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Everything posted by jjsaint

  1. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/21839361 For the best really. The best years of his career are far behind him & it would be a shame seeing him play for Borehamwood FC or the like...
  2. He certainly did have WMD at one point, but saw how ineffective they were & got rid. Glad he's gone but should have been done as a covert assassination rather than a war that tore the country apart.
  3. Sounds like Boruc will need to get a new Tshirt done
  4. I don't mind. Stuart Little was a mouse which meant he could sniff out the best cheese!
  5. Oops yeah, that was already taken - twice. How about: Hamburger Hill or Harold and Kumar Get the Munchies
  6. We will finish third. FACT. Nothing can stop the Southampton machine, not even reality.
  7. Pocchetino is a managerial genius, he'll get us into the top four. After all, only us and Chelsea have managed to lose to QPR at home - and look where Chelsea are now.
  8. I fear Twitch will send us down a second time. 17 QPR ------ 18 Saints 19 Wigan 20 Reading
  9. St Marys.
  10. Heard Richard Thompson's gig at the Barbican last week. 60-something and still an energetic flawless performance. Music is about as not dead as it is possible to be.
  11. Mid 90s reference? Nice.
  12. Sprouts. Beetroot. Obviously beer & various forms of liquid libation.
  13. We fielded players we could afford. They should have been humbled by our honesty as a club.
  14. Jim Brennan. But that was a mad season.
  15. Kevin Miller in 2005-6.
  16. The lawyers' fees will cost him an arm and a... never mind.
  17. Not sure what we can do about it though. After Afghanistan and Iraq, the US and UK public are tired of war.
  18. I heard it as 16 as well, everyone makes mistakes, big deal.
  19. Riise was pretty good, but we needed Barry's more so I will go for that one.
  20. The fun never ends. Portsmouth Football Club - legend. Thanks for all the entertainment!
  21. jjsaint


    In fairness Jakobsen wasn't Redknapp. Sturrock maybe? Redknapp brought in Twitch Jr, Bernard, Davenport, Camara and Quashie. (Correct me if I am wrong as my memory of those dark days are blighted by drink.) Camara was quality enough, rest were shocking.
  22. Two way street this as well. 'Friends' may be less likely to tell their famous mate to cut doen a bit.
  23. I was being sarcastic, should have used a rolling eyes smiley or a facepalm to denote this.
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