1,227 -
Everything posted by jjsaint
Although West Ham seem to be taking that approach (if you believe all the transfer rumours that is...)
Two kids, 5 and 3. They are lovely little people, but I've aged 15 years in the last five.
Agreed View from the Top, 'cheering' is perhaps not the right word.
'Tommy can you feel me...' Ok now I have lowered the tone of almost every thread.
This has killed stone dead any chance I had of going to this one.
And the US/UK have every right to defend themselves, and strike first if need be. Iran are neither wrong not right, the West is neither wrong nor right. However is there is a war, I would prefer to win.
The problem with Wikipedia is not the lack of citings, but the use of the citings (often second- or third- hand and out of context) and the quality of the original material. It looks to me as if he said what he said, then (for whatever reason) softened his approach. To be honest I don't think there will be a war with Iran and the West. I think the current policy of assassinations will keep the nuclear programme at bay, and eventually an earthquake (they are not, after all, unknown to the region) will finish it off, with massive loss of life but niothing we can do about that.
Absolutely. AT any rate the oil will eventually run out, which will be interesting for the Middle East.
Still not convinced, sorry. Iranian government sources denied that Ahmadinejad issued any sort of threat. On 20 February 2006, Iran's foreign minister Manouchehr Mottaki told a news conference: "How is it possible to remove a country from the map? He is talking about the regime. We do not recognize legally this regime." In other words, they do not wish to remove the country from a map. That is, there will still be a geographic land mass where Israel used to be. However, it will no longer be populated by 'the current regime', which I take to mean Israelis in general as opposed to Netanyahu's cabinet. I fully accept that 'wipe off the map' is an English phrase which has no direct Farsi translation. What I do not accept is the supposition that the original quote was substantially different.
Bexy, Bexy, Bexy. Oh dear. Prison Planet = Extremely biased news organisation (at best), Conspiracy Theory nutjob website (at worst). Wikipedia = well, Wikipedia. These sources do not convince. Give me the NYT any day (which incidentally is one of the farthest-left newspapers in the US, if not the English-speaking world).
Must be the same measurement that I use when I tell my wife that it's really 9 inches.
I'd never really thought of this angle. How depressing.
So Iran would like to remove the current Israeli regime, and is building nuclear weapons. Sound worrying to me. The problem is, I seriously doubt that your sources are any less biased (albeit in an opposite direction) than the MSM. And having said this, I would say that the MSM is fairly left-wing and anti-war, unless you read the Mail and the Telegraph. And even with the DT, they allow dissenting opinion to be raised. Do your sources give a balanced view - or are they as I suspect blogs by conspiracy theory crackpots or Trotskyite academics. In theory you would have a point here. I just feel that too many people choose an anti-West viewpoint as their default position, which is submission in its own right.
Does this apply to vertical bacon as well
Sounds the same to me, or at least the methods to bring either of these about would be quite similar. What I find sad is that you have fallen prey to a different kind of scaremongering, but one that is against your own culture.
1. The transfer window is far from over. I doubt Lee will be our last signing. 2. I don't understand the hype about Jutkiewicz. He is a decent, but not outstanding player from what I've seen. 3. I would imagine Lee will settle in OK, as far as I've seen Asian players don't experience the culture shock as much as those from, say, South America. Although I am a little worried about the lack of physicality in the J-League. He will need to get savvy quite quickly.
Spurs can enquire all they want about Adam. £50m or they can f*ck off (£30m for Adam + £20m for f*cking us on the Bale transfer) Getting back to the original subject of the thread, Sordell > Jutkeweicz (sp) any day of the week.
I don't even know why I am weighing into this. You lot have firmly held opinions which I am unlikely to sway. Perhaps Iran's helpful suggestion that Israel should be 'wiped off the map' is enough to make one worry about their aggressive tendencies. And I have not forgotten the hostages from the US embassy in 1979. I am not sticking up for US/UK foreign policy, as there are many aspects with which I disagree. However. if there is going to be a war, with the West on one side and Iran on the other, I know who I'll be cheering for. And yes, after 9/11, 7/7, Madrid and countless similar atrocities throughout the world I am twitchy about any Islamic state showing any signs of sabre-rattling, especially a nuclear-armed Islamic state. I believe that the effects of Pakistan having the bomb will prove to be disastrous over time. I wouldn't worry about a full blown war, though, as US and Israel (as well as the UK and France possibly) will ensure that Iran's nuclear scientists keep having unfortunate accidents. Again I'm not justifying assassinations but perhaps it is better than becoming embroiled in a traditional land war with the casualties piling up.
Maybe a variation on the '10 Alsatians' song that Man U sing for Jisung Park. Then again, maybe not...
The hallmark of lazy thinkers. Blame the West for all the ills in the world.
There are a lot of bad movies out there. I don't even go to the cinema anymore unless it's for my kids. Most of the worst movies are Hollywood 'family movies'. Just thinking of the rap scene in Three Men and a Little Lady makes me twitch violently even 20 years on. The Blair Witch Project was the most disappointing movie I've ever seen. After all that hype and it's just terrible.
The Sha ggs - 60s girl group. Hard to find their music, but if you do, you'll never forget it. They have a couple of dowloadable tracks on iTunes and a handful of YouTube clips such as the one below... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InpCzx5OQRU
Back of the net.
Looking forward to this one, haven't been to Brum in ages.
- FA Cup match against Man U. - Late winner against Bristol Rovers in March or April. This is when I began to believe we were going up. - Opening season fixture against Leeds. - Brighton at home in November.