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Everything posted by jjsaint

  1. Better you than me.
  2. Done. Feel free to bask in your new-found knowledge.
  3. I'll pass on the anal sex thanks, although I appreciate the offer. Recognition of a job well done is all I ask.
  4. I'm not entirely convinced about this 'strike' business anyway. IIRC this came from the OS at a time when the propaganda machine was in full swing. At any rate he won't come, if he did come may not be what we'd need, and wage might be a serious issue.
  5. To my eternal shame I think I've got them as well.
  6. The relegation match in 2005 against Man U. And come to think of it the dozen or so matches before this one.
  7. Good call. Best metal album ever IMHO and always one of the albums of the year, every year.
  8. £28.00, although I have them rarely. I let my hair grow out until I can't stand it any longer. Sometimes if I'm lucky I can get a free haircut from my mother-in-law when she's visiting.
  9. Dave Lamb. The voice from Come Dine With Me. The programme is bad enough without his input. I want him dead.
  10. Has to be Stoke.
  11. Messi certainly has the potential to be the best footballer of all time, if he isn't already.
  12. Clarkson is a total c*** but this was obviously a joke. He should just be ignored.
  13. A bucket full of Lithuanian coins would be quite funny.
  14. Indeed - I thought quote #2 was yours!
  15. In the famous words of Mandy Rice Davies, 'Well, he would, wouldn't he?'
  16. We won't anyway after next year. Let them burn.
  17. This is now my computer background.
  18. Of course FL will make it up as they go along, as usual. There's no telling what will happen. If there isn't a points deduction we should write to the FL and ask for those 10 points back. As this will be our last year in the FL we'll take them this year, thanks.
  19. Best news I've heard all day!
  20. I don't think we should buy players from Bristol clubs, especially after they score against us
  21. jjsaint

    Gary Speed

    A lot of people's lives have been ruined by the suicide of a loved one. I've seen this firsthand and it is pretty horrible. I therefore agree that suicide is generally selfish and yes possibly a cowardly act. However one act (no matter how extreme) doesn't mean that a person cannot be loved, admired and missed, be they a family member, friend or public figure such as Gary Speed. I think of people like Gary Speed & how they must have felt. It is such an irrational act that he could not have been thinking rationally, he may have thought his family would be better off without him, that his life had nothing to add. I am just glad that he is at peace now, to a place where whatever drove him to take his own life can no longer haunt him. Of course we all wish he could have found this place on Earth but it was not to be... Shouldn't be too hard on Harlee though, it was a disrespectful post but he is young, and I don't know him so who knows what he may have had to deal with. God I sound like damn hippie but I get emotive over this sort of thing. While there is no right or wrong way to deal with this, I just hope the papers allow his young family to grieve.
  22. jjsaint

    2 in a row

    No reason why we shouldn't beat Hull. Our away from is nothing special but at home we dominate.
  23. He may well have snubbed us if our wage offer was low, or on a pay as you play etc.
  24. jjsaint

    Gary Speed

    Sad news about Gary Speed, what drives people to do these things. I can't help but think of his poor lads, just coming up to Christmas season as well. RIP Gary & I hope you now have the peace that eluded you on Earth.
  25. Normal work day for me.
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