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  1. If he was clearly interfering why did they spend so fucking long on the first check? Desperate to find a way to rule it out.
  2. What time did you start drinking?
  3. If you're not pissed off at how this season is going, no one should be taking you seriously.
  4. When I go back to work tomorrow and do absolutely nothing all day, or actively make it clear I don't care about the company, if anyone pulls me up on it I'll be making sure they know I think they're entitled and overreacting.
  5. Has anyone said it after today's performance.....good feet for a big man!
  6. In all fairness the first two were enforced, Lallana & TP were having decent games until the injuries. TP for a defensive midfielder was an odd one though.
  7. Get in, great goal!!!
  8. I'm watching on Brazilian TV and they compared him to Ronaldinho after that pass 😂
  9. Time to shut up now mate.
  10. Not really "woulds", getting dicked by United and beat by Newcastle was what actually happened.
  11. I've bought loads of shirts of dubious provenance over the years, most hold up as well as the proper ones but generally I'd not go for the name/number as they don't last many washes.
  12. On my stream the taters mentioned that Forest hadn't kept a clean sheet away from home since October 2023. If we couldn't even make a decent chance against a team with that record then a serious rethink is needed. Hopefully Martin realises that and adapts his philosophy (won't happen).
  13. Not only a crap result but what a boring game to watch. Echoing others though, Dibling looks a good positive player, with driving forward runs like Alcaraz. Would love to see him start although not convinced his style (like Alcaraz') fits Martinball.
  14. Good stuff. Although I won't be holding my breath.
  15. So it was a pointless comment which added no value then, thanks for that.
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