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Everything posted by S41NTS

  1. Any fans in Doha for the match on Sunday? We used to have a little group of saints but everyone has left now.
  2. Travelled from Qatar as 2. Have 1 ticket but need 1 more for tomorrow. Please help. Will buy a few beers for the seller as an Xmas helper. Sent from my LG-H818 using Tapatalk
  3. I promised a family member some tickets to this game and left it a little too long to get them. If anyone has 2 spare tickets I'd gladly take them off your hands.
  4. Have a spare ticket if anyone wants a normal (non obstructed view) ticket. Will sell at face value.
  5. On average, people with household incomes similar to yours have an annual balance of... £-27,221 Your household is in the tenth decile, where one has the least disposable income and ten has the most. Households from the 7th decile and above, on average, pay more in tax than they receive in benefits and services. Ouch.
  6. You can take your drinks outside. The first 2 games of the season were in higher catagory so the police told the pub not to allow anyone outside with a drink and made them close the garden completely. This is obviously as a result of all the problems they've had with passing away fans. Virtually every other game this season (bar Poopey) is not in the same higher catagory and you will be able to drink outside. You may have noticed that all the internal furniture was also removed for these matches but it was back on Saturday. This is all because of idiots starting fights with passing away fans in previous seasons. The new barriers included. As for the pub being run down. I cant remember a time when it wasnt.
  7. Happy Happy.
  8. Hi there. Yours is all saints themed and that.
  9. my Celtic season ticket holding mate just sent this to me - He's Utter Pish, slow as a week in jail with the turning circle of a Boeing 747 and the touch of a Rhino.
  10. They should do a futuristic image of the ryanair version with double the seats and the stunning colour scheme.
  11. Ireland, Wales, Scotland, Channel Islands, France, Germany, Spain, Swizerland, Austria, Greece, Italy, Belgium, Holland, Portugal, Norway, Finland, Slovakia, Turkey, Tunisia, Morrocco, Egypt, Abu Dhabi, Qatar, Oman, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, US, China. I think thats it.
  12. S41NTS

    Plymouth Away

    Thanks to DSM for sorting a ticket out. Does anyone else have a spare? I could do with another one now. We can give you a lift there and back as well if it helps.
  13. S41NTS

    Plymouth Away

    Beer. Sexual Favours. Etc. I assumed people would prefer cash.
  14. S41NTS

    Plymouth Away

    I'll definitely take this. Let me know how you want to sort it out.
  15. S41NTS

    Plymouth Away

  16. S41NTS

    Plymouth Away

    I could trade for a Walsall at home ticket as I can no longer make the biggest home match of the season. Unfortunately a close friend has decided to get married on that weekend. To make matters worse he also happens to be a Skate.
  17. I couldnt go but I can now. Has anyone got a spare ticket? I have cash.
  18. I travel in & out of southampton at least fortnightly and they have one of the most efficient and friendly security teams I have come across. The fact that you think most airports allow pocket change suggests that you dont travel quite as regularly as you make out. I suspect that the shouting was in an effort to hurry you along so that they could maintain the normal efficiency we all expect. Perhaps if you had read all of the signs (and there are a lot of them) and emptied your pockets before the last few seconds they would have been a little more polite.
  19. We all dream of a team of chamberlains, a team of chamberlains......
  20. Surely a white wall with a big diagonal red line across it would be more than adequate. You wont need wallpaper for that!
  21. S41NTS


    This is a serious thread looking for some advice.
  22. S41NTS


    I'm organising a stag night in Southampton and looking to get a stripper in for a bit of a show. Having never booked one before can anyone recommend any companies / agencies / strippers? Obviously we're not going to book anything without photo's (more than one). A google search seems to bring up lots of amatuer looking websites and some crap low res images that dont help me decide if I want to see her without any clothes on. Cheers.
  23. http://www.saintsfc.co.uk/page/ProfilesDetail/0,,10280~37159,00.html Has Lallana always been listed as a striker??
  24. Renewed last thing yesterday after nearly forgetting! Cant wait.
  25. The only alternative I can think of to your suggestion is poor management, perhaps due to lack of experience NC was unaware of the payment plan for season tickets until he considered it too late to do anything about it. The lack of any detailed response from the club on this matter does however add weight to your argument. Its possible that they are hoping we will be so annoyed about the situation that we boycott season ticket purchases knowing that a good start to the season will bring fans in anyway. The deeper this goes without any clear explanation from the club the more I am inclined to agree with your "conspiracy theory".
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