183 -
Everything posted by PinkScarf
No !!!! Make that a Tuoca mixed with Red Bull. That, or lime gin mixed with lemon-sour, (tastes like lemonade!) and mind the nails they only just been painted. Goooooooooooooooood Luck Lee.
The young Ladies of Southampton are not him's ... A Blue Wicked if you're buying ...
We are know Barney is a Legend on the Terraces. But ............. You are allowed to defend yourself with reasonable force if you think you are in danger.
Now everything going our way, The Geezer with aggression should pay, Barney unlucky to be caught in a ruck, Defensive and hurt - out of luck, Justice will be done - come what may. BARNEY IS INNOCENT - OK !!!
Lee Barnard should really walk free The message is easy to see In Town taking Time Out Accosted by a Cage Fighting type lout Back in the Squad .... will really please me
all barney wanted was a quiet drink and this rhyme..ing lark made me think cage fighters kicking off with a friend last resort - lee had to defend southampton girls h8 pompey - we love pink !!!!
Spudgun - you know what - if I was on celebrating with the GIRLS and a ruck broke out with some aggressive trouble makers and the cage fighters were in town and some-one came hurtling towards me - FULL ON - I would really try to protect myself and the girls and if I was drinking a white rum and coke or if one of the lads had left a blue wicked bottle on the side and ..... etc You know what humour aside on the terraces - we all know ... BARNEY IS INNOCENT OK !! P.S. and yes !! The SOUTHAMPTON girls reckons he has a nice a**e (for what it's worth !) P.P.S WE H8 POMPEY (Rule 2#)
The SOUTHAMPTON Girls like Jose Fonte too !! WE H8 POMPEY !! Trawling back through the Echo's : IN TODAY'S Daily Echo, read the exclusive interview with the cage fighter who witnessed the bar brawl which led to a Saints player being arrested. Striker Lee Barnard, 26, was held by police on suspicion of assault following the incident. Tom Watson, describes how he was left soaked in blood after the fight. The Swanmore cage fighter was celebrating his victory over Jordan's husband Alex Reid in a match last week, when he witnessed the brawl in White House in Southampton in the early hours on Sunday. BARNEY IS INNOCENT OK !!!
Durleyfos - it would be an honour to be in the Golden Posts. The only reason this thread is in the Muppet show is to protect individuals etc against legal action. Lots of fans have made the point that why should a footballer be treated differently than any other individual .... I agree ... but what I say is that if some-one was hurtling towards you and you had to defend yourself - would you grab the nearest item (be it a cup or saucer) or whatever you had to hand and try and keep an aggressive individual from assaulting you ... we all know the answer to that.!!!!!!
Saint in Paradise - If only what you posted was even close to the truth. EVERYONE KNOWS : BARNEY IS INNOCENT O.K !!! (Not long now until his acquittal)
The Southampton Girls over a glass (or two) of wine have a message : think RED and WHITE .. think PINK ... BARNEY IS INNOCENT ..O.K !!!!!!!!!
Skintsaint - brownscarf is for Poopey down at Fratton Although fans may say Barney got covered in the brown stuff - he will come back smelling of Roses. BARNEY IS INNOCENT - OK !!!
Not Sherry Latter Day Saints - White Rum is getting closer ! Going back to Barney - there he was - out with a few of the players - relaxing after a good win against Bournemouth and then enter the over aggressive trouble-making Cage Fighter/s who were in town ... picture the scene...
Lookin' at the Stats for 2010/11 .. Rickie League Goals 21 Cup 0 Total 21 Lee League Goals 14 Cup 1 Total 15 Guly League Goals 9 Cup 2 Total 11. Adam Lallana League Goals 8 Cup 3 Total 11. Alex Oxy-C League Goals 9 Cup 1 Total 10. Jose League Goals 7 Cup 0 Total 7. Saints Fans know that goals win games. Barney is a key part of the goal machine and is a WINNER. BARNEY IS INNOCENT ... OK !!
Back from a weekend break to DUBLIN with the girls. To all Saints Fans - we all know BARNEY IS INNOCENT - OK !!!
Although the BARNEY issue has been moved from the Main Stream and sidelined (for now) - SAINTS will need all their players all ready to go at the start of next season. Not over-trained like Adam Lallana last season and not dealing with all these Court issues. All Saints Fans want another good season and the drive to the Premier League (and to stay there) Barney is part of the Jigsaw and solution. All the rumours are that if BARNEY is not available for whatever reason (like calf injury etc ) then the 1000 dollar question is - Could Michael OWEN fit into the SAINTS set up and get lots of crucial goals. This is my last POST on this issue for now ; JAM IS SPOT ON - BARNEY IS INNOCENT OK !!!
Cos BARNEY is INNOCENT - that's why !! You say you know the chap - well what was he doing to get such a momento from that night. A lot of people reckoned it was the Bournemouth fans stoking up the atmosphere - but SOUNDS like CAGE FIGHTERS doing what they do best - getting BATTLE SCARS and proud of them !! Stand up if you love the Saints, Stand up if you love the Saints, Stand up if you love the Saints, Stand up if you love the Saints... BARNEY IS INNOCENT .. OK !!
chriscumm -Thank you. (5*) Glad you are enjoying this thread. SAINTS will miss Barney if he is not available for selection next season. It's going to be about unlocking defences and getting goals next season. P.S BARNEY IS INNOCENT OK !!!!!
Matthew le God - good post. I'm sure he has the calibre - but all the Saints Fans I know (including the Girls !!) want to be in the Top Part of the division next season and still be in the race at the end to get promoted to the Premiership. P.S. Barney is Innocent and #2 The Girls hate Pompey
Nigel may have got a new contract - but he could be in for a shock as the pace of the Championship catches him cold. David Connolly can pass the ball and score goals but we will need Oxy C and Barney and Lambert to be firing on all cylinders and Guly and Adam Lallana all to be fit to reach the upper part of the League Table. (the Squad will be important) My point is this - Barney needs his energy channelling - he is a talent no question !! (AND INNOCENT TOO !!) - but Nigel will have to buy ex - Premiership Players to reach the dizzy heights of Norwich and what they have done this season...... anyway back to the sparkling wine ! Cheers ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (See you at the Waterfront or Joshua Tree next season)
Although a lot of Posts haven't directly said so - everyone hopes BARNEY is available for selection or the new season - where the tempo of football picks up from League One.
Later that night in the WHITEHOUSE - some aggressive cage fighters were also in Southampton and were giving our boys a lot of stick (AND THE REST !!) Article 51 .. the inherent right of an individual to collective self-defence Lee Barnard Barnard .... He's short and he's ...... etc BARNEY IS INNOCENT !! OK P.S # 2 - THE GIRLS H8 POMPEY
Mattio - you are right about some vino - but no wind up ... BARNEY needs to be released from the shackles of all this parlava .. Can you cast your mind back and remember the day .. BOURNEMOUTH were in TOWN and everyone was wound up from them marching from the Station to the Stadium - it was on the front page of the ECHO ... look it up on the internet for the front page that day.... it will add context... SAINTS rightly WON the game ..... everyone went out to celebrate -(including a couple of Players) it was a good WIN cos Bournemouth had been "mouthing-off" for weeks !!! (See Next Post)
Nobody knows what happened - if BARNEY was GUILTY - he would be in the SLAMMER. BARNEY IS INNOCENT- OK !!