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Everything posted by S41NTS
I use this car park regularly http://www.richmond.gov.uk/home/community_and_living/local_maps/car_parks_map.htm?point=16 its very easy to get to and parking is reasonable. Its also 2 minutes walk to Richmond station.
I got back from Hurghada last weekend, I managed to avoid "pharaohs revenge" whilst there but have been on the toilet for the last couple of days. I went with the misses and we both absolutely loved it. I'm fortunate enough to have seen quite a lot of the world and it already ranks up there near the top (nothing will ever beat new zealand). As is mentioned somewhere in this topic most of the tourists in Hurghada were not English and some of the locals seem genuinely pleased to meet an English person... there is the sales element to meeting the locals but once you've learned a few arabic words and some of the hand gestures / body language they know exactly when to leave you alone. We actually got friendly enough with some of the locals for them to take us to some proper shops where bartering is not necessary and everything is price marked. Admittedly some of the prices were still a little high but even with GBP as it is nothing seemed overly expensive and we left with a few bags full. The ancient monuments, temples and tombs really are amazing. Also as mentioned above Karnak should not be missed. We did a trip down to Luxor that included many sites. You need a whole holiday to do them all. As for the nightlife, it depends what you are looking for but there is a Ministry of Sound & a Hedkandi in Hurghada, or there are lots of nice restaurants to eat & drink in for not much money. Watch out for the ice though! No one seems to have mentioned Makadi bay on here, before going I assumed it was part of Hurghada. Its actually quite some distance and consists of only hotels so there is not much to do there. Hurghada itself has an old town with some real egyptian life if you want to see it and a little more choice outside of the hotels. I suggest staying in Hurghada if you want to do more than sit by the pool. I'm a qualified diver who dives here in the UK so was looking forward to the Red Sea and wasnt dissapointed. There are many many sites on the water with a large variety of life. We saw dolphins, amongst many other species. We're already talking about the next trip and incorporating a short Cairo stopover to see the Pyramids.
Really looking forward to this game, lets hope we get the result we need! I've got a few good contacts in Nottingham so I'm going corporate for this one.
I caught a snippet of MM just before xmas on a live at the apollo program, I immediately asked for his DVD for xmas and have watched it a few times now. I think he's very very funny, he doesn't come across in the same way on programs such as mock the week because his humour doesnt seem to fit with the other comedians on it. I've also got tickets to see him in October at the BIC and am really looking forward to it. £30 might seem a bit steep but it sold out quickly so many people obviously feel they'll get value for money. I also went to see Jimmy Carr at the anvil this week which was pretty good, didnt start brilliantly but got funnier as the night went on.
One thing I've always wandered is.... Do they go into the hairdressers and say "I'll have the lesbian please"...??
I would love to but I've got hospitality tickets for old trafford this weekend. I haven't been before so it should be a good day out!
There are a few grounds that let people outside at half time for a smoke. I watch London Irish at the Madejski a few times a season and they let you out and back in with your ticket. Its definitely possible to cater for smokers but would involve some investment to research and implement something and we're clearly not in a position to do so. I'm happy to wait a couple of hours for a smoke so I don't really see the problem.
I'd say most of my closer friends have tried it and some have had "a bit of a problem" with it. A problem being £200+ a week on the stuff. Do some web research and you'll see that even some government estimates (based on some loose surveys probably) are no where near 75% of that age range. Particularly as it seems they like to group the research together into classes (Class A users etc etc) and not each particular drug. He's probably made that figure up and if he has no way to prove it then its almost definitely wrong.
Get in! Great result. Well done lads.
It pays to change banks sometimes anyway, i've also had some problems with Natwest recently which fortunately I managed to pin on them. If I was you i'd shop around and go elsewhere.
I know exactly what you're saying and agree with you, but havent we been here before.... I'm a better fan because...
mmmmmm, and with salad cream.
I thought the same but its so thin that you hardly notice it in your pocket. Its actually so thin that it keeps sliding through the gap in my passenger seat in the car and I have to fish it out from behind the seat.
FYI everybody, I won with a rocket called "The Boss". It was the loudest as well. We got a bit carried away in the shop and bought a 45KG box of fireworks as well, we were letting them off constantly for 3 hrs!
Emsley Plumbing & Heating. He's a good mate of mine. 01962 889200, if he doesnt answer his office phone PM me your number and I'll get him to call you. He also lives in Winchester.
As far as I know its exactly the same as the iphone, it just doesn't have the phone or camera. Mine even has a cover behind the case where the camera lense would be. Yes I player works on the iPhone, and the touch. Junction 9 - It has a lot that the classic doesn't. Full web browsing, loads of cool apps, multi touch screen etc etc.
No, its effectively an iPhone without the phone or camera parts.
I questioned the price at the time and they went ahead as normal. Then when I got home I noticed that the receipt was for something else.
There is something in Tea that triggers Migraines for me. I've inherited it from my Mum as she used to have exactly the same symptoms. I've never been to see a doctor about it but I have not had one since I stopped drinking tea about 3 years ago. Its definitely not caffeine as I can drink other products that are high in caffeine.
I just bought an Ipod Touch, i've got very little that's bad to say about it. Its a great little gadget. There was some mistake by the person on the till in the apple store though and I only paid £100 for an 8GB one.
I dont disagree with your opinion at all but thats the competition and it makes it a little more interesting than a who can spend the most money competition. The single ignition display firworks can get quite big and its just a case of who can spend the most money to get the large ones. Its also the rocket size i.e. the plastic bit on the end so I dont think i'll get away with a longer stick. I will try that one as a bit of a joke entry though, a long piece of bamboo should do nicely. I've dedicated tomorrow morning to going between fireworks shops until I find the biggest one I can... I believe a few of the other competition entries will be doing the same.
The competition is for the biggest rocket, there are strict rules on this so turning up with a single ignition display isnt going to help. Saying that I am probably going to get one as well. Its a single rocket that I'm after, the biggest wins.
That sounds like what I'm looking for. Do you remember what it was called?
They already have mini adverts on their boots as part of sponsorship deals, adverts for Nike, Umbro etc etc.
They already have mini adverts on their boots as part of sponsorship deals, adverts for Nike, Umbro etc etc.