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Everything posted by jjsaint

  1. I think I hate Woy's England more than Pompey now. Surprised at this.
  2. Titus Bramble can help us keep our own-goal tally intact. HCDAJFU
  3. jjsaint


    ...as none came back for seconds...
  4. http://www1.skysports.com/transfer/news/12691/9428096/brezovan-joins-portsmouth
  5. He was a cracking player. What a great band. RIP Glenn.
  6. Van Gaal looks like the chap from Eraserhead. So, no thanks.
  7. They don't need a Plan B. They're Pompey, and they'll be fine because they always are no matter what they do. The unflushables.
  8. Great news. May tempt me up...
  9. My favourite was 'Garp'. You could tell the depth of his ability even back then.
  10. jjsaint

    Israel / Gaza

    I believe in peace, not taking sides. Once you have taken sides then you become an aggressor. Of course one side is guilty of more atrocities at this stage, but vilification will not make them disappear. And Hamas are no angels.
  11. Hmmmm. Out = Defender who wet his lacy panties trying to keep up with a very average Brazil side. In = World Cup finalist
  12. jjsaint

    Israel / Gaza

    Maybe we can keep this as the 'peace in the Middle East' thread or the 'not everybody hates everybody else' thread and have a separate one where everyone can unleash their inner Joey Barton/Yossi Benayoun should they so desire?
  13. jjsaint

    Israel / Gaza

    This is good to see, and there is more of this than the media wishes to show.
  14. Koeman Pochettino Koeman
  15. Wasn't he player of the season one year IIRC?
  16. So many poor performances. I especially remember the Carling Cup defeat at Peterborough. I'd missed the Crystal Palace debacle and got my first treat of the wonderful Alan Bennett.
  17. Well said. One of these w*nkers needs to be made an example.
  18. Do they sell 'brotherdaddy' and 'sistermummy' shirts too?
  19. There is a certain Disney movie that has a scene which always, always leaves me in floods of tears. It's not even that sad, but it reminds me of someone who passed away.
  20. Nice ad. At least I know what I'll be wiping my aṙse with tonight.
  21. Unfortunately this. If he tries his little drama queen routine with the Liverpool mafia the scenario will be slightly different. At any rate, I thought the club were civilised enough. No backhanded compliments or dog-whistle digs, just a polite and brief response.
  22. Two things: 1. Hi Adam. 2. F*ck the jumped up little c*nt.
  23. Individually good. Very bad when taken as a whole. We've lost our manager and three of our best players with others sure to follow.
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