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Everything posted by PinkScarf
If anyone is Southampton based and cannot get a Ticket - there is always the SWAN in Woolston which shows the games on Stream. Ideal if you can't get a Ticket for the Away Games. There are still some left for Fulham Away - is everyone going to that. A lot of Saints Fans drink in the Eight Bells before the game. COME ON YOU REDS !!
Everyone seems to be heading for Walkabout and O'Neills - Shepherds Bush Green which is about a mile or so from the Stadium. It's forecast to be sunny. Hopefully with over three thousand heading up for the game - the pubs should be full of Red and White Saints Fans. Come on the Saints !!!
After conceding game after game - how can Nigel turn thing around ??
Jose Fonte is costing us points. Drop him. Last Season at Boro he was grappling - this Season he is not getting the incisive tacke in and the second goal yesterday was farcical.
Pink Scarf logging in from the Bahamas. Barney has been loyal and we want him to stay and fight for his place. Saints will make good use of him in the Cup Competitions which will help rest other players and help us progress to the later rounds. Topping up the sun tan but will be back to support the boys for the Man City Away Game.
Jos was probably just hung-over - that's all !!!! Al least he scored goals this Season and did a decent job - he's a lot better than Jose who struggled this Season.
Not at all -look he could have been a bit less big time and that is the fact of the matter. Maybe it was out of character - maybe lots of things !!! - but nobody was impressed. As long as he gets on with it next Season and scores goals - no-one is bothered. Jos let himself down today and that is the end of it !!!
No babbling from us !!! 1. Jose was good yesterday and in League One he was immense. Otherwise he has disappointed with his inconsistency on the pitch in the Championship. 2. Jos has been brilliant on the pitch and is definitely Premiership material - he like Adam Rickie etc is a favourite due to his good performances. That is what is so disappointing and surprising about today - therefore the post about it. experience
Yeah ... but that's you. As posted above - Players like Kelvin Adam etc have the capacity to engage with fans positively as well as deliver on the pitch. Rickie Lambert is another that is really good as well.
It's a view that's all. Last Season there was fair and a friendly game organised (from our memories) - but it would have been nice for the City to see the Players in an Open Top Bus. Surely everyone would benefit in Southampton from such an event including the Restaurants and Bars
You know what - We all hope your right - yesterday when he did his surging run he was awesome and everyone thought that's more like it. It was almost like he had been given a kick up the a*se or been spoken to by the Manager after the disappointment of Middlesborough.
We reckon you're probably right - with your post - but doesn't explain the change in his behaviour today. Maybe it's the end of the Season and he wants to chill and is sick of fans for now.
You could be right and that puts things more in context.
Jose was great yesterday and we all like him. That is not how he has been all season and he let himself down on a number of occasions when he has struggled by hanging on the Player instead of going for the ball. We all agree with you that against pace down the wings we have looked in trouble
Missing Deppo is a completely separate issue Regarding complaints on the Pitch- Nigel and the Team have done fantastically well - but in the Summer the whole back line need to be reviewed. Jose did really well yesterday but that is notthe story of his Season. Danny Butterfield also was just OK only - same with Danny Fox.
Do you not go out to the Pubs before the Games Home and Away - Banana Wharf and the Piano Bar are popular with Saints Fan before and after home games.
LOL Good One - We are not sure if he a nasty piece of work - but it gave an insight to his true colours. As long as he steps up next Season and delivers with goals and good performances on the pitch - that will always be the main issue. Maybe after a period of good form he is getting too big for his boots - we will all see !!!
Nigel is still unhappy at not finishing as Champions - but has done exceptionally well at the same. The point is in the Premiership he will have to handle some big egos.
Have you been to Ocean Village recently ? - no thought not LOL
Do your research - Jos was definitely in the Piano Bar and the Tweets confirm that he in his way out with some of the other Players. No trolling involved - it's easy to read positive posts and sometimes harder to digest the truth. The issue is as long as he performs well next Season - everyone is happy
It's the truth !!! We found it hard to comprehend ourselves as over the last few games he always applauded the fans at the end of the game and until now would have agreed with you. Maybe an off day - or he genuinely believes that now he is in the Premiership or the Season is Over that he is something special.
Lighthouse you are right about the fact that Saints Fans are over the moon with yesterdays result. Regarding being Deppo - We had a famous fight with Deppo on the Forum about a year ago when he was totally over the top with his remarks - so not right on that item.
Everyone is fantastically happy after yesterday - but with the likelihood of no open top bus - nothing been done for the fans - and the news about Jos -gives a reality check on it all !!!
There are lots of positive threads after a brilliant day yesterday !!!!!
You know what - you may well be right !!! In League One and the Championship the Players really needed the fans - but suddenly one or two players think they are Big Time !!!