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Everything posted by Navyred

  1. Navyred


    This is the last time that I will ever post on this messageboard. This thread is a disgrace, and the continued moronic harranging in thread after thread of the kids shows what a low level supporters base we now have. You should all hang your heads in shame. You are not supporters of SFC, but a disgrace to the club. I for one am delighted with what I am seeing from this Southampton team. With such a low average age to be in the position we are now, with no finances, is nothing short of miraculous. Taking your frustrations out on a 18/19 year old kid is diabolical. Yes, I worked with Patersons dad when I was in the Navy, but that does not cloud my own personal judgement. I think young Paterson is going to be a quality striker, indeed yesterday, if he hadn't gone for goal you would have been slaughtering him for not having a go - they just can't win. For what it's worth, JP was telling Paterson when to close down and when to shore up the midfield. I hope that Paterson gets a start soon, because we need his speed and mobility up front, and his desire to score goals for Southampton FC. To me, my love affair of writing about the team I have followed for over 50 years is over, thanks for all the pm's I've received over the time, the true supporters of this club will always have the best interests of SFC in their hearts, the rest of you can all **** off. For the last ever time on here COYR
  2. Chez, an interesting and positive thread. It is good we are talking about our youngsters instead of the bl**dy politics of this club!! Paterson in my very humble and honest opinion has the potential to go on and be a fantastic striker for this club. Saints have done a great job with him as he has been 'kept under the radar' and is now cementing his place in the first team squad. He keeps his head down and I have been told he is one of the hardest working players on the training ground. At this moment in time I believe that JP is handling him perfectly. Bring him on give him 20/25 minutes towards the end of every game and let him show his talents off. I think that either McG or Lallana in the hole behind him would be perfect. Soon to be the best striker at this club - IMHO of course! Love it, COYR
  3. Chez, got to agree with a lot of what you have written. It was a pretty torrid first half but JP made the changes second and that's what got us point (and nearly all three). Lloyd James, although not a right back has really got stuck in the last two or three games and I feel that he is a contributory factor that we have only lost one goal in three games, so although he looks uncomfortable at times, he has done a good job. Our midfield in the second half was outstanding. Cork is a natural and really outshone everyone else, he really was tremendous. Adam as always gave 110% and Morgan (who seems to breeze through games) looked more comfortable. Up front Brad had a pretty off day, McG put in a ton of work for no reward and Robertsons first half performance was pretty low key. Young Paterson looks very eager and a very good prospect, needs longer than 5/10 minutes to really show us what he's got. Finally, the introduction of Pearce really cemented it for us. He looks a very, very reliable defender. Roll on Saturday and Sheff Wed, enjoying my football at the moment and as you say watching Saints right now is very good fun! COYR
  4. A magnificent performance, and one that we were definitely due. Was impressed by the effort and determination from every one of the players. I cannot remember a more professional display by a Saints team. Defensively, outstanding performances from Cork and my MOTM Chris Perry, Skacel and James both very solid. In the middle of the park i thought that Schneiderlen showed exactly why Arsenal are tracking him. His close control and spreading of the play was magnificent. McGoldrick fought for everything as did Surman and Lallana. BWP took both his goal expertly and Robertson held the ball up brilliantly, even substitute Paterson looked superb with some great tackling and running. All in all a fantastic day out for the travelling, very vocal Sains support. Credit where credit is due JP gets a 10/10 from me today. Tactically he got it absolutely spot on with the squad he chose and formation of the team. It allowed players to play in their proper positions and show us what they really can do. Loved it! COYR
  5. Would love to see 4-4-2 but just don't think JP can change it now. Would expect that Robertson will be the 'centre forward' with Lallana in the hole and BWP and MCG either side. That's a pretty good front line. Gasmi could come in but he did not look match fit at all on Monday with the Reserves. Young Paterson is a good bet for the last 15 mins. Heard we have loads and loads of injuries and our team on Saturday could be a real surprise! Really looking forward to a day out at Reading - it's been a while! COYR
  6. Got to agree to agree with most of Arizona's comments. This was a very good team performance against a good Swansea side (with Martinez watching). Bart I'm afraid seems to have lost a bit of his confidence and sparkle, his distribution was poor. Mills is an exceptionally talented player who needs more first team football. Great to see Killer back, but his replacement Jeff Imeldua was outstanding! Winning every ball with some crunching tackles, if he was about two foot taller, Jeff would be playing first team football now! Gasmi and Pulis were both pretty subdued they need lots of Reserve football before they are anywhere near ready for the first team. Jake Thomson made some great runs, especially the one which won the penalty, he just needs to get more involved and do it more often! James, once switched to midfield, showed exactly what he is all about, crunching tackles and getting stuck in, brilliant second half. Up front I wish that they played the two strikers together, Robertson holding the ball up with Paterson using his speed I am sure would have been very profitable. Both the strikers put in a very good shift. I just don't know about Wotton - he has obviously been a very capable player in his day, but there were times in the second half when he was by-passed and looked a yard or two slow. But his 'old head' definitely helps out the younger players. Still wishing for 4-4-2. I am sure the players we have got would respond more to it. COYR And it was Hatch who came on at right back.
