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Everything posted by standingontheglebe

  1. Morning All, Our un-official Posh fans podcast featuring our review of Saturdays game is now available from http://www.standingontheglebe.co.uk lease note, this episode has a parental advisory sticker on it due to comments made regarding Mr Chaplow. Feedback is as always very welcome. Cheers
  2. Despite some media sources repeating that contract situation - in actual fact he is under contract to PUFC until Summer 2012. So the boy is still going to cost whoever wants him a good bundle of £ in the summer! A cracking game, another mad 90 mins at London Road - our un-official Posh fans podcast talking about the game will be on-line tonight from http://www.standingontheglebe.co.uk -It will carry a parental advisory sticker due to my comments regarding Mr Chaplow
  3. nothing in the media this end. In an interview I did with our owner a couple of weeks ago, he stated that CMS was a club legend and that a couple of clubs had made derisory bids. I know £2M sounds a lot, but Hull wanted CMS and came in an offered £1.5M and were told "you can have Aaron McLean for that amount" - so thats what they did :-) He has played wide right for us on occasion but is not very effective. He is lightning quick and never gives defenders a minutes rest. The amount of mistakes he gets from defenders by hassling them is legendary in these parts. He has worked very hard on his finishing in the last couple of yrs and has now got a very good conversion rate. Him and Lambert up front would be a combination that would serve you very well in the Championship let alone L1
  4. just reading through the threads.... just to confirm CMS is out of contract in the summer of 2012 not this summer.
  5. Posh fan here - host of the un-official Posh fans podcast. We are now obviously all very worried that this deal may go through this week. If CMS goes then that is our promotion campaign out of the window.... the lad is a diamond and lots of Championships clubs are circling but are yet to come even close to what the club want. It will be a minimum of £2M plus add-on's for the club to even consider it, is what we understand.
  6. This is the interview that everyone wanted this week - the u****, no holds barred views of Darragh MacAnthony on the return of Darren Ferguson to PUFC, the stress and strain of running a club, the unacceptable conduct of agents, the bids for Joe Lewis and much much more. This is the passion, desire and honesty that all football fans want from their club Chairmen! Fans of many other clubs are listening to this to get an insight into how a club works off the pitch, not just those with a love of the Posh. Mr MacAnthony decided to give this exclusive interview to the un-official Posh fans podcast "Standing On The Glebe" - and it can be downloaded or streamed from http://www.standingontheglebe.co.uk (top of the page)
  7. Morning All, We have an un-official Posh fans podcast that this week looks back over the slaughter @ St Marys on Saturday, and should be pleasant listening for you lot ! It is called Standing On The Glebe, and can be downloaded by searching for that on itunes (Episode 15) or directly from our website: http://www.standingontheglebe.co.uk All feedback is really useful, and all the best for the season. Cheers
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