of about 400k (Bmth 167k, Poole 135k, xchurch 40k plus Wimborne and the rest) - the crowds are toss. But, debated this endlessly on our boards and the population is too transient and support other sides and the area is just too 'nice' to be a football heartland. http://www.lovemytown.co.uk/ ...great website for population geeks!!
  18. It was 'Everything must go' but i'm sure you knew that LOL.
  19. Reporting for duty!! Bmth fan here waiting for the sales to begin. What was the name of that Manics album again??
  20. ..Eh? Hell will freeze over before AFCB get top billing! ...Are you suggesting we are teachers pet then??
  21. ...He went a little bit mad there didn't he. Bad day at work - especially for a Saints fan? Bizarre. Best for him that we are in different leagues next year!
  22. Halle-effing-leuyah...well summed up. What I have been trying to say all season. Yes CRAB LUNGS and DRONSKISAINT and your ilk - just because a few keyboard warriors from our club get up your nose - it doesn't mean we all think the same! Very proud of the team and fans last night, got back at 2am luckily as I'm an exile...played well, but plainly obvious we need a bit more physicality in the team, like yourselves, Hudd and Brighton (to a slightly lesser degree) have. Hudd will have to improve alot next year IMO if they do go up.. Thanks for the positive comments - apologies for the lack of an easy 6 points next year - at least you can have your 'proper' derby back!!
  23. But there were more home fans too - most Saints fans on here agreed! we're only 30 miles away, so we aren't proper rivals, but there was always going to be a bit of niggle this year - unavoidable.
  24. Think about it - all the Saints fans in the home ends? not hard. Apart from the Walsall game - our visit was always going to have the biggest attendance, and your match at ours.
  25. Yes everyone - it SHOULD be a sell out - I agree, so don't bother taking the pish. But there are too many people with their own alleigances / or Prem muppets - always been the same. No problem with people from Soton moving to Bmth and supporting Saints - it's the Saints fans born in Bmth I don't get..
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