  7. Out and out striker, but think he will play 'in the hole' tonight - to accommodate Robertson and mirror the first team tactics. And if it doesn't work, just swap them about!
  8. As the Reserves mirror the first team tactically, think the line up will look more like Bart James Killer Davies Mills Pulis Wotton Thomson Gasmi Paterson Robertson Defensivley very strong. Still do not know what Pulis or Gasmi bring to the table. Thomson is very good on the right wing and Paterson will want to continue his goal a game record. Also, young McLaggan is playing well for u18s hope he gets a run out. COYR
  9. Our problem tomorrow defensively will be dealing with Chris Iwelumo! I think JP will seriously consider putting Paul Wotton on to man mark him. I think he would probably bully Pearce, Lancashire and Perry! Midfield is fine with Schneiderlein coming back and young Lallana playing in the hole. Up front I would love to see two strikers, but think Mcg will be played wide right and Robertson as the striker. On the bench Thomson and Paterson before Gobern and Pekhart. Should be an interesting game tomorrow, David and Goliath springs to mind!! COYR
  10. Ron, Agree if Jeff was only taller!! Whitey will get all the plaudits for his hat-trick (and rightly so), but my mate Chris said this was almost a 'complete performance' by Saints. He was very, very complimentary about the whole team, mainly because this was almost an Argyll first team! Also agree about Pato, I too think he will be leading the line for Saints in seasons to come. He is getting bigger, stronger and faster and gives 110% every time he puts on a Saints shirt. MW constantly comments that he 'runs his socks off'. With Whitey playing in the hole behind him, we might just have have a striking partnership that will give us the goals we need in the future. Pato I think has scored 5 in 5 and Whitey 8 in 5 - awesome at whatever level you play. You must have been one of the three Saints fans at the match! Were you the one making all the noise?
  11. Didn't manage to get to the game yesterday (I know poor effort!) but spoke to a good friend, Chris Daykin a Plymouth Argyll fanatic who was at the game. Said he only saw about three Saints fans at the match but they were heard applauding their team all afternoon! Chris's exact words were 'brilliant from back to front'. Argyll put out a very strong squad and with Mpenza and Mackie on form, expected to win easily. Saints simply passed them off the park. Defensively he was very impressed with Kyle Davis and Jeff Imeldua in the middle and especially Jamie Hatch at right back. In the middle he thought that Gasmi looked a pretty good player but was obviously trying too hard and Saints got even better when he went off and White was put in the 'hole'. Up front he thought White and Paterson were a tremendous partnership - they gave the Plymouth defence a torrid time! Both continually closing down and harrassing, and setting each other up for some very well taken goals. A tremendous 'team' performance and we were to be congratulated with showing Argyll how to play the game!! (He did say that Argyll were the better team for the first ten minutes of the second half!). He was very generous in defeat, and is not always this complimentary I can assure you - so we must have played well!!! COYR
  12. I am a huge believer in the 4-4-2 formation. Fact is really I don't care what formation we play as long as we play at the very least TWO STRIKERS! Playing DMCG up front on his own is just not good enough. We need two front men chasing down everything - defend from the front! MCG had a few good touches last night, headers on, flick ons, but there was nobody there to pick them up.
  13. Navyred


    Lallana is the most gifted and best player at this club. Playing him wide left last night stifled his play and in my opinion was a complete waste of his talents - he should be played in the 'hole' not just now and then but EVERY match. We are making too many changes and do not have a settled squad. I feel the worse that if offers are made for Adam in Dec/Jan and we have not played him in his right position/constantly changed his position then he will simply leave. It is imperative to the success of this team that Adam Lallana stays at this club - that means playing him week in and week out in his proper position. Rant over! COYR
  14. PokingFun I completely understand where you are coming from. We have huge concerns all over the pitch, but at the end of the day we have what we have. Today JP got it wrong, after Tuesday's battle at Sheffield our back four should have been Cork, Wotton, Perry, Skacel - if we get it right at the back, it is half the battle. I have seen enough of the kids over the last two years to yet again say the likes of White, James, Paterson, Mills, Thomson, Hatch (still being over looked), Lanashire, Lallana and even McG to believe that we have some real quality. JP must use these players to the best of their abilities - that is not stifling how they play as individuals to allow them to contribute to the 'team effort'. I will say it again and again we must go back to a 4-4-2 formation. This will allow these kids to play how they have played over the last couple of years very successfully. We had nothing in the attacking third of the field yesterday, because BWP was played as a left, then right winger and McG was floating somewhere inbetween with Gillet in the hole. As soon as we made the substituions and had a natural winger in Mills going past players and whipping balls into the box, with a striker in the middle in Paterson, we looked more aggressive and more likely to get a goal (even though it was 2 then 3 nil within five minutes of the substitutions!) - this just did not happen for the first hour, it really was simply awful football. I am huge believer in two forwards - they get the goals. These kids want to be professional footballers as a career, this is the start for them. Give them time and patience, play them in their natural positions and watch them flourish, who knows one of them could be a Rooney or Theo of the future. There is still enough in this squad to save us from relegation this year - I firmly believe this. To the fans I spoke to in the 'cage' at Swansea, the majority believe this as well - just get the tactics and team selection right JP and let them show you how well the really can play. Total football can come after we have have won a few games and made sure this club continue in the CCC and has a future COYR ps You now have the opportunity to write you 1000th comment PF congratulations!!
