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Everything posted by S41NTS
Do we have any evidence for this?
Have you done any research into the numbers who used the installment plan for previous seasons?
Stu - have you talked to Zebra about setting this up for the fans regardless of the clubs view on installment plans? Surely if its that easy something can be done independantly of the club to cater for the fans looking to purchase using installments.
Could we not offer it but pass the additional cost on, eg. pay a % fee for it??
This statement has an air of arrogance about it... "New season ticket sales, half season tickets & instalments Season ticket sales will cease on Friday 6th August. Half season tickets will not be available this season and the Club will not be offering a payment instalment plan for season tickets." I would be interested to hear exactly what proportion of previous season tickets were paid for by installments. I would also be interested to hear how the club thinks that families who own mulitple tickets will pay for them despite leaving it so late to provide any information. Lets say you have a family consisting of 1 adult & 2 children, that makes the total cost between £800 & £1000 depending on the age of the kids and where you sit. With 2 months to find the money I can see this being very difficult for a lot of families.
I've been fortunate to work in many countries around the world, including Dubai & Abu Dhabi. In my experience blatant prostitution is common in lots of strict muslim countries as is the consumption of alcohol. It always surprises me when I hear stories of western people being arrested for doing something that many of the locals do all the time.
It was clearly a combination of the two, along with one or two games lost or drawn that really should have been won later on in the season. NC would be mad to get rid of AP withouth having some kind of super manager lined up to replace him and I'm pretty sure he wont, as fans we probably do need to tread carefully though as NC seems to have a very good relationship with ML and any anti NC protesting could be a catalyst to our renewed downfall. Taking everything into account the club has spent a relatively huge sum of money and better results should be expected as a result but all in all I cant see how this season can be viewed as a failure. I certainly wasnt expecting to be in this position early on in the season.
Yes please when its back up.
Perfect apart from the huddersfield late win. This season just got very very exciting.
we want 6, we want 6!
the fans sound awesome, get in! la la la la la la la la la
Have you been watching the "Wonders of the Solar System"? The last episode was an interesting documentary on the very real possibility of life on other planets & moons within our solar system. I wonder how the average "religous extremist" would explain life outside the earth and where that was mentioned in the story of all creation if or when it is discovered.
As long as there is a right back on the shopping list as well, i would be very happy with this signing.
Surely if you're gonna spend the night out somewhere and get a hotel then you may as well get on up to london town and enjoy a bit of a lie in..!
We were sold tickets for the train leaving at 7:23 from Winchester. The tickets were specifically for this train. It was always a concern that we might not get on it but I'm putting the blame on SWT for poorly managing the situation. We were advised at the station by SWT staff that the services had been dramatically oversold. How would you feel if you bought tickets for a saints match only to find on arrival at St Marys that it had been oversold and there was no room so you would have to come to the next one... which might also be full??? We always had the taxi to Basingstoke in mind as a backup plan, which even when combined with the train ticket was cheaper than getting a coach.
Regardless of the lack of extra trains they should have made some effort to manage the situation rather than selling as many tickets as they could and relying on customers to ask for a refund. This is very greedy behaviour and I will definitely be asking for a refund for the train and the taxi.
Did anyone miss the match yesterday due to the travel problems on the way up? We were told that the 7:23 from Winchester was too full and therefore not letting anyone on and had to get a taxi to basingstoke and a train from there. I know a few people who binned the train altogether and got a taxi straight to Wembley. We were warned via the club website that there were a limited number of trains but I think it could have been managed by SWT in a much better way by doing something like limiting tickets to pre-sales so that a fixed number could be purchased. What really annoyed me is that they were still selling tickets to people arriving at the station after they had made the announcement about the full train. At the very least this should have been stopped. Regardless of the travel problems we got there in plenty of time ( we were queuing outside the globe prior to it opening at 10am ) and had a brilliant day. Finished off nicely by a chance meeting and a few pics with a certain Mr. Le God outside the ground.
EDIT - This is sorted now. See you all on Sunday!
block 134, row 32
I'm 99% sure that its only sold as "plant food" to get around the medicine act and ensure that its not being supplied for human consumption
This is already a guilty until proven innocent case http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8571935.stm Not until the very bottom of the page does it say that a post mortem is being carried out, this media frenzy has developed once again without any actual evidence. I hate the media in this country.
People also seem to forget how easy it is to get hold of drugs in this country, just because this one is available over the internet doesnt mean it is any easier to get... in fact due to delivery times it is probably harder to get your hands on some quickly than most illegal drugs.
The Mephodrone comedown appears to vary person to person, some suffer for a couple of days whilst other can wake up the next day feeling fine. This is generally regardless of the dosage. Apparently it was first discovered by the french authorities in 2007. I really dont understand this "ban it now" aproach, how many lives are ruined by alcohol, tabacco and prescription drugs every day and they are still legal and perfectly acceptible.
Dont you think you should wait to hear from the post mortems before deciding that it is responsible for their deaths. This has happened a couple of times already and it has been proven that there were either underlying conditions that caused the death or something else was responsible. Banning will not stop people using this drug. Personally I think that the best way to deal with drug use is legalisation so that it can be regulated and properly controlled ( and also taxed so that the rest of us could potentially benefit as well).