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Everything posted by MDG

  1. Like many above, I would have taken 14th at the beginning of the season - but I also feel a little disappointed. We had some great results - Liverpool, Chelsea, Man City - but there were games at home which we would have made a big difference to our final position - the home games against Sunderland, QPR and Wigan - if we had won just two of those games - we would have finished 9th. I think that this will be our challenge for next year - stopping the slip ups against the teams in the lower part of the league. Still - having said that, very happy with where we finished. Happy that we can start to build. Onwards and upwards
  2. I am in the Maldives right now -was too nervous to follow on the radio so had to walk around the island several times to distract me! Wish I was in Soton right now though! Good times Onwards to the Premier League!
  3. This.
  4. I agree with this one - it is a fantastic day for us - but I am in the 'We need Pompey' camp - Having a local rival is a good thing for all us. I hope they sort things out and can rebuild ...
  5. Nice review of our team - the amazing one is without Chaplow we have lost so many points.
  6. That works forom my perspective - strong team ..... strength to come from the bench .....
  7. I have heard similar things from the Saints squad that year ..... He was not very inspiring ......
  8. I am 99% sure that I am in the second picture .... happy memories!
  9. I was also one of the hardy few at the Spurs game ...... Not a memorable night
  10. Hi, Mark, originally from Swanwick now living just outside Malmö - Also moved as a Love Refugee.
  11. R.I.P. Thank you for changing everything....
  12. interesting.......
  13. It means Saints possibly on the TV here in Sweden - but echoing Offix - it means pride in my club. But 'watching' via text updates is worse than listening to the radio ever was.....
  14. So very true .....
  15. Very hard to understand this decision - I only hope that the successor is lined up and we won't be in limbo for too long.
  16. R.I.P. Thank you for your faith in Saints
  17. Good to see Markus taking photos of our team! Just like a regular fan really!
  18. Very funny ...... Is that thread still running ..... ?
  19. This thread has made me smile for the first time today - a wonderful example of humour and baiting. Really should be put in the Golden Threads archive
  20. Was that the game when Andy Ritchie scored in injury time...? Cold Tuesday night if I remember.
  21. Just have to back up Phil - my experience of doing business in the Mid East is exactly as he described. I also have exactly the same opinion of the reasons why there is no Dubai money (most people think that Dubai is the big player - but all the 'real' money and power is in Abu Dhabi) Not sure how that will impact the Pompey bid - but, I met a number of people who could spin a good story and could find backing in the good times. However, the real business men are a limited few ......
  22. I can really identify - once I moved here to Sweden - I adopted Helsingborg as a team to follow. But it is not the same - when they lose or play badly, it doesn't hurt. I really thought that after being away for a few years I wouldn't care so much about Saints - and I like to kid myself that is the case - but I am on here every day checking the latest developments, and it does still hurt everytime I read of another failed takeover bid!
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