  15. Exactly what I thought. The two youngsters came on, Mills actually went past players and got some crosses into the box and Paterson did what all good strikers do, closed down defenders/keeper, ran into space and WAIT FOR IT.............................. ACTUALLY GOT A SHOT ON TARGET!!!!!!!!!!!!! (our only one I think!) Well done nippers. Thought Perry, Cork and Lallana made the effort today and apart from the two subs I was very disappointed with the effort and desire from he rest of the squad. However, we really do have some kids with natural ability, but playing this silly Xmas tree positional football is a laugh, it is stifling the players. I disagree that we will be relegated - but only if JP starts playing 4-4-2 and allow the players to play their natural game. Forever red and white
  16. Paterson has now scored in each of his last 3 matches and I think scored in four out of five pre-season games. He does miss chances, but all good strikers do, saying that his goal yesterday was a brilliant finish. He is definitely a confidence player - and I think JP did an amazing job on him by firstly involving him in the first team and putting him on the bench, then giving him his debut towards the end of the game against Norwich. The young lads' confidence must be sky high at the moment, reflecting totally in his recent goal a game average. I too have high hopes for him. He is currently pretty well down the pecking order so I think his real chance will come in the second half of the season when a few of our loan players return to their proper clubs. That said, because of his height, strength and especially his mobility, I would currently rate him better than Pekhart and Robertson and BWP!!! I must also say again that we do have some some really good players coming through - regards if crass individuals/supporters(?) think we may be giving them a false dawn! White, Hatch, Thomson, Davis, Paterson are all very, very talented players - if we give them the opportunity to play at the higher level then I think we have a solid base for the future. Mills was part of this group coming through and has been thrown in at the deep end, but he is holding his own. We must support our Youth policy. COYR
  17. Got to admit, Smith wasn't what I expected. Jake Thomson completely outshone him yesterday, indeed apart from a couple of crosses and a one on one with the keeper in the second half (which he failed to score) I would say that he had a very quiet match. Thomson is by far a better player (IMO) and I would expect to see him on the bench/squad before Smith is. I completely agree that we should have a blend of experience and Youth especially in our first team squad. I honestly (hand on heart!) believe that many of our 'professionals' have either been told they are surplus to requirement or are just waiting to the end of their contracts to make their money. In saying that I am sure that when Dec/Jan comes and the likes of Smith, Peckhart, Cork, Roberston etc return to their clubs - we are preparing the likes of Thomson, Paterson and White to step in - and I for one (having watched them for the last two/three seasons) will be absolutely delighted for them because I firmly believe they have what it takes to make it.
  18. Just in case anyone is interested in football on this site anymore..... This was an exceptional performance by our Reserve side - which included many of our Academy side. MW must have been a very happy man to see his side pass Aldershot off the park. Our pass and move was fantastic and he was jumping off his seat to see our opening goal. Thomson took a quick throw in to White who in turn went past the left back and played over a cross to Paterson who somehow turned and hooked a brilliant shot into the net for our opening goal. Aldershot were a physical team, and some meaty tackles went in, but the youngsters stood up well to it. Second half was all about Jake Thomson, he was exceptional - playing in his proper position of right wing, he completely outclassed the Aldershot defence on just about every occasion he got the ball. Indeed, when Paterson played a pass to him after about an hour, he hooked the ball over first time for White to stab home at the front post. One touch football at its best! The two youngsters in midfield of Gobern and McNish battled well and defensively Davis, Hatch, Imedula and Reeves (great game!) looked like a well drilled unit! Once again I am delighted to watch our youngsters. Thomson, Paterson and White have the ability to become professionals at the highest level (IMHO) and as the elders of this squad at 18/19 that can only bode well for the future of Southampton FC. I would very much like to see all three involved more in the first team - indeed JP who was sat in the main stand must have enjoyed watching them. One disappointment - where are our 'professional' players - Skacel, Thomas, Euell, BWP etc.. If they are to get match fit for the first team then surely they must play Reserve football. Saying that, with the passion and desire that this team currently play with I doubt they would make the first eleven! COYR
  19. A wonderful post. :smt023
  20. I guess I've been raving about Paterson (and White and Mills and Hatch!!) for a while. I've watched him for a couple of years now and he is just growing into an outstanding prospect. He's good in the air, and very fast. He is not the most natural goalscorer I have ever seen but he brings masses to the 'team'. His all round effort is outstanding. He's still only 18 and I see him playing better football the higher level he plays at. Great to see he got his debut on Tuesday, I hope JP continues to use him and he gets 15/20 minute run outs in many more games this season - next season he will be the real deal (IMHO of course!) COYR PS Winchester was his worst pre-season - I think he scored in just about all the others!
  21. This was an excellent game of football, played at a good pace with chances for both teams. Saints had a very, very young team. Bart was in goal, and had one or two good saves. Whitey had a magnificent 10 minutes and Paterson threw himself into every tackle/challenge in both boxes! Millwall came with a very experienced side, and towards the end of the game put in a few meaty challenges, as our 'kids' were passing them off the park! Little left back Reeves did a sterling job and really got stuck in - well done (reminded me of Joseph Mills a year or two back!). 3-1 was a very fair result in the end. More youngster on the conveyor belt, halleujah!! COYR
  22. Absolutely delighted with the result and the performance last night. I was absolutely over the moon to see a team with Mills, Lancashire, Lallana, McGoldrick, White, James and now Paterson - all Academy players playing first team football (also Hatch in the first team squad). Hats off to our unsung Academy manager Matt Crocker, you are doing a fantastic job. I have said it time and time again - these 'kids' will be the back bone of this club (I hope) for years to come. COYR:)
  23. Lovely stadium, very friendly home supporters and the sun shining made Saturday a very enjoyable day out. Thought Rovers played the diagonal ball very well, Wootton was caught out on numerous occasions, thankfully Ollie Lancashire has some speed about him and covered very well. Young Mills is settling in - just needs to contain his enthusiasm at times! Dave McG does not get very many plaudits, but I think he really put in a shift on Saturday - in a roll on the right wing that he does not enjoy. I think with our current squad we really should be looking at 4-4-2. Pekhart looked a little laboured up front on his own and really needs another striker beside him. We now have Pekhart/McG/Paterson/Robertson/BWP as strikers (Lallana, must play in the hole behind/attacking from midfield). I really do believe that we will start scoring goals with 2 up front, because some of our outfield play has been very good. Maybe Robertson will bring something to the party, Paterson's speed and mobility could be the key, or even just giving McG the opportunity to play in the position that he scored bagfulls of goals for the Reserves is the answer. No matter what, I thoroughly enjoyed the atmosphere on Saturday - Saints fans singing their hearts out and cheering on this very young team. COYR
  24. Ladysaint, IMHO I think it would not be a good move for Nathan and he should stay at Saints and really give it a go - he is an outstanding player and could be a big success here. If he does go then Jake Thomson is his natural successor - Jake when committed 100% to a game is brilliant and a match winner. Disappointed that we are not talking about defenders coming in, that is where we are lacking. We still have young Hatch to make his debut and I am sure he will be a success. Up front I was very happy to see young Paterson on the bench at Rotherham - if we do go 2 up front at any time I would have no hesitation of throwing him on - he will score goals for Saints. Young Whitey I think took a battering after his first couple of games - but I am convinced that he will be a future star. With Fish now nailing down left back, Olllie getting his chance, and Paterson, Thomson, Hatch and White just about there, our Academy players are really coming through. It is going to be a very difficult time for them but I keep my fingers crossed that they will all rise to the challenge over the coming months. Truthfully I have not posted much recently as I have watched the scathing debates on this site from afar, and feel that anyone posting a 'positive' article is looked down up! COYR
  25. Succinct thread John B. I have really stopped posting on this site because I just cannot believe the negativity and almost assault on our players, manager and club. We have no finances, we have some very talented kids, and we have a support that wants to spend their whole time harranging and almost slaughtering them. I will support SFC forever, through good and bad times - now is a bad time - but we must get behind these kids, encourage and give them confidence - confidence breeds success. I have seen these kids play brilliant football for the past two years in the Youth/Reserves - with our support they can show this for the first team. Schneiderlein, Hatch, Paterson, Mills, Thomson, White, Davies, James all 18/19. McGoldrick, Gillet, Lallana and Dyer all early 20s, give them a chance - because in 2/3 years time they will be the spine of our team - regardless of what league we may be in. COYR